Тест по английскому языку (уровень А1-А2)
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Тимофеев Юрий Александрович

Проверка усвоения знаний ученика на А1-А2


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Предварительный просмотр:

Control test

1) Translate "cheetah"

a) волк

b) овца

c) гепард

d) слон

2) Find sentence in Present Continuous Tense

a) He bought apples yesterday

b) He buys apples every day

c) He will buy apples on next week

d) He is buying apples now

3) Identify tenses of sentences: I like to go to the market every day. He didn't stay at home yesterday

a) Future Simple, Past Simple

b) Past Simple, Past Simple

c) Present Simple, Past Simple

d) Present Continuous Tense

4) Give a general question to the sentence: She watched TV last week

a) Why will she watch TV next month?

b) When did she watch TV?

c) With whom does he watch TV?

d) Did she watch TV last week?

5) Write "1988"

a) nine hundred and eighty eight

b) nineteen eighty eight

c) sixteen eighty eight

d) twelve eighty eight

6) Translate: Они не позвонят ему завтра

a) She will not call him tomorrow

b) They will not call him tomorrow

c) They didn't call him yesterday

d) I don't call him every day

7) Ask: She doesn't like to eat mushrooms

a) Why doesn't she like to eat mushrooms?

b) When she doesn't like mushrooms to eat?

c) Does like she mushrooms to eat?

d) With whom she doesn't like to eat?

8) Find adjectives

a) fast, small

b) quickly, fast

c) nearby, quickly

d) and, with

9) Give Russian equivalent: A cat in gloves catches no mice

a) Без труда не вытащишь рыбку из пруда

b) Своя ноша не тянет

c) Добрая совесть не боится клеветы

d) Друзья познаются в беде

10) Give Russian equivalent: A friend in need is a friend indeed

a) Капля в море

b) Друзья познаются в беде

c) Правда милости не ищет

d) Уговор дороже денег

11) Finish the sentence: She is playing football____

a) now

b) yesterday

c) next week

d) last month

12) Find a right question to the sentence: She spoke very loudly on last conference.

a) She did spoke loudly on last conference?

b) Did spoke she loudly on last conference?

c) Did she speak very loudly on last conference?

d) Does she speak loudly on last conference?

13) Give translation: BC, cheetah, Easter

a) ковер, до н.э., Рождество

b) изюм, Рождество, гепард

c) Пасха, до н.э., слон

d) до н.э., гепард, Пасха


14) Translate the sentence: They occupied a territory in 2 BC

a) Она заняла территорию в 2 веке н.э.

b) Они не заняли территорию в 2 веке до н.э.

c) Они заняли территорию во 2 веке до н.э.

d) Они заняли территорию во 2 веке до н.э.?

15) Find the sentence in Present Simple Tense

a) She is dancing with Mike now

b) She danced with Mike on last week

c) She will dance with Mike on next month

d) She dances with Mike on every holiday

16) Insert article where is necessary:_________ Vladimir gained more__________ information about __________animals. _______information is important for his ____________project.

a) the,-,-, the

b) -,-.-.the

c)-,a, an, the

d ) -,-,-,-

17) Find irregular verb

a) play

b) speak

c) stay

d) like

18) "to be" in Past Simple

a) am, is, are

b) will be, shall be

c) were, was

d) am, were

19) Translate: Она врач

a) She were doctor

b) She will be doctor

c) She is a doctor

d) She will a doctor

20) Give explanation of  "kg"

a) measure of weight

b) measure of amount

c) measure of  lengths

d) measure of  heights

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