Презентация по теме-Еда
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (7 класс)

 Урок контроля по теме-Еда


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2


Слайд 3


Слайд 4

People have meals three or four times a day: Breakfast – we have it in the morning before school Lunch – we have it during the long break at school Dinner – we have it in the afternoon after the lessons at home Supper – we have it in the evening at home

Слайд 5

Read tongue twisters For the second team 1 "Betty Botter bought some butter, Betty Botter's butters bitter". 2 A snake sneaks to seek a snack. 3 How can a clam cram in a clean cream can? 4 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Слайд 6

Read tongue twisters For the first team . 1 " Yellow butter, red jam, brown bread-spread it thick, eat it quick". 2 I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. 3 If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? 4 Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

Слайд 7

Eating habits

Слайд 8

Eating habits

Слайд 9

Eating habits

Слайд 10

Eating habits

Слайд 11

Eating habits

Слайд 12

slice peel chop grate beat pour melt potatoes butter chocolate eggs cream sauce onions bread vegetables cake coffee carrots bananas cheese juice

Слайд 13

Eating habits Pinch chocolate Bar sugar Slice of bread Teaspoon cheese Loaf milk Litre salt

Слайд 14

Say what we must and mustn’t do at the table 1 We… speak with our mouth full. 2 We… put the table napkin on our knees. 3 We… reach across for the salt. 4 We… use the fork and knife properly. 5 We… put our elbows on the table. 6 We… wave the knife or fork in the air. 7 We… lift a soup bowl to our mouths. 8 We… eat noiselessly.

Слайд 15

«True» or «False». 1 You should eat with your fork and spoon. 2 You shouldn’t talk while you are eating. 3 You can eat your cake with a spoon. 4 You can eat chips with your fingers. 5 You should keep your napkin on the table near your plate. 6 The knife goes on the right of your plate. 7 If something on the table is too far away, you can stand up and take it. 8 You should read while eating. 9 You should lick your spoon.

Слайд 16

Guess the words 1 oinno 1 matoto 2 effeco 2 tabvlege 3 totapo 3 ssagl 4 klim 4 sifh 5 mtea 5 iceju 6 rindk 6 rgailc

Слайд 17

FOOD IDIOMS a As cool as cucumbers b Bad egg c Bigger fish to fry d Bring home the bacon e Full of beans g Hard nut to crack h Piece of cake I Piece of cake j With a pinch of salt

Слайд 26

spill the beans

Слайд 27

FOOD IDIOMS 1 Спокойный как удав, уравновешенный. 2 Энергичный, заводной. 3 Быть скептическим, не воспринимать что-то буквально. 4 Легче легкого 5 Тяжелая для понимания тема 6 Зарабатывать на жизнь. 7 Иметь более важные дела, задания. 8 Разбойник , непутевый. 9 Раскрыть карты, разболтать

Слайд 28

Role play You and your friend are deciding where to go for lunch St A:Ask St B where the person would like to eat St B: Take time to think about before answering St A: Show St B that you are considering the suggestion before answering

Слайд 30

Put the items from the shopping list into the correct categories. Shopping list chocolate bread tomatoes coffee yoghurt tea bananas crisps chicken cereal lamb chops peppers Fruit & vegetables Meat & poultry Dairy products Beverages Cereals, grains & pasta Snacks

Слайд 31

1. A ……. of tea 2. A ……. of cola 3. A ……. of crisps 4. A ……. of honey 5. A ……. of cereal packet jar cup box can cup can packet jar box Choose the correct container

Слайд 32

Составьте предложения: 1. eat/in the morning/porridge/I 2. She/milk/with/coffee/drink/does not 3. hamburgers/they/with/like/cheese 4. We/eat/for breakfast/do not/pizza/salad/fish/or 5. For supper/would/I/orange/like/juice 6. are/tea/drinking/they/and/cake/a/nice/eating/chocolate 7. Does not/Lizzy/mineral/drink/water

Слайд 33

Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous . 1 Justin .............. ...d inner for two hours now! (cook) 2 She ............ a present for you. (buy) 3 They ............ ... their holiday for the last two weeks. (plan) 4 I ............ Jack for six years. (know) 5 You .................. all morning! (pack)

Слайд 34

Answers 1. Justin has been cook ing d inner for two hours now! 2. She has bought a present for you. 3. They have been planning their holiday for the last two weeks. 4. I have known Jack for six years. 5. You have been packing all morning!

Слайд 35

Guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Eating junk food is a great passion of people. A lot of people have ever enjoyed a hamburger. The American habit of eating popcorn at the movies is not well-known. Junk food is rich in vitamins and minerals. Junk food has poor nutrition and that’s why is unhealthy. Junk food doesn’t cause diseases. Junk food is attractive.

Слайд 36

Answers 1.True 2.True 3.False 4.False 5.True 6.False 7.True

Слайд 37

Every day a new McDonald’s restaurant opens the door somewhere on our planet.

Слайд 38

1 They are quick and you don’t have to wait 2 The food is cheap 3 The restaurants are usually clean and the waiters wear special uniforms 4 They do their best to attract children, some of them organize parties for children

Слайд 39

5 The restaurants create litter 6 The food contains a lot of fat 7 The food is the same everywhere and you can’t order the dishes which you enjoy most of all 8 You can’t visit the restaurant before opening hours

Слайд 42

Thank you very much for your participation.

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