Открытый урок по теме: «Types of cargo ships»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Копылова Анна Андреевна

Перед рассказом о грузовых судах стоит определиться с самим термином. Что такое грузовое судно? Так называется высокотехнологичное плавучее сооружение, способное своим ходом перевозить разнообразные материалы, товары и грузы между морскими портами. Причем данное судно не должно относиться к пассажирскому классу (пассажирские суда тоже способны перевозить товары, но не специализированы для этого).


Предварительный просмотр:


Открытый урок по теме:

«Types of cargo ships»

Предмет: Деловой Иностранный язык.

Преподаватель: Крупкина А.А.

Урок проводился на III курсе, специальность 26.02.06 Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок и средств автоматики.


2022 г.

Тема урока: “Types of cargo ships.”        

Цели урока.

Образовательные: развитие умения читать с извлечением нужной информации, расширение кругозора.

Развивающие: Развитие учебно-информационных умений и навыков, развитие коммуникативных навыков.

Воспитательные: формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: раздаточные материалы, доска.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

Рапорт дежурного.

Good morning, cadets! I’m glad to see you. Take your seats, please and get ready for the lesson.

Оповещение целей урока:

Today we will learn some types of cargo ships and will get familiar with how they are divided according to different points. We will read the text and do some exercises which will help you to master the useful staff.

Before we read the text I ‘d like you to answer some questions:

  1. I’m sure you know different types of cargo ships in Russian. What are they?

Курсанты дают названия судов по-русски.

Some English terms are similar to Russian ones. Will you try to guess what kind of vessels are the following ones: barge, passenger liner, universal vessel, specialized vessel, ro-ro ship, hybrid vessel, combined vessel, tramp.

3. Now we are going to read the text and if it is necessary for understanding translate some sentences:


       There are a lot of various types of ships: cargo ships, passenger ships, ice-breakers, whaling and fishing ships, salvage vessels, barges, tugs, and others.

       All cargo ships are divided into dry-cargo vessels and tankers although there are also the so called OBO ships carrying both dry and liquid cargoes.

Dry-cargo vessels, in their turn, are divided into universal vessels (or general purpose ships) designed to carry all types of cargo, and specialized vessels designed to carry one particular type of cargo (e.g. refrigerated goods, timber, bulk cargoes, etc.) or even one particular kind of cargo (e.g. fruit, containers, ore, wood chips, etc.).




       Depending on the cargo handling method cargo ships may be divided into:

  1. LO/LO (lift-on/lift-off) vessels using cranes or cargo derricks for loading/discharging;
  2. RO/RO (roll-on/roll-off) vessels using rolled vehicles for loading/discharging. The bow, side and stern doors and ramps allow vehicles to drive on board and off;
  3. FO/FO (float-on/float-off) vessels using the docking method of loading/discharging (a barge is floated into the hold like in a dock);
  4. Hybrid vessels using a combination of the above methods : LO/RO, RO/FO, etc.;
  5. Combined ships designed for some different types of cargoes, e.g. Conbulker (Container/Bulk carrier), OBO (Oil/Bulk/Ore) and others;
  6. LASH (lighters aboard ship) designed as barge carrying ships and many other types of ships.

Depending on their sailing range all vessels may be divided into limited

sailing range vessels (or coasters), designed to sail in a certain area or at a certain distance from the port of shelter and unlimited sailing range vessels ( or deep sea vessels) designed to sail in any area of the World Ocean.

       In dependence of the number of decks ships may be one-deckers, double-deckers and so on.

       In dependence of the power plant installed ships are divided into steamers and motor ships. On steamships the steam engines or steam turbines are installed. Motor ships form the larger part of the world tonnage nowadays. On motor ships internal combustion engines are installed.



       On the greater part of sea-going vessels propelling screws are used as propelling agents. There may be as many as four propelling screws on a ship.

       Finally, all cargo ships may be either liners or tramps. A liner is a vessel which sails to a fixed destination on a fixed route. She has fixed dates of departure and arrival, fixed ports of call between her home port and place of arrival. A tramp does not sail on a fixed route. Its ports of call are governed by the necessity of carrying certain cargoes from place to place.


4. We have read about different types of cargo ships and now using the information from the text name the kind of ships which have following characteristics:

1. Vessel using the docking method of loading/discharging is called … . 2. Ships having one deck are called … . 3. Vessels which sail to a fixed destination on a fixed route are called … . 4. Vessels designed to sail in any area of the World Ocean are called … .  5. Vessels designed as barges carrying ships are called. 6. Vessels using rolled vehicles for loading/discharging are called … . 7. Vessels designed for some different types of cargoes are called … . 8. Ships designed to carry all types of cargo are called … .

5. Look through the text ones more and don’t agree with following statements using the expressions I don’t agree. It isn’t right. You are mistaken and develop the idea:

1. LO/LO vessels are using docking method of loading/discharging. 2. OBO ships carry only liquid cargoes. 3. Unlimited sailing range vessels are designed to sail in a certain area. 4. All cargo ships are divided into dry-cargo ships and universal vessels.  5. On the greater part of sea-going vessels propelling screws are used as power plants. 6. Combined ships are designed as barge carrying ships. 7. Specialized vessels are using rolled vehicles for loading/discharging. 8. On steamers internal combustion engines are installed. 9. A tramp is a vessel which sails to a fixed destination on a fixed route. 10. In dependence of power plant ships may be one-deckers, double-deckers and so on. 11. Hybrid vessels are designed for some different types of cargoes. 12. FO/FO vessels are using cranes or cargo derricks for loading/discharging.

6. Work in pairs. And now ask each other the following questions and try to answer them without looking into the text:

1. What types of ships do you know? 2. How are all cargo ships divided?

3. How are dry-cargo vessels divided? 4. What are universal vessels designed for?

5. What are specialized vessels designed for?  6. How are cargo ships divided depending on cargo handling method? 7. What ships are called LO/LO vessels?

8. What ships are called RO/RO vessels? 9. What ships are called FO/FO vessels?

10. What is the difference between hybrid and combined ships? 11. How are LASH designed? 12. How are all vessels divided depending on sailing range?

13. What vessels are called coasters? 14. What vessels are called deep sea vessels?

15. In dependence of what may ships be one-deckers, double-deckers and so on?

16. How are ships divided in dependence of power plant? 17. What engines are installed on steamships? 18. What engines are installed on motor ships? 19. What do sea-going vessels use as propelling agents? 20. What vessels are called liners?

21. What vessels are called tramps?

  1. So our lesson is almost over. We’ve got familiar with different types of ships and your homework is to find some pictures of cargo-vessels and describe them.

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.

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