Открытый урок "Дебаты: Olympic games 2018. Should Russian Federation have taken part?"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (11 класс)

Дебаты посвящены противоречивой актуальной теме "Олимпийские игры 2018: Должна ли была Россия принимать в них участие?". 


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План урока «Дебаты на английском языке»

Тема урока: “Olympic Games 2018: should Russian Federation have taken part?”

Цели урока


  • познакомить обучающихся с особой формой дискуссии — дебатами;
  • расширить знания обучающихся о соревновательном спорте;


  • развивать умения диалогической речи;
  • развивать способность к сравнению, умозаключению, обобщению, анализу, логичности;
  • развивать умения выражать своё отношение к обсуждаемому вопросу, выяснить и обсудить мнение и отношение собеседника к обсуждаемому вопросу.


  • способствовать развитию толерантности и уважительного отношения к различным взглядам;
  • воспитывать умения партнерского общения, ответственности и умения работать в группе.

Ход урока

  1. Warm-up Discussion

Teacher: Dear boys and girls and jury! Our lesson today is devoted as usual to the English language but today we’ll try a new form of discussion for us- debate. We’ll discuss the problem issue our country has recently been forced to solve. The subject is “Winter Olympics: was it necessary for Russian Federation to take part?”. Some people say it’s true, but other people disagree with this statement. I welcome you here this morning to discuss this interesting theme. Time-keepers, you may start.

Main part. Debate Procedure.

Time-Keeper: So let me open the debate. The motion is Olympic Games 2018: should Russian Federation have taken part? It is proposed by the first team. So, the floor is given to speaker 1. Time: 4 minutes.

1. Proposer 1 
Ladies and Gentlemen, honorable Jury! Welcome to this debate! The motion for today’s debate is Olympic Games 2018: should Russian Federation have taken part?

Now we as today’s proposition strongly believe that Russian Federation must have participated, but before we come to our actual argumentation, let us first define some important terms in this debate.

The first key term is honesty.  School of ethics that developed from Aristotle’s teachings makes of honesty a disposition. A person is honest when she possesses the disposition to face the Other by making explicit all those details that are relevant to the conversation at issue.

The second key term is dignity – according to Oxford dictionary dignity is The state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect.

The third key term is patriotism. As Oxford dictionary states patriotism is the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.

We as today’s proposition have structured out case as follows:

Let me come to my first argument. No political or any other obstacle should interfere and prevent athletes from taking part in an international sport event. As ancient history encyclopedia says: “No wars were permitted, no arms could be carried in the territory of Elis and no hindrance was to be given to any spectator or athlete during the Olympic games”.  Hindrance means obstacle of any kind. So, allowing out athletes to participate in these Games Russian Federation tries to follow the ancient traditions of these competitions. Sport mustn’t be influenced by the dirty politics of international coalition against our country.

My second argument is as follows. We should have gone to these games and also proved to the world that an honest sport is more important than dishonest policies. There was quite an impressive number of foreign mass media, telling their readers about new sanctions against Russian sports.  They had maximum neutral position and only clean facts, or they even expressed some support for the Russians, talking about the absence of real evidence against sportsmen. French biathlete Simone Fourcade in the interview to “sports.fr” stated that all athletes mustn’t be punished because of allegedly existed State drug program. He said: "You should disqualify only those who are directly responsible for this. Double standards have been applied towards the suspension of Anton Shipulin from the Olympics in South Korea".

My argument number 3: Olympic Games were very important for Russian sport. As former Olympic champion in speed skating, a Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Svetlana Zhurova during an interview said: "if our athletes wouldn’t have gone to the Olympic Games in 2018 in Pyeongchang, the IOC membership could have been forgotten for at least another year". "If we had not accepted any negotiation options and just slammed the door, a lot of our young and pure athletes wouldn’t have traveled to the Olympics, wouldn’t have shown high level."-quoted by TASS Zhurova.

In the end of my speech I’d like to point out, that our team fully supports the decision of our athletes to go to these games. That’s why I beg you to propose. Thank you for listening.

Time-Keeper: Your time is over. Thank you. Now the floor is given to the second team. Would you like to take time-out to discuss questions to the speaker?

Yes, I’d like to take time-out for 2 minutes.

Time-Keeper: Time is over. I welcome Opposers team. Your questions, please. Time: 1,5 min.

  1. Opposer
    Asks his question.

Proposer 1:
Thank you for your questions. I’ll try to answer them (Proposer 1 answers).

Time-Keeper: Time is over. Thank you. The motion is opposed by the second team. The floor is given to Opposers speaker 1. Time: 4 minutes.

3. Opposer 1
Dear ladies and gentlemen! Honorable jury! Welcome from this side of the house. Now we as today’s opposition strongly believe that this is not true. Russian Federation mustn’t have taken part in the Olympic Games 2018 in South Korea. Russian athletes mustn’t have participated in this event under no circumstances. We accept the definitions of key notions of the proposers’ team.

(для опровержения аргументов команды соперников). As to your arguments, we can see what you’re saying. Here’s my reply…(опровергает аргументы команды соперников)

Let me come to my first argument. Our top athletes such as Viktor An, six-time Olympic champion in short-track, Anton Shipulin, Olympic champion in biathlon, Sergey Ustyugov, two-time world champion in skiing and many others were not allowed to participate in this event. Thus, our country couldn’t have possibly achieved high results in overall ranking of the Olympiads. So, our trip was doomed to failure.

My second argument is as follows. Olympic committee forbade Russian Federation to present national symbols such as flag, hymn, national colours in any uniforms of our athletes. First of all, let’s take into consideration the term of patriotism, accepted above as devotion to and vigorous support for one's country. Performing in the contest without any national symbols is individualistic and unpatriotic. Therefore, the participation of Russian athletes is deprived of any national unity and does not support the country.

Let me present my third and last argument. According to ancient history encyclopedia, mentioned above: “No wars were permitted during the Olympic Games”. The political confrontation led against Russian regime can be considered as another form of war. Our national team was treated in an unequal way which proves that sport event was interfered by the international politics. It violated the idea of holding these Games, created by ancient Greeks.

All things considered, we firmly stick to the position that Russia should have denied the invitation to the Olympic Games.

Time-Keeper: Time is over. Thank you. The floor is given to the proposers. Would you like to take time out? If yes, you can use 2 minutes to consult each other. Your time out is over. Welcome with questions, please. Time: 1,5 minute.

4. Proposer 3 
The speaker tried to change our minds saying …But I’d like to hear the answers to the following questions. (Proposer 3 asks questions).

Opposer 1 answers.

Далее дебаты продолжались в соответствии с форматом. Нужно отметить, что обучающиеся хорошо знают правила, роли и умеют выдерживать заданный регламент. Дебатам предшествовала большая самостоятельная работа учащихся по сбору, обработке и анализу информации, полученной из различных источников. Учащиеся делали выписки, продумывали возможные линии столкновения аргументов и позиций.

  1. Conclusion. 
    После проведения дебатов были подведены итоги урока.

The debate is over. We need some time to check your points. You may now relax for a little and wait till our honourable jury decides who wins.

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