тренажёр по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)

Агафонова Юлия Валерьевна

Упражнения в виде текстов на отработку Present Simple.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                            Open the brackets and put the verb in PRESENT SIMPLE

  1. Hank ( to be) a cowboy. He (to live) on a farm. He (to have) a horse named Ginger. Hank (to love) Ginger. He (to ride) Ginger every day. Sometimes they (to walk) slowly, and sometimes they (to run) fast. They always (to have) a good time. Ginger (to be) Hank’s horse. She (to be) light brown. Her tail and mane (to be) dark brown. She (to be) three years old. She (to live) in the stable by the house. Ginger (to wait) for Hank every morning. She (to enjoy) their time together. Often, Hank (to give) her apples. After long (to ride), Hank always (to wash) and (to brush) Ginger. He usually (to brush) her tail. Then he (to give) her food and fresh water. Ginger (to love) Hank.


                    Open the brackets and put the verb in PRESENT SIMPLE

  1. Stacy (to be) a singer. She (to love) to sing. She (to be) in a band. She (to sing) in the band. She (to be) the lead singer. Sometimes she (play) the piano. Chad (to be) Stacy's boyfriend. He (to be) also in the band. He (to stand) next to Stacy. He (to play) the electric guitar. Sometimes Chad (to sing) with Stacy. Dean (to be) Chad and Stacy's friend. He (to be) also in the band. He (to stand) next to Chad. He (to play) bass guitar. Dean (not to sing). He (not to like) to sing. The band (to practice) three times a week. They mostly (to perform) at nightclubs. Sometimes they (to sing) at weddings. They (to be) a very good band.



                Open the brackets and put the verb in PRESENT SIMPLE

  1. Jim Sullivan (to like) music. He (to play) many instruments. He (to play) the piano, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, guitar, and bagpipes. The bagpipes (to be) his favorite instrument to play. Not many people (to play) the bagpipes. Jim (to play) the bagpipes for celebrations. He also (to play) the bagpipes in parades. The audience (to listen) to the bagpipes. They (to clap) for Jim. They (to enjoy) the music of the bagpipes. Jim also (to teach) people how to play the bagpipes. He (to give) lessons to children and adults. He (to teach) them the history of the bagpipes. He (to teach) them how to play music with the bagpipes. Jim (to be) a good teacher.


                       Open the brackets and put the verb in PRESENT SIMPLE

  1. Robert Hughes (to live) in Atlanta, Georgia. He (to live) with his wife, Patricia. They (to live) with their two children, Sam and Lana. Robert (to love) his family. Robert (to work) as a police officer in Atlanta. He ( to like) his job. He (to be) a good police officer. Robert (to be) a police officer because he (to like) to help people. Robert (to protect) the citizens of Atlanta. He (to solve) crimes and (to catch) criminals. He (to keep) the citizens safe. Sometimes he (to visit) the schools. He (to talk) to students. The students (to like) Robert. Officer Robert Hughes (to be) a hero in Atlanta.

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