Контрольная работа к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English" 4 класс unit 2
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Орлова Надежда Николаевна

Контрольная работа к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English" для 4 класса по 2 модулю. Контрольная работа разработана в 2х вариантах. Очень хорошо тренируется лексика и грамматика по данному разделу. Оформлена на 2 листах для более удобного печатания.


Файл unit_2_test.docx140.92 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Match the words:

under                                        над

window                                картинка

pantry                                        под

wall                                        в правом углу

flat                                        гостиная

in the right corner                        окно

above                                        кладовая

armchair                                квартира

living room                                кресло

picture                                        стена

Fill in “is” or “are”:

There _____ many books on the shelf.

_____ there a cat in your room? – Yes, there _____

There _____ a kitchen in the house.

There _____ no window in my bedroom.

_____ there pictures in your hall? – No, there _____ not.

There _____ a large kitchen, a nice living room and two bedrooms in my flat.

Обведи нужный предлог:

There is a fireplace on/in/next to the sofa.

There are many pictures on/behind/between the wall.

I share a large room with/in/from my brother.

There is a carpet in/under/on the floor.

I can see a cat in/under/between the chair.

Расставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения:

piano, is, no, there, in, my, living room.


are, there, two, in, house, our, kitchens.


his, is, hall, in, a, flat, there?


you, a, own, have, room, got, of, your?



Match the words:

behind                                        кухня

room                                        пианино

hall                                        стул

kitchen                                между

in the middle of                        диван

chair                                        комната

between                                дверь

piano                                        за

door                                        прихожая

sofa                                        в середине

Fill in “is” or “are”:

_____ there a fireplace in your living room? – No, there _____ not.

There _____ no pantries in my flat.

There _____ no toilet in his house.

There _____ a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen in her room.

There _____ a piano next to the sofa.

_____ there TV in your bedroom? – Yes, there _____.

Обведи нужный предлог:

Can you see my dog in/behind/between the armchair?

There are many books at/in/on the shelf.

I haven’t got a room of/from/on my own.

There is a piano under/behind/between the sofa and the table.

There is no door of/in/next to my bedroom.

Расставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения:

living room, is, nice, there, a, his, house, in.


no, flat, our, there, pantries, are, in.


is, a, big, there, window, bedroom, in, your?


a, with, shares, he, room, friend, his.


Запиши краткие ответы на вопросы:

Is there a pantry in your flat? - _____________________________

Are there pictures in your kitchen? - ________________________

Are there any chairs in your living room? - __________________________

Is there TV in your kitchen? - _____________________________

Is there a clock in your toilet? - __________________________

Are there beds in your bathroom? - _______________________

Where are the cat and the bird?










Translate in English:

В моем доме 3 спальни.


Под столом кот.


На стене нет часов.


Над камином нет окон.


Запиши краткие ответы на вопросы:

Is there a bathroom in your house? - _____________________________

Are there pictures in your bedroom? - ________________________

Are there any armchairs in your living room? - __________________________

Is there piano in your kitchen? - _____________________________

Is there a clock in your bedroom? - __________________________

Is there a toilet in your flat? - _______________________

Where are the cat and the bird?










Translate in English:

В моей квартире 2 гостиные.


За диваном собака.


На столе нет часов.


Над столом нет лампы.

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