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Слайд 1

1867, the Dominion of Canada

Слайд 2

Canada is a country in north of USA. It is located in the most northen part of the continent. It has more than 27 milion inhabitenst . It's the world's second – largest country, after Rusia . The capital city of Canada is Ottawa .

Слайд 3

the first people that came in to Canada are Indians and Eskimos, Indians came from Asia, but Eskimos came from North. And Canada became government at 1st of July 1867.

Слайд 4

Dominion of Canada - is the country's formal — but rarely used title, first applied to Canada at confederation in 1867. Today, the word dominion has fallen away in common usage in both private and government circles.

Слайд 5

Confederation In the conferences and negotiations that brought about Confederation, the Fathers of Confederation wanted to call the new nation — then consisting of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec and Ontario — the "Kingdom of Canada." The British government feared this, with its imperial-sounding connotations, would offend the Americans, whom — after the stresses of the American Civil War — Britain was anxious not to antagonize. The British insisted on a different title.

Слайд 6

The term dominion was accepted, and was used several times in the british north america act, the basis of canada's constitution in 1867. Although the phrase "dominion of canada " does not actually appear anywhere in the document, the word dominion does appear several times. "Whereas the provinces of canada , nova scotia, and new brunswick have expressed their desire to be federally united into one dominion under the crown of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland , with a constitution similar in principle to that of the united kingdom..."

Слайд 7

Canada and Other Dominions. Some of Britain's other self-governing colonies, such as New Zealand, were also given the formal title of Dominion. By the early 20th Century, the term — dominions of the British Empire — was informally used to refer to Canada, Newfoundland, Australia, New Zealand, the Irish Free State and South Africa. In 1931, the Statute of Westminster, passed by the British parliament, more formally conferred "dominion" status on these six countries — describing them not as colonies, but as independent countries, equal to Britain, but "united in free association (as) members of the British Commonwealth of nations."

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Canada Day is celebrated on July 1.

Слайд 9

Who were the first people that come to Canada ? How did the Fathers of Confederation want to call the new nation ? When did Canada become a government ? Do you remember, what date Canadians celebrate the Canadian day ? 1867 Indians and Eskimos "Kingdom of Canada" July 1