Тест "Местоимения. Модальные глаголы"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Смирнова Елена Алексеевна

Тест "Местоимения. Модальные глаголы" предназначен для учащихся 9 классов (учебник Enjoy English под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой"


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Предварительный просмотр:

        Test 9th Form. Pronouns, Modal Verbs.

I variant.

       I. Fill in the correct possessive adjective or pronoun.

  1. A: Why did you lend Alf your jacket?

B: Because he forgot ….and it was cold.

  1. A: Lisa looks upset. ….eyes are very red.

B: Yes. She had an argument with …best friend.

  1. A: Tom looks nice. …new clothes suit him.

B: Yes. I like…new clothes.

  1. A: Have you met …new boss yet?

B: No, but I have met …secretary.

5.   A: Mr and Mrs Ford must be rich. …car is very expensive.

B: Yes, and it’s much faster than…

6.   A: I like …dress.

B: Oh, it’s not… . My sister lent it to me.

  1. A: Kathy enjoys … job.

B: Yes, and she gets on very well with … colleagues.

  1. A: Have you seen…keys?

B: Yes. They’re on the table beside… .

      II.  Use reflexive pronouns in the following sentences.

      f.e. I closed the door behind myself.

  1.  They told me the news …. .

  2. She will answer the letter …. .

  3. The found …. in a strange place.

  4. I’ll pay for …. .

  5. Don’t worry about Tom and me. We can look after … .

  6. Dad fixed the roof by …. .

  7. You look pleased with … .

  8. He hates travelling by … .

 III. Fill in can, can’t, must, mustn’t, needn’t or have to. .

          f.e.   A: Is Jason at work today?

       B: He can’t be. His car isn’t in the car park.

1A: I can’t do my German homework. It’s too difficult.

B: I’ll help you. I … speak German.

  1. A: I’m going to watch television.

B: Alright, but you …… stay up too late.

  1. A: We … book a taxi to take us to the airport.

B: I’ll do it now.

  1. A: Shall I cook dinner tonight?

      B: No, you …. . We’re going to a restaurant.

  1. A: I didn’t know Rachel was in the choir.

B: Oh, yes. She … sing beautifully.

  1. A: Has Tim bought a car yet?

B: He … have. I saw him on the bus yesterday.

  1. A: She … be very rich.

B: Yes. She’s got a huge house and an expensive car.

  1. A: I did the washing-up for you.

B: Oh, you…. have, but it was kind of you.

  1. A: Would you like to come to my party on Saturday night?

B: I’d like to, but Mum says I …. visit my grandparents.


Test 9th Form. Pronouns, Modal Verbs.

II variant.

       I. Fill in the correct possessive adjective or pronoun.

  1. A: Have you met your new neighbours yet?

B: No, I’ve seen  …. children in the garden.

  1. A: Jack looks upset. ….eyes are red.

B: Yes. He had a problem with …friend.

  1. A: Marry looks nice. …new dress suit her.

B: Yes. I like…new dress.

  1. A: Have you met …new teacher yet?

B: No, but I have met …pupils.

5.   A: The Stogovs must be rich. …car is very expensive.

B: Yes, and it’s much faster than…

6.   A: I like …jeans.

B: Oh, it’s not… . My sister lent it to me.

  1. A: Rose enjoys … job.

B: Yes, and she gets on very well with … colleagues.

  1. A: Have you seen…. books?

B: Yes. They’re on the table beside… .

II.  Use reflexive pronouns in the following sentences.

      f.e. I closed the door behind myself.

  1. The girl has hurt …. .

  2. He put the fire out by …. .

  3. She is looking at … in the mirror..

  4. They are serving  …. .

  5. He cooked the food by  … .

  6. They bought this house for …. .

  7. You are enjoying … .

  8. We introduced … .

III. Fill in can, can’t, must, mustn’t, needn’t or have to. .

            f.e. A: Is Jason at work today?

       B: He can’t be. His car isn’t in the car park.

1.   A: Wow! Look at that man in the beautiful car.

B: Yes, he must be very rich.

  1. A: I’m going to watch video.

B: Alright, but you …… stay up too late.

  1. A: We … book a taxi to take us to the station.

B: I’ll do it now.

  1. A: Shall I cook breakfast tomorrow?

      B: No, you …. . We’re going to a cafe.

  1. A: I didn’t know Rachel was in the choir.

B: Oh, yes. She … sing beautifully.

  1. A: Has John bought a car yet?

B: He … have. I saw him on the bus yesterday.

  1. A: Mr Barker … be very rich.

B: Yes. He’s got a huge house and an expensive car.

  1. A: I did the washing-up for you.

B: Oh, you…. have, but it was kind of you.

  1. A: Would you like to come to my birthday party on Saturday night?

B: I’d like to, but Mum says I …. visit my grandparents.

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