Презентация Present Continuous
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Манечкина Татьяна Юрьевна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Theme: “What are they doing?” (Present Continuous)

Слайд 2

In this lesson : You’ll describe actions in progress at the moment Talk about telephone conversations Use Present Continuous Compare Present Continuous and Present Simple

Слайд 3

When we use verbs : am , is are? Present Simple Present Continuous

Слайд 4

When we use verbs : do and does ? Present Simple Present Continuous Am , is are

Слайд 5

What ending does Present Continuous have ? Present Simple Do , does Present Continuous Am , is are

Слайд 6

What ending may Present Simple have ? Present Simple Do , does Present Continuous Am , is are - ing

Слайд 7

What ending may Present Simple have ? Present Simple Do , does -s, - es Present Continuous Am , is are - ing

Слайд 8

What tense do we use when we talk about regular activities and habits ? Present Simple Do , does -s, - es Present Continuous Am , is are - ing

Слайд 9

What tense do we use when we talk about actions that are in progress now ? Present Simple Do , does -s, - es Present Continuous Am , is are - ing

Слайд 10

In what tense do we use time expressions : now , at the present moment ? Present Simple Do , does -s, - es Present Continuous Am , is are - ing

Слайд 11

In what tense do we use time expressions : usually , sometimes , often, never ? Present Simple Do , does -s, - es Present Continuous Am , is are - ing At the present , now

Слайд 12

In what tense do we use time expressions : usually , sometimes , often, never ? Present Simple Do , does -s, - es Usually ,sometimes never , often Present Continuous Am , is are - ing At the present , now

Слайд 13

What county is it ? I think it is … ( I don’t think it is … )

Слайд 14

What city is it? I agree with him / her I don’t agree …

Слайд 15

Let’s make a rhyme Mum is sewing – мама шьет Jane is singing – Джейн поет We are reading – . . . We are counting – . . . We are dancing – . . . We are drawing – . . . We are singing – . . . Knitting, sewing – . . . We are eating – . . . We are running – . . . Dad is sleeping – . . . John is sitting – . . .

Слайд 16

Agree or disagree It is 20 22 year. It is raining now. You are sleeping now . You are speaking Italian . You write with red pen .

Слайд 17

Game “ Day and Night” What are you doing ? I am running I am sleeping I am flying I am jumping I am …

Слайд 18

Use the correct form of the verbs We often (to get) together. But we (to have) different hobbies. Sometimes my sister (to create) songs. Now she (to play) the piano. My granny (to be) a painter. At the moment she (to paint) a picture. Usually my mother (to cook) dinners. But now my mother and father (to do) it together. My brother (to be) in business. He (to be) always very busy. N ow he (to relax). Usually We often get together. … Now Now she is playing the piano. …

Слайд 19

Make a dialogue and play it A:Where are you? A:Who are you with? A:What are you doing? B:We are meetings at the bus station. B:I’m at the bus station. B:I’m with my brother.

Слайд 20

Make a dialogue and play it A:Where are you? A:Who are you with? A:What are you doing? B:I’m buying tickets. B:I’m on my own. B:I’m at Padding Station.

Слайд 21

Make a dialogue and play it A:Where are you? A:Who are you with? A:What are you doing? B:I’m with my friend. B:I’m sitting in the cafe. B:I’m drinking a glass of orange juice.

Слайд 22

Put your mark

Слайд 23

What can you say about this lesson ? boring dull bad interesting nice I like it

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