Мастер-класс "Welcome to London" Презентация
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Емельянова Алла Дмитриевна

                                          "Welcome to London"


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

“ Hum,hum,hum!”

Слайд 3

“ Tick-tock! Tick-tock Ticks my clock.” “ Tick-tock, tick-a-tock – Ticks and ticks my clock.”

Слайд 4

“ Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat”

Слайд 5

“ Tap-a-tap-a-tap!”

Слайд 6

Name - Surname – Age – Country – Job - Your passport

Слайд 7

London is a capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is a very old city. It is two thousand years old. About 7 million people live here. Welcome to London

Слайд 8

It is 900 years old. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It has a long and cruel history. It is not just one building. Tower of London

Слайд 9

It is not far from the Tower of London. It is the most powerful architectural statement over made in London. It was built in 17 century by Sir Christopher Wren. Saint Paul's Cathedral

Слайд 10

Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. There is Nelson Column with the figure of Admiral Nelson on the top in centre of the square. Trafalgar Square

Слайд 11

St. Jame`s Park is the oldest Park in London. Hide Park is famous for its entertainments and its Speaker’s Corner. Hide Park St. Jame's Park

Слайд 12

Big Ben is a part of a ni с e building. – Houses of Parliament. Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Government. Big Ben

Слайд 14

1. one million people 2. 7 million people 3. 10 million people 4. I don’t know Test The population of London is:

Слайд 15

London stands on the river of: 1. Nile 2. Mississippi 3. Thames 4 . I don’t know

Слайд 16

The Tower of London wasn’t: A fortress 3. A bank A palace 4. I don’t know

Слайд 17

It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build: 1.Buckingham Palace 2.Saint Paul's Cathedral 3.Houses of Parliament 4.I don’t know

Слайд 18

Big Ben is the name of: 1.The bell 2. The clock 3. The bell and the clock 4. I don’t know

Слайд 19

The oldest park in London is: 1.Regent`s Park 2.St. James Park 3.Hyde Park 4.I don't know

Слайд 20

In the middle of Trafalgar Square stand 1. The monument to Admiral Nelson 2. The monument to Sherlock Holms 3. Queen's monument 4. I don’t know

Слайд 21

1. East or west home is best. A) Мой дом, моя крепость. 2. My home is my castle. B) В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 3. There is no place like home. C) Нет места лучше дома родного. Proverbs

Слайд 22

40 8 years ago our Republic joined Russia. Republic of Kalmykia

Слайд 23

The Statue of Budda City Chess Khurul (Buddhist Temple) The Stupa of Enlightenment “ Echo” Kazansky Cathedral “ The Golden Abode of Budda Shakyamuni” The Golden Gates

Слайд 24

It was built specially for the 33d Chess Olympiad City Chess

Слайд 25

Was opened and sanctified ( освещён) by Alexei II in 1977 Kazansky Cathedral

Слайд 26

The Sculpture symbolizes the link ( связь) between the past, present and future generations “ Echo”

Слайд 27

This place is the most exotic gates in Elista. Whenever people go through them they clean themselves of sins (грехи) . The Golden Gates

Слайд 28

It is the most magnificent monument in Elista. It was created by the world famous sculptor Ernst Neizvestny. “ The Exodus and Return”

Слайд 29

It is the main Buddhist Temple in Elista. It is the biggest Buddhist Temple in Europe and Russia. It was built in 2005 Golden Abode of Budda Shakyamuni