отработка first conditional 6 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

Кобзева Вера Геннадьевна

упражнения на отработку грамматического навыка


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Предварительный просмотр:

1.Выберите подходящую форму глагола в каждом предложении.

  1. If we … (will leave/leave/leaves) at 7 o’clock, we … (will arrive/arrive/arrives) on time.
  2. If Bob … (will get/get/gets) a good job, he … (will buy/buy/buys) a new car.
  3. If you … (won’t drink/don’t drink/doesn’t drink) wine, you … (won’t feel/don’t feel/doesn’t feel) sleepy.
  4. The child … (will start/start/starts) crying if the toy … (will break/break/breaks).
  5. We … (will go/go/goes) to the beach if the weather … (will be/is/be) sunny tomorrow.
  6. I … (will be/am/be) late for the concert if I … (won’t find/don’t find/doesn’t find) a taxi.
  7. If he … (will become/become/becomes) Prime Minister, he … (will raise/raise/raises) taxes.
  8. If you … (will be/are/is) more careful, you … (won’t make/makes/make) so many mistakes.

2.If I see him, I (tell) him the news. 2. The table will break if you (stand) on it. 3. If he (eat) all the cakes, he will be ill. 4. If I find уour book, I (let) you know. 5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him. 6. If he (read) late at night, he is sleepy in the morning. 7. If he (need) a pen, he can borrow mine. 8. Your car (be stolen) if you left it unlocked. 9. The teacher will get angry if you (make) many mistakes. 10. She will be furious if she (hear) this. 11. If you boil some water, I (make) tea. 12. If you leave your bag here, it (be lost). 13. You’ll miss the bus if you (not/leave) at once. 14. If you come late, they (not/let) you in.

1.Выберите подходящую форму глагола в каждом предложении.

  1. If we … (will leave/leave/leaves) at 7 o’clock, we … (will arrive/arrive/arrives) on time.
  2. If Bob … (will get/get/gets) a good job, he … (will buy/buy/buys) a new car.
  3. If you … (won’t drink/don’t drink/doesn’t drink) wine, you … (won’t feel/don’t feel/doesn’t feel) sleepy.
  4. The child … (will start/start/starts) crying if the toy … (will break/break/breaks).
  5. We … (will go/go/goes) to the beach if the weather … (will be/is/be) sunny tomorrow.
  6. I … (will be/am/be) late for the concert if I … (won’t find/don’t find/doesn’t find) a taxi.
  7. If he … (will become/become/becomes) Prime Minister, he … (will raise/raise/raises) taxes.
  8. If you … (will be/are/is) more careful, you … (won’t make/makes/make) so many mistakes.

2.If I see him, I (tell) him the news. 2. The table will break if you (stand) on it. 3. If he (eat) all the cakes, he will be ill. 4. If I find уour book, I (let) you know. 5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him. 6. If he (read) late at night, he is sleepy in the morning. 7. If he (need) a pen, he can borrow mine. 8. Your car (be stolen) if you left it unlocked. 9. The teacher will get angry if you (make) many mistakes. 10. She will be furious if she (hear) this. 11. If you boil some water, I (make) tea. 12. If you leave your bag here, it (be lost). 13. You’ll miss the bus if you (not/leave) at once. 14. If you come late, they (not/let) you in.

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