Проверочная работа по лексике
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Степаненко Марина Викторовна

Проверочная работа по лексике к учебнику Starlight 9 класс, модуль 1, разворот 1e


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Vocabulary 1e                                                     Version 1

  1. Write words to these definitions, using the words from the box. There are some extra words.

Tuck into, be tempted to, scavenge, consumer waste, edible, discarded, pitying, sell-by date, rummage, landfill site

  1. Material discarded after somebody uses it
  2. To want to do sth even though it may be wrong
  3. Suitable or safe to eat
  4. To look for sth by moving things around and making a mess
  5. Thrown away

  1. Fill in: scavenge, inspire, rope, tuck, recycle, balance in the correct form. There are some extra words.
  1. People waste too much and don’t … enough.
  2. The woman … a basket of fruit on her head as she walked down the road.
  3. Nowadays, many homeless people … in bins for things they can see.

  1. Fill in: urban, discarded, frozen, pitying, edible, closing, crash, sealed. There are some extra words.
  1. A lot of … goods can be reused or recycled.
  2. The freegans were happy to find a box of … fish in the supermarket bin.
  3. It was … time and everyone was leaving the café.
  4. Did you know a lot of food which is still … is thrown out?

Vocabulary 1e                                                     Version 2

  1. Write words to these definitions, using the words from the box. There are some extra words.

Tuck into, be tempted to, scavenge, consumer waste, edible, discarded, pitying, sell-by date, rummage, landfill site

  1. The date before which food should be sold
  2. To search for unwanted food or objects
  3. To eat sth eagerly
  4. Showing pity for sb/sth
  5. A place where rubbish is taken and buried

  1. Fill in: scavenge, inspire, rope, tuck, recycle, balance in the correct form. There are some extra words.
  1. An article about waste and its impact on the environment … Jane to take up freeganism.
  2. They were delighted with the free meal and sat down and … into it.
  3. I didn’t really feel like going, but my friends … me into it.

  1. Fill in: urban, discarded, frozen, pitying, edible, closing, crash, sealed. There are some extra words.
  1. Dave did a … course in digital photography so he could take photos of his trip to India.
  2. We found a kilogramme of fresh apples inside a … bag in the bin.
  3. The … population of most countries is growing at a rapid rate.
  4. The passers-by threw … looks at the freegans who were going through the bin.

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