Конспект урока по английскому языку 6 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Семья" в 6 классе. Урок обобщения и закрепления.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема:  Развитие навыков устной монологической речи по теме «Семья»

Цель: Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме “Семья”; выработка ЗУНов в области устной  речи по теме.


 – формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи

 - Aктивизация употребления ЛЕ по теме «Семья», используя правильные видовременные формы (Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect)

 – продолжать развивать умение общаться на иностранном языке;

- Помочь учащимся осознать, что главная ценность в жизни – это семья.

Оборудование: Мультимедийная установка с презентацией в PowerPoint; словари,   карточки, видеоролики.

Ход урока.

  1. Орг.момент.    ( “песня The hello song”)                                                                                                                                             What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What can you say about the weather today?    

When you look at your life, the greatest happiness  is  family happiness.

Joyce Brothers  ( American  psychologist)

Look at this proverb and try to understand. Do you agree with  Joyce Brothers?

Do you think that family is the main thing in the life of everyone?

Great, I fully agree with you. Now according to the proverb could you tell me what is the theme of our lesson today?

Good for you. Today at the lesson we will speak and    revise  all we know about the family. That is the words and phrases, questions and answers, conversations and reports about the family. We’ll also read and listen to the texts about the family, guess the crossword and others.

  1. Фонетическая  зарядка.

Let’s train our tongue. Look at the screen. Let’s read these words. Repeat after me, please! (слайд 2-3)

  1.  Речевая зарядка.   Listen to me  carefully and  try to guess who this is using the definition!                                                                                                                                             your father and your mother are your …(parents)

your mother’s father or your father’s father are your …(grandfathers)

your mother’s mother or your father’s mother are your …(grandmothers)

your father’s sister or your mother’s sister are your …(aunts)

your father’s brother or your mother’s brother are your …(uncles)

your aunt’s or uncle’s children are your …(cousins)

the daughter of your brother or a sister is your …(niece)

the son of your brother or a sister is your …(nephew)

  1. Основная часть урока. Тренировка навыков  монологической речи и аудирования.
  1. How did you start this morning, boys and girls? Did you help your mother in the

morning? And now would you like to speak about your duties in your family? Do you help your relatives and parents?

By the way I‘ve prepared you some questions and I’d like you to answer them.      

What do you think about it? Are you ready to answer the questions?

      2)  Excellent, girls and boys. I’m pleased by your job. And now I  want to ask you,   one of the main questions. Do you love your parents (mum, dad, grandma and grandpa)? What kind of people they are? Could you describe one  of you close or distant relative. What is he\she  like?

     3) It’s time to relax. Now you won’t speak much. You should listen to me and try to guess. Shall  we begin?

  • Every day she wakes you up, cooks tasty breakfast for you. Who is she?
  • He is the head of the family.
  • He usually very kind and polite, He is the oldest in the family.
  • She cooks tasty pies, helps with h/w and she is always at home, waits for your coming from school.
  •  You like to play with their children, because  they are your relatives.
  • Son and daughter of your aunt or uncle.
  • These people give you birth.

     4)  Физ.минутка: Let’s have a rest. Let your eyes to have a rest. Stand up please!  Look at me, please! Don’t turn your head!

     5) Проверка дом. задания.  Well done. As I know your home task was to prepare a topic about your family. I  hope  you’ve done it and ready to start. Am I right?

Great. Now I’m ready to listen to you, let’s begin.

  1. Закрепление материала.
  1. It was great pleasure for me to listen to your topics. Well done.    

And moving on we’ll do another task. You’ll  watch  the video an answer some given questions.  (video ‘My Family Songs with lyrics’)

Are you ready to start?

  1. What family does the boy have ?
  2. How many members are there in their family?
  3. Are they happy family?

  1. Самостоятельная работа (работа по карточкам).

Thanks girls and boys.  You have worked very well.                                                                   Let’s continue and  do the last task of the lesson. I’ll give you sheets of paper  with the task, in your turn you should do.  

 Choose and fill in the appropriate words from key vocabulary.

1. My mother has three sisters, so I have three …

2. I have many uncles and aunts, so I have many…

3.   My father’s father is my ….. He’s got married nearly 50 years ago.  His …. Is my ….

4. My sister Charlotte is married.  Peter is her….

 5. Charlotte and Peter have a little girl, Elizabeth. She is my….

6. My…..(mother and father) are my best friends.

7. Grandparents, parents, children, uncles, aunts: people live together with a large number of relatives. So it is  called …..

Now change your sheets of paper with your classmates and check the tasks.

Are you ready? Let’s  discuss your works. Have you got any mistakes?

  1. Заключительный этап урока.  Girls and boys, thanks for your job. You were very active today, you’ve worked a lot. I’m very happy with your work.

7.Итоги урока.  (выставление оценок, дом. задание).




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