Задание для контрольной работы 7 класс
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Лисьих Алена Сергеевна

Задания для проверочной работы в 7-х классах. 

1. Environment

2. Modals

3. Present Perfect Continuous

4. Question Tags

5. For and agains of keeping animals in the zoo 


Предварительный просмотр:

1) Fill in the correct word

        *clean out *recycle *rain *rubbish *trees *station *pollution *fumes *endangered *habitat

1. collect ...............

2.  ......... a pond

3. acid ............

4. plant ............

5. power ............

6. air, soil and water .................

7. ....................... newspaper and cans

8. toxic ...............

9. ............... species

10. natural ...............

2. Translate the words.

1. отходы производства

2. естественная среда

3. кислород

4. виды растений

5. дождь со снегом

6. отравлять

7. солнечная энергия

8. садовые рукавицы

9. мусор

10. острова

11. заболоченная местность

12. редкие виды

3. Underline the correct words

1. Solar/Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.

2. Can I join/volunteer an environmental organisation?

3. Toxic fumes play a huge cycle/role in the formation of acid rain.

4. I can't make out/up what it says here.

5. Governments have been trying to emit/reduce pollution in the air.

4. Put have to/don't have to

1. Shop assistants  

2. Doctors  

3. Architects .

4. Businessmen   

5. Pilots

6. Teachers  

7 Diplomats

8. Secretaries  

9. Bus drivers

10. Bankers   

____________know Italian.

____________work with people.

____________ work at night.

____________ think much.

____________wear uniform.


____________know English.

____________ get up early.

____________write letters.

____________ count money

5. Put the words in brackets in Present Perfect Continuous tense

1) All these days he _________ (talk) about his new plan.

2) Here is Mrs. Brown who we ____________ (speak) about for a long time.

3) You ___________ (watch) TV too long.

4) He ___________ (sit) here all the time.

5) He __________ (play) volleyball since 4 o'clock.

6) We ___________ (read) this book for 2 weeks.

7) They _________ (cook) this cake since 9 o'clock.

8) Uncle Tim (to decorate) the New Year Tree for the whole day.

9) You (to clean) the yard for the last 2 hours?

10) The soup (to boil) since 12 a.m. Should I turn it off?

6. Fill in the question tag

        e.g. Camels live in the desert, don't they?

   1) You are going to Madrid next Friday, ……….?

  2) Madrid is in Spain, ……….?

  3) You visited Spain last year, ……….?

  4) She can’t speak Italian, ……….?

  5) I will see you before Friday, ……….?


7. Put the words where it is necessary, one is extra

*difference *necessary *metal *opinion *birds *protect *environment *planet *help

In my (1)----------- it is very important to care about (2) ------------ because our

(3) ---------- is in danger. We must (4) ------------ our precious planet.

We can feed (5) ----------- or collect paper or (6) ------------ and we can

(7) ----------- to protect nature. It is (8) ------------ to recycle paper and metal.

8. Write down about for and against of keeping animals in the zoo. And write down your own opinion: is it good or bad to keep the animals in the zoo (30-50 words).

        Don't forget to use such phrases as In my opinion, To my mind, As for me... I think, On the one hand..., On the other hand...

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