Викторина по теме Great Britain
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Сурина Юлия Борисовна

Методическая разработка


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Викторина по теме: «Great Britain»

  1. Класс
  1. What kind of state is the UK?

a) republic ,

b) parliamentary monarchy ,

c) monarchy

  1. What is nickname of the flag of  the UK?
  1. Stars and stripes,
  2.  Union Jack ,
  3. Flag of St. Patrick’s Cross

  1. What is the name of the London’s residence of Queen Elizabeth II
  1. Windsor Palace ,
  2. Kensington Palace,
  3. Buckingham Palace

  1. What title does Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British Queen, have?
  1. Prince of Wales,
  2. Prince of Scotland,
  3. Prince of England

  1. What does the word “Albion”, the poetic name of Great Britain, mean?
  1. white,
  2. green,
  3. red

  1. What is the national emblem of England?
  1. violet,
  2. rose,
  3. tulip

  1. What part of Britain is called “land of song”?
  1. England,
  2. Wales,
  3. Scotland

  1.  What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of UK?
  1. No.10 Downing Street,
  2. Baker’s street,
  3. Whitehall


  1. In what town is the residence of the head of the English Church?
  1. Canterbury,
  2. Manchester,
  3. Liverpool

  1. What is the name of the oldest and best known public school for boys in Great Britain?
  1. Norwich,
  2. Bath,
  3. Eton

  1. What is oldest university of Green Britain?
  1. Oxford,
  2. Cambridge,
  3.  Exeter

  1. What is another name for the Houses of  Parliament
  1. The Clearness Palace ,
  2. St. James’s Palace,
  3.  Palace of Westminster

  1.  Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
  1. Admiral Nelson,
  2.  General Washington,
  3. Former prime minister Winston Churchill

  1. What park of London is the Speaker’s Corner situated in?
  1. Regents Park,
  2.  Hyde Park,
  3.  Green Park

  1.  Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s   Cathedral
  1. Michelangelo,
  2. Sir Christoferr Wren ,
  3. Rastrelly

  1.  What is the nickname of London’s Underground?
  1. Metro,
  2. Subway,
  3. the Tube
  1. What theatre was organized by W. Shakespeare
  1. Globe  Theatre ,
  2. Old Vic Theatre,
  3. Royal Theatre

  1.  What is real English football called?
  1. soccer,
  2. rugby,
  3. cricket


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