разработка заданий школьного этапа Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку 8-9 классы
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (8 класс)

Попова Светлана Александровна

задания 2016-17гг


Файл olimpiada_8-9_klassy.rar1.29 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Name -__________________________Form -________Teacher-_____________________

Олимпиада по английскому языку. 8-9 классы.

Задание №1 Прослушайте текст и отметьте «+» или «-».

1. Bryan has been living in a boat for 20 years.

2. He lives in a boat with his family.

3. The man is homeless, that’s why he lives in a boat.

4. He lives in a boat in London.

5. Bryan is very glad about his decision to live in a boat.

6. Bryan`s boat has everything he needs for living.

7. The hero likes going for a holiday to other countries.

Задание №2 Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, данные под текстом (1- 10) так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы (1-10).

Night Watch is a (1) __________ attempt to make a Hollywood-like blockbuster similar  to film something like Matrix. As for the visuals, they have (2)__ ________ succeeded. I’m (3) _________ impressed with visuals, storyline and (4) _____________. Overall, the movie is dark and (5) __________. It is based on three (6) _________ books, which means it has a fine script and idea to offer, but it also means that the movie has to explain the (7) _________problems behind the book here and there, which sometimes makes it a bit slower than an average (8) __________ blockbuster. The movie is not dumb, and it is not (9)__________, though it is not a non-stop action either. If you like to see good visuals in movies, and have nothing against stories about people that have (10) ___________ powers, witches, vampires and so on, I'd recommend you to see this movie, there's no reason for you not to like it!        



(3) REAL

(4) ACT

(5) REAL

(6) FAME



(9) BORE

            (10) NATURE

Задание 3 Прочитайте текст и отметьте утверждения как: T – верное, F- неверное, NS – не сказано в тексте

Anna’s New School

It’s been a very exciting week, as we’ve just moved into our new school building! It’s an amazing place, as the builders have used wood for the whole thing, just like in our old school, but it’s also one of the first in my country designed to be really environmentally friendly.

We have five classrooms now, which are enormous – much bigger than in our previous school next door, which was very old. We share one room with people in the town when they want to have meetings and so on. There’s a nursery too, a lovely dining room, and really big changing rooms which we’re looking forward to using as soon as our new sports field is ready.

When you come into the school, one of the first things you notice is that there aren’t any heaters in the building! Instead, the heat for the school comes from all of us inside it – the children, the teachers and the computers we use. The building is so well-designed that it holds all the heat inside – and all the sound too, so if we sing inside our classrooms, we can almost believe we’re inside a concert hall!

Another thing you’ll notice is that the school roof has a tree on top of it! It was put there by the builders once they’d finished the roof, because they said it was the custom in Austria, the country where the roof was made. The electricity for lights and computers comes from a wind turbine on a hill behind the school. We went with our teacher to look at it yesterday, and it goes round really fast. It’s so big, it can be seen for miles! We took some pictures which we’re planning to put on the website. Even though we’re already using the school building, there are still some parts to be added to it. We’re so pleased with our new school, and our teachers say we’ll all learn much faster now we’re in it!

1. Anna’s school is the first one in her country to be made completely of wood.

2. Builders managed to carry on with work on the school despite the weather.

3. There are two rooms that are kept just for local people to use for meetings.

4. The children find the new changing rooms convenient when they do sports on their field.

5. Pictures of the wind turbine behind the school can now be seen online.

6. The builders wanted to do something traditional for the school when they’d finished the roof.

7. The new school building has great benefits for people who like to sing.

8. Electricity made by a wind turbine is much more effective.


Задание 4 Заполните таблицу аргументами «за» и «против.

     Write arguments for and against on the topic “Wearing School Uniform”

                           Arguments “for”                                        Arguments “against”

Total: ________points of 31.

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