В.Ф. Уткин - выдающийся учёный, специалист в области ракетостроения
материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Биография В.Ф. Уткина на английском языке


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Utkin Vladimir Fedorovich (1923–2000)

V. F. Utkin - a prominent scientist, general designer of rockets, launch vehicles and spacecraft,

twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes,  member of the Academies of Sciences of Russia and Ukraine, member of the International Academy of Astronautics, President of the Academy of Astronautics named after K.E. Dr. Tsiolkovsky, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences,

author of over 200 scientific works and inventions,

took part in the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945),

deputy of the Supreme Soviet (1972–1991).

Why did Russia become an advanced country in space exploration? Apparently, in the restless Russian character there is a desire to open and explore great spaces, to conquer the bottomless heaven and cosmic heights. No wonder, Russia is the longest in territory state in the world.

The great Ryazan philosopher N.F. Fedorov (1828-1903) wrote: "The expanse of the Russian land… forms such characters: our open space serves as a transition to the open  heaven space, this new field for a great feat." Life lived by V.F. Utkin is a feat.

V. F. Utkin was born on October 17, 1923 in the village of Pustobor (now Kasimovsky district) in the family of  a worker Fedor Dementievich  (1896–1940) and a housewife  Anysya Efimovna (1893-1981). There were 4 children (brothers) in the family.

Later the family moved to the village of Lashma near the town of Kasimov. Their family was friendly and hard-working. The younger brother Alexey often recalled that they, brothers,  from childhood brought up a solidarity, which led them down the steps of life — elbow to elbow, helping, like it used to be next to their parents, to overcome everyday difficulties. This was especially evident when his father died in 1940.

The elder brother Nicholay graduated from Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute, became a professor and then a vice-rector of the institute. Brother Peter devoted himself to  the country's defense, died in the rank of colonel. Brother Alexei became the chief designer of the design bureau for special engineering, designed the launch complex for the Combat Railway Rocket Complex (стартовый комплекс для Боевого железнодорожного ракетного комплекса).

Vladimir, like many of his mates, after school lessons made model aircraft. Diligence he did not hold, inquisitiveness and perseverance, too, and the approval of the brothers inspired. He graduated from high school with honors on June 21, 1941,

In 1941, Vladimir Utkin graduated from the secondary school No. 2 in Kasimov and on June 22, the Great Patriotic War began. In August serving in the Red Army he was sent to the communications school, then to the 21st separate communications regiment. So Vladimir Utkin became a military telegraph operator.

From 1942 till the end of the war, V.F. Utkin fought on various fronts: Volkhov, North Caucasus, Southern, 4th and 1st Ukrainian, 3rd Byelorussian. For courage and bravery shown on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, senior sergeant V.F. Utkin was awarded the orders of the Patriotic War of I and II degree, two orders of the Red Star, medals "For Victory over Germany", "For the Liberation of Warsaw" and by others.

In 1946, Vladimir entered Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute where the younger brother Alexey studied, and the elder Nicholay taught there. While studying Utkin brothers worked unloading railway wagons and drawing.

After the graduation Vladimir worked in one of the country's leading design bureaus, Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. He worked as a design engineer, senior engineer, then headed various research and design departments.

Since 1986, he was the general director and general designer of Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. For forty years V.F.Utkin has gone through all the stages from an ordinary design engineer to the head of a department.

As a leader of research works V.F. Utkin was directly involved in the creation of modern launch vehicles and spacecrafts.

Under his leadership, four strategic rocket systems were developed and put into service, several launch vehicles were created. Recent developments include environmentally friendly rocket “Zenith”, a highly efficient strategic rocket SS-18, which had no analogues.

General designer Vladimir Fedorovich Utkin said proudly: “We managed … to create at the same time four complexes, including the most powerful weapon in the world. Nobody in the history did not repeat this success and now will not repeat. "

In the field of spacecraft, various defense and scientific satellites were made, more than three hundred satellites were launched into various orbits, a special devises of earthquake prediction were designed.

Vladimir Fedorovich was an active participant in international cooperation in the exploration of outer space.

Vladimir Fedorovich Utkin actively participated in restructuring the management of the country's rocket and space industry in the new economic conditions, and made a significant contribution to the development of the Federal Space Program of Russia.

V.F. Utkin was appointed co-chairman of the joint expert committee with NASA - the “Utkin-Stafford Commission”, which provided control over the creating of International Space Station.

The director of the US Space Center George Abby said: "He was an amazingly cordial man, rich and creative in nature. His dedication to the cause and his family serve as an eternal example. Let the spirit of Vladimir Utkin’s accomplishments continue to be the guiding star for Russia, United States and the world to the stars..."

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