Лексико - грамматические тесты по английскому языку 4 класс
тест по английскому языку

Васильева Нина Сергеевна

Лексико - грамматические тесты по английскому языку 4 класс


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Лексико – грамматические тесты

по английскому языку 4 класс

Вариант № 1

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. I   ( am, is, are)  at  the zoo.

2. We   ( is, are, am)  from Russia.

3. My sister ( have  got, has got ) a doll.

4. My   brother  and  I ( have got, has got ) a nice dog.

5. The  dog  ( like, likes, liking ) to play with my toys.

6. My father   ( works, working, work ) at the bakery.

7.  Look!  Larry   ( skate,  skates, skating, is skating).

8.  We   ( write, are writing, writes ) a test now.

9.  There   ( is, are ) two children in the classroom.

10. There   ( is, are)  a banana  on the table.

11. I`ve  got ( a, an, - ) orange.

12. There  is  ( some, any ) milk in the bottle.

13.  We haven`t got ( some,  any ) cheese in the fridge.

14. How  ( much,  many)bread do you need?

15. There   aren`t  ( much, many) apples in the bag.

16. My little brother has got  two  (tooth, tooths , teeth)

17. Kate has got five (doll, mice, child)

18. My birthday   is  ( in, on ) October.

19. ( Luly, Luly`s) toys are in the box.

20. How old  ( are you, you are)?

Cделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. Larry has got many friends.

2. Kate can   read very well.

3. He is a driver.

4. We are swimming now.

5. She likes pizza.  

Вариант №2

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. My mother ( am, is, are) at work.

2. I  ( am, is, are)  eleven.

3. We ( have  got, has got) a dog.

4. My brother ( have got, has got ) two friends.

5. He (likes, like, liking) to play soccer.

6. My sister ( go, gos, goes) to school every day.

7. Look! Larry ( is swimming, swims ).

8. We  ( is reading, are reading, read ) a book  now.

9. There (is, are) a ball in the box.

10. There  ( is, are) two apples on the table.

11. I`ve  got  ( a, an,-) aunt.

12. He has got ( some,  any) bananas.

13. Have you got  ( some, any) oranges?

14. How  ( many, much) butter do you need?

15. There aren`t  ( many, much) children  in the classroom.

16. How many ( foot, feet, foots) have you got?

17. My dog has got three ( puppies, puppy, puppys).

18. My birthday is ( in, on) September.

19. (Kate`s, Kate) dog is under the table.

20. What  ( are you, you are) doing?

Сделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. She is a teacher.

2. Mike has got a toy car.

3. Tom can climb.

4. We are writing a test.

5. Chuckles likes bananas.

Вариант № 3

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. We   ( am, is, are)  at   home.

2. Bob   ( is, are, am)  five.

3.  Tom  ( have   got, has got ) a bike.

4. My   sister   and  I ( have got, has got ) a computer.

5. His   dog   ( like, likes, liking ) to run.

6. My father   ( works, working, work ) at the bakery.

7.  Look!  Larry   ( skate,  skates, skating, is skating).

8. She can  (jump, jumps, to jump).

9.  There   ( is , are ) three books  on the  table.

10. There   ( is , are)  a girl     in the classroom.

11. I`ve   got  ( a, an, - ) uncle.

12. There   is  ( some, any ) orange juice in the bottle.

13.  We haven`t got  ( some,  any ) cheese in the fridge.

14. How   (  much,  many)bread do you need?

15. There   aren`t   ( much, many) apples in the bag.

16. Mr. Brown has got  two ( childs, children, son)

17. Kate has got five (doll, mice, child)

18. (  This  /Those) are his balls.

19. (  Ann  , Ann’s) pen  is in the box.

20.  (    Do  you   / Are you)……….like to dance?

Cделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. Tim has got many toys.

2. He can write very well.

3. We are pupils.

4.  Chuckles   is   climbing   now.

5. She   plays  tennis  every day.

Вариант №4

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. I (   am , is, are)  from Russia.

2.  She   ( am , is, are)  six.

3. They (  have   got , has got) funny kittens.

4. My   brother   ( have got, has got )a mobile phone.

5. My friends (likes, like, liking) to play computer games.

6. I (   go, gos, goes) to school every day.

7. Look! Larry ( rides,  is riding) his bike.

8. We   (  is  reading, are reading, read ) a book  now.

9. There (is, are) toys in the box.

10. There   ( is , are) a  ball  under the table.

11. My   father  is  ( a, an,-) officer.

12. He has got ( some,   any) CDs.

13. Have you got   ( some,  any)  friends ?

14. How   ( many,  much) potatoes do you need?

15. There  isn’t  ( many, much )  meat in the  fridge.

16. I can see a lot of ( man,  men, mans) in the picture.

17. My   uncle has got two……(horse, horses, horse’s)

18. I like  (this, these  ) little house.

19. (Nina / Ninas/  Nina’s) toys are funny.

20. What  game ( do you play, are you play, are you playing) now?

Сделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. She is a teacher.

2. My sister   has got a teddy bear.

3. We can   read .

4. Kate is skating.

5. Larry plays at home.

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