Викторина "Рязанский край"
тест по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Викторина для учащихся 10-11 классов


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Quiz Questions

Ryazan Land

chainmail – кольчуга

ranks second - занимает второе место

to exhibit – представлять на выставке

relics-  мощи

tomb - усыпальница

pottery - гончарство

inscription – подпись

was intended – предназначалась

initiation into the Cossacks - посвящения в казаки

layout - макет

1. Image of what famous Ryazan Prince is on the Ryazan coat of arms? Where is his chainmail kept?

2. Ancient settlement of Old (Staraya) Ryazan ranks second after Kiev by number of found treasures, consisting of gold and silver jewelry of the XII-XIII centuries. Which museums of the Ryazan region exhibit archaeological finds of Old Ryazan?

3. The monuments of which Russian athlete (bogatyr) of the XIII century have been installed in the city of Ryazan and in his native village Shilovo, Ryazan region?

4. This Ryazan cathedral contains the relics of St. Basil, the tomb of Ryazan Princesses: Ann, the sister of Ivan III, and Sophia, the daughter of Dmitry Donskoy. Name this ancient architectural building.

5. In ancient times, the products of this material were valued as gold. Ryazan craftswomen continue to create great works of art, the gold reserves of Russia. Name the kind of national craft of Ryazan region and say why it has no analogues.

6. In what city of Ryazan region were the first Russian museum of pottery and a school which taught pottery opened?

7. In the State Museum-Reserve of SA Esenin a unique exhibit - the author's copy of the first book of Esenin’s poetry "Radunitsa" with an inscription of the poet – is stored. Whom was this book intended?

8. The name of a famous military leader, a hero of the historical novel by Pikul “The General on a white horse” is connected with the Ryazan land? Where is the memorial museum of the general located?

9. Which Ryazan cathedral was donated with an icon of John the Baptist and the Gospel of 1677 by the Russian tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov?

10. What is the ritual of initiation into the Cossacks held in the center of Shatsk area?

11. St. John the Theologian Monastery, located in the village of Poshchupovo Rybnoe district, is known for its long history, ancient buildings, miraculous icons, relics of more than 120 saints. In the XVII century the Holy gates decorated with the oldest surviving on the Ryazan land frescoes was built on the territory of the monastery. What is shown in these frescoes?

12. What guests are treated at the annual national holiday Sabantuy in Kasimov district?

13. The Museum of Horse Breeding Research Institute located in Rybnoe district offers the guests to taste a drink produced on the institute farm. Name the drink.

14. Where was the world's first technology for the conservation of Siberian white cranes created and what is its uniqueness?

15. In what museum you can see the layout of the first rocket, clothing and samples of astronauts’ space food, the spacecraft "Soyuz-22"?

16. Which Ryazan festival is listed in the Russian Book of Records "Divo" and why?

17. What village of the Ryazan region is called the capital of Raspberry kingdom with the annual parade led by the Raspberry queen?

18. K.G. Paustovsky wrote about this land: "It is very modest - as well as paintings of Levitan. But as in these pictures, so in this land all the charm and all the variety of Russian nature is." What area of the Ryazan land is the writer admired?

19. In the XVIII century, in one of the Ryazan estates a landscape park in the English landscape style was equipped. Later there was an original manor complex with ponds and a park-dendrarium preserved to the present day. Name the public figure, who became well known for the creation of this complex and where else he founded Park Dendrarium?

20. This architectural construction of the Ryazan province was built by the famous Russian architect F.O. Schechtel in 1889. Contemporaries said that "this is a fairy tale come to life: the turrets (towers), eagles, arches, stairs leading down to the ponds, a bridge of love and statues of centaurs, grottoes with corals from the Mediterranean Sea". Name this architectural construction and the place it is located in.

Keys to the Quiz

1. Oleg Ryazansky. The Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum -Reserve.

2. The Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum –Reserve, the Spassk Local Lore Museum

3. Yevpaty Kolovrat

4. Christ (Hristorozhdestvensky) Cathedral

5. Mikhailov lace is the only Russian colored lace. His originality is in the absence of floral and plant motifs that are common in other regions. Lace pattern is geometric - the oldest type of ornament, elements of which were symbols of the sun, the water, the feminine principle. Craftswomen use in their art up to 60 pairs of bobbins .

6. Skopin city

7. The inscription of the poet was as follows: "To good old teacher Eugeniy Mikhailovich Khitrov from a grateful student"

8. Michail Dmitrievich Skobelev. The Memorial Museum which is located in the village Zaborovo, Novoderevenskiy district.

9. The Ascension (Voznesenskiy) Cathedral in Kasimov

10. The ritual of initiation into the Cossacks starts with presenting the Cossacks uniform. In the presence of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, a patron saint of the Cossacks, ataman says a prayer "Our Father." Each of the initiates on bended knee, kisses the ataman’s sword. After the prayer and three hits with a whip, each future Cossacks says, "Thank you, father, for science," takes an oath (дают клятву) and kisses the cross.

11. The frescoes on the theme of Creation and the Apocalypse, relating to the 17th century.

12. The main traditional holiday treats chak- chak, and belyashi, rice, kebabs (shashlyk)

13. koumiss

14. The Oka Reserve. At present, on the basis of the nursery is a great project "Flight of Hope". Reserve staff train Siberian Crane chicks walk, eat, fly, communicate. They use special white costumes and for audio communication recordings of parents screaming.

15. The Museum of K.E. Tsiolkovsky in the village Izhevskoye, Spassk district.

16. Festival of Aeronautics "The Heaven of Russia", when you can watch the flight of the balloons.

17. v. Novosyolki, Rybnoe district.

18. Meshchera land

19. Sergey Nikolaevich Khudekov founded the park in the village Erlino, Korablino district and in the city of Sochi.

20. Von Derviz Palace in Kyritzy,  Spassk district

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