методическая разработка по английскому языку

Сурина Юлия Борисовна

Методическая разработка


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Предварительный просмотр:

Cценарий  мифа о короле Мидасе

для учащихся 6х, 7х классов.

The Greedy King

(a myth)

Characters: the narrator, King Midas, his daughter and a magician.


Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a greedy king. He was rich enough but still he wanted more and more gold. In his opinion, gold meant happiness.

King Midas is sitting at the table and looking at the gold things on the table in front of him. A Magician comes in and stands behind him.

KING MIDAS: Oh, I like gold very much!

MAGICIAN: You have very much gold, King Midas.

KING MIDAS: Yes, I have much gold. But I want more. I want everything I touch to turn to gold.

MAGICIAN: Do you want to have the Golden Touch?

KING MIDAS: Oh, yes. Then I shall make as much gold as I like.

MAGICIAN: You are greedy, King Midas. You like gold most of all in the world. All right. Have the Golden Touch! Everything you touch will turn to gold.

Narrator: The king became really obsessed with his new ability to turn everything into gold. He touched the furniture  and was delighted how wonderful it looked.

The Magician goes out, King Midas’s daughter comes in.

Daughter: Father, look at these beautiful roses! I have brought them for you from the garden. I know that you love the roses! Take them, please.

KING MIDAS (taking flowers): Thank you, dear daughter! (When he takes the flowers, they turn to gold) Look at them. They are gold flowers now.

DAUGHTER: Oh, what has happened to my beautiful flowers? Oh, Oh, I don’t like them any more. (She begins to cry)

KING MIDAS: (Touching her hair) why are you so sorry, my daughter? The flowers are gold now.

Suddenly he stops and looks at his daughter in surprise. She stands like a statue.

KING MIDAS: Oh, what have I done! My dear daughter has become a gold statue. Oh, oh! (He begins to cry)

Narrator: The king started to see how unconsidered his actions were. He was inconsolable.

MAGICIAN (coming into the room): King Midas! You wanted to have the Golden Touch, and you have it now. You can turn everything to gold. Are you not happy?

KING MIDAS: Oh, now. I am not happy. My dear daughter has become a statue. She was good and beautiful, and she loved me. Now she is cold –she has died. I am the unhappiest man in the world! Please take back the Golden Touch from me!

MAGICIAN: But you like gold best of all in the world.

KING MIDAS: No, no! I love my daughter best of all. I can’t live  without her any more!

MAGICIAN: All right. Be it so! You have had a good lesson. Flowers and your daughter are better than gold. Take this water and sprinkle your daughter and the flowers.

King Midas does so, and the daughter and the flowers become real again. The Magician does out.

DAUGHTER (looking at her father and at her dress with surprise): Father, why are you sprinkling water on my new dress?

KING MIDAS: Oh, my dear daughter! I liked gold best of all, but now I don’t like it. Take your flowers and put them into water, please.

Narrator: The story teaches to think before taking decisions. Not everything that is done can be undone.