Тексты для чтения
материал по английскому языку

Тексты для чтения


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Прочитай рассказ и переведи.



It is a blue rabbit. Its name is Bunny. It likes its name. It lives in forest. It is five. Bunny is not big, but it is strong and brave. Bunny is nice and funny. It can run and jump. It can’t swim.


 to live in the forest - жить в лесу

2. Прочитай рассказ, переведи и выполни задания.

 On the farm.

Tim is a farmer. He has six pets. He has five black dogs and one grey horse. His horse lives on the farm. It is very strong. It is nice too. It can run and jump well. Tim’s dogs are not big. They are not strong, but they are very brave. They like to go to the forest with Tim.



a farmer – фермер

He has- у него есть

pet- домашнее животное

to live on the farm – жить на ферме

to go to the forest – ходить в лес


1. Заполни пропуски словами из рассказа.

    Tim is ____________.

    He has ____ dogs and ______ horse.

    His horse is very ________.

    It can run and _______.

    Tim’s dogs are not big and strong but they _________.

3. Прочитай, переведи и выполни задания.

Farm animals

This is a dog. The dog is small. The dog is black. It says, «Woof-woof».

This is a cat. The cat is small. It is red. The cat says, «Mew-mew».

This is a pig. The pig is big. It is pink. The pig says, «Oink-oink».

This is a hen. The hen is small. The hen is red. It says, «Cluck-cluck».  

This is a cow. The cow is big. It is brown. The cow says, «Moo-moo».

This is a duck. The duck is small. It says, «Quack-quack».             

This is a sheep. The sheep is white. It is big. It says, «Bah-bah».


This is -это

Say- сказать

Ex.1. Подпиши животных.


Ex.2. Подчеркни слова, которые есть в тексте.

The dog, the cat, the pig, the hen, the cow, the duck, the wolf, a farmer

Ex.3. Впиши буквы.

C_w, h_n, d_g, p_g, c_t.

Ex.4. Дополни предложения, подбирая слова big или small

The pig and the cow are ______.

The cat and the dog are _______.

The hen and the duck are _______.

http://st.depositphotos.com/1007989/1717/i/950/depositphotos_17179401-Thinking-Kid.jpgEx.5. Oтгадай загадки.

It is big. It is brown. It says “Moo-moo”. This is a _________.

It is little. It is yellow. It can swim. This is a _________.

It is big. It is pink. It says “Oink-oink”. This is a _________.

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