Инсценировка «Cheburashka»
материал по английскому языку

Габдрахманова Гузель Габдулхаевна

Инсценировка «Cheburashka» для 5-6 класа


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Предварительный просмотр:

Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile.

Scene 1.

Действия сцены происходят при закрытом занавесе. Директор магазина перекладывает коробки с апельсинами.

Director (“Fruit & Vegetables): O-ran-ges.

Fell over again, eh? You are quite a little “cheburashka”. Now, what am I going to do with you?

Cheburashka: I don’t know.

Director: A beast unknown to science. I like this animal. You can work here, with us. You can sit in the shop window and attract clients. Got that?

Cheburashka: OK. But where will I live?

Director: Live? Hm…Let’s see… What about right here? We will call this your “house”, so to say. OK?


Scene 2.


At the zoo.

Author: African crocodile, 50 years old, named Gena,   lived in that city. He was employed at the zoo as a crocodile.

Gena: ( He is writing) Young…cro…no…cra-co-dile is loo-king for fri-ends. Young cra-co-dile…

Galya Is coming in.

Galya: Are you looking for friends?

Gena: Friends? Yes, that’s me!

Galya: I’m Galya.

Gena: I’m Gena. The crocodile.

Galya: Have you got any milk?

Gena: Yes, of course.

Galya: Give it to Tobik.

Gena: Hi, Tobik.

Galya: I’ll clean up a bit. It’s such a mess here.

Cheburashka is knocking.

Gena: Who’s there?

Cheburashka: It’s me, Cheburashka.

Gena: Cheburashka? What are you supposed to be?

Cheburashka: I… I don’t know.

Gena: Would you happen to be a baby bear?

Cheburashka: Could be. I really don’t know.

Gena: One moment, we’ll find out!

Гена открывает ноутбук и пытается найти информацию в компьютере.

 All right, che…ch…ch…ch…chai…champion…cheapskate…Cheboksary…Strange. No such thing as”cheburashka”

Cheburashka: Does that…does that mean that you won’t be my friends?

Gena: Don’t be silly. Of course we will!

Galya: I’ll teach you how to knit.

Gena: And I’ll teach you how to blow bubbles!


Scene 3.

Шапокляк выходит под музыку и, прикалывая к занавесу объявления с изображениями Гены и Чебурашки «Wanted» , поет.

Chapeau-Claque is singing:

Those who are helping others

Are wasting precious time.

You simply can’t get famous

By treating people fine.

That’s why, to each and all, I say:

No use in holding back, be mean and wicked, just like me,

Old lady Chapeau-Claque!

Those who are helping others

Are wasting precious time.

You simply can’t get famous

By treating people fine.

She is coming up to Gena.

Chapeau-Claque: Uh… Aren’t you afraid of rats?

Gena: No.

Chapeau-Claque: Pff…Darkness. Lariska, come to me!

Из-за кулис, пританцовывая под музыку из мультфильма «Розовая пантера», появляется крыска.

Were you the one who wrote this?

Gena: Yes.

Chapeau-Claque: That’s good. Good that you are so green. And …flat!

Gena: Why?

Chapeau-Claque: Isn’t that obvious? If you lie down on the lawn nobody will notice you. Then you toss a wallet on a string! A passer-by bends down to pick it up but the wallet runs away! Sweet?

Gena: No, that’s not sweet. It’s just dumb.

Chapeau-Claque: What!? Then I’m declaring a war on you!

Scene 4.

Галя и Гена играют в шахматы, Чебурашка что-то строит из кубиков.

Gena: Good day!

Leo Chandr: Leo Chandr.

Gena: Gena. The crocodile. Please meet my friends.

Leo: Nice. I don’t have any friends.

Gena: I’ll be your best friend!

Leo: Oh, excellent. Now I will no   be alone.

Galya: You know…There are lots of lonely people in our city just like Chandr and Tobik. And nobody helps them when they are sad.

Cheburashka: And me! Me too! But how?

I have just thought of something! They can all be friends with each other! Let’s build a house for those who don’t have any friends.


Scene 5.

Author: 15 days later, the house was ready.

Занавес открывается. На сцене макет домика с надписью «School  № 1358».

Galya: Now, Cheburashka will say a speech.

Cheburashka: We built, and built… and we finally built it! Hurray!

Galya: And now we sign up anyone who needs a friend.

Leo: We are all good friends!

Gena: Indeed. We all became good friends during this construction.

Cheburashka: Does this mean…that we built, and we built, and all for nothing?

Galya: And this house can be Cheburashka’s! Now he lives in a phone booth, right?

Gena: right.

Cheburashka: No, no, no! Let’s give this house to school 1358! And I can work there as a toy, if they take me, of course!

Гена играет на гармошке. Друзья поют песню.

  1. Let's run clumsy people

Slipping on the puddles,

Water is pouring on the blacktop.

People don’t understand

Why I am so happy

On this bad nasty day, nasty day.

Refrain: I’m playing the accordion

For the passers, passers-by,

What a pity

That school birthday

Comes only once a year.

  1. Suddenly a wisard

Will fly in helicopter,

He will show the cinema,

Congratulate on school birthday,

Represent as a present

Hundred portions of ice-cream.


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