Phrasal verbs with COME & CUT
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)
Упражнения на совершенствование навыков употребления и перевода фразовых глаголов COME и CUT
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Phrasal verbs with COME
Come across – случайно найти, натолкнуться, случайно встретиться
Come along – 1) спешить, 2) приходить, появляться
Come by – получить, приобретать, добиваться
Come down with – заболеть
Come into – получить в наследство
Come off – 1) иметь успех, удаваться, 2) покидать, оставлять
Come out – 1) бастовать, 2) расцветать, 3) выходить в свет, публиковаться,
4) раскрываться (о правде, …)
Come over – приезжать, заходить
Come round – 1) заглянуть(зайти), 2) прийти в себя, 3) изменить мнение
Come up – упоминать, всплывать в беседе, 2) возникать, случаться
Come up against – столкнуться (с трудностями)
Come up with – придумать, найти решение
Ex. 1. Fill in the correct particle:
- Only Jane was invited to the party, but both her sisters came …… too.
- Why don’t you come …………. to our place one evening?
- Come ……………. , children, or we’ll be late!
- His name never comes ………….. in our conversation these days.
- We are sorry to be late with the goods, but we came ……….. some unexpected delays.
- Trouble comes ……………. when you least expect it.
- Your question came ………………. at the meeting.
- Women in the police force often complain that they come …………. a lot of prejudice.
- Take every chance that comes……………. .
- I’ll let you know if anything comes ……………. .
- Come …………… with me & have some coffee, I’m tired of listening to his speech.
- The flowers are coming ……………… in everyone’s gardens.
- I won’t be seeing you any more, I’m coming …………. your case.
- The girl fainted but she came …………. when we threw drops of water on her face.
- Her gentle nature comes …………… when she is helping children.
- Don’t worry about the chairman, he’ll soon come …………… to our opinion.
- The post office workers have come ………….. .
- An opportunity came ………….. to work in Ethiopia for a year, so I went.
- This job came …………. just at the right time.
Ex. 2. Rewrite the underlined words in these horoscopes, using phrasal verbs with COME.
SCORPIO *************************************************************
You may have to deal with1 a few problems at work today, but don’t worry, they’re only temporary, & a new job opportunity will arise2 which could change your life. The name of an old friend is mentioned3 in conversation, bringing back powerful memories.
You will meet someone by pure chance4 who seems to share the same world view as you, but be careful, they are not what they seem to be. Don’t forget that, in the end, true love very often appears by chance5 & it may be a surprise to find someone you can trust.
Ex. 1. Fill in the correct particle:
- Only Jane was invited to the party, but both her sisters came along too.
- Why don’t you come over to our place one evening?
- Come along, children, or we’ll be late!
- His name never comes up in our conversation these days.
- We are sorry to be late with the goods, but we came up against some unexpected delays.
- Trouble comes along when you least expect it.
- Your question came up at the meeting.
- Women in the police force often complain that they come up against a lot of prejudice.
- Take every chance that comes along.
- I’ll let you know if anything comes up.
- Come off with me & have some coffee, I’m tired of listening to his speech.
- The flowers are coming out in everyone’s gardens.
- I won’t be seeing you any more, I’m coming off your case.
- The girl fainted but she came round when we threw drops of water on her face.
- Her gentle nature comes out when she is helping children.
- Don’t worry about the chairman, he’ll soon come round to our opinion.
- The post office workers have come out.
- An opportunity came up to work in Ethiopia for a year, so I went.
- This job came along just at the right time.
Ex. 2. 1. come up against 2. come up 3. comes up 4. come across 5. come along
Phrasal Verbs with CUT
Cut down – валить, рубить
Cut down on – сократить (употребление)
Cut in (to) – прервать, вмешаться в разговор
Cut off – 1) изолировать, отрезать 2) отключать, разъединить
Cut out – вырезать, исключить, убрать, удалить
Cut out to be sth, cut out for sth – создан для (профессия)
Ex. 1. Fill in the correct particle
- You’d better cut ____ that last sentence.
- Cutting ____ the rainforest has a terrible effect on the environment.
- The gas company is threatening to cut us ____ if we don’t pay the bill immediately.
- It’s the fatty foods you need to cut ____ if you want to lose weight.
- I was enjoying the dance until that rude man cut ____.
- Could you try & cut ____ the amount of time you spend on the phone?
- Some of the mountain villages are extremely cut ___, & can only be reached on foot.
- I wish I’d cut ____ cigarettes years ago.
- I wish Mary would stop cutting ____ our conversation all the time.
- The US has cut ____ aid to Cambodia.
- In winter the town is often cut ____ by snow.
- After the first 2 months, Jim realised that he wasn’t cut ____ a policeman.
- They had to cut ____ their charitable donations.
- Save time for yourself by cutting your shopping ____ to twice a week.
- I don’t really enjoy being at home with the children – I just wasn’t cut ____ it!
- There were pictures of animals cut ____ of magazines & tacked to the wall.
- They held a gun to his head & threatened to cut ____ his ears.
- Mrs Travers began a reply, Mrs Patel cut ____.
Ex. 2. Translate from Russian into English using phrasal verbs with CUT:
- Если будет землетрясение, снабжение электричеством будет прекращено.
- В наше время повышения цен мы все должны сокращать свои расходы.
- Редакторы книги попросили меня вырезать несколько абзацев.
- Нужно было срубить несколько деревьев прежде чем начать строительные работы.
- Доктор посоветовал отцу меньше курить.
- «Вообще-то», прервал Марк, «это не совсем верно».
- Целые деревни были отрезаны наводнениями.
- Правительство рассматривает различные предложения для сокращения количества машин на наших дорогах.
- Они были отрезаны русской армией и вынуждены были сдаться.
- Я не думаю, что ты подходишь для профессии учителя – у тебя недостаточно терпения.
Ex. 1. Fill in the correct particle:
- You’d better cut out that last sentence.
- Cutting down the rainforest has a terrible effect on the environment.
- The gas company is threatening to cut us off if we don’t pay the bill immediately.
- It’s the fatty foods you need to cut down on if you want to lose weight.
- I was enjoying the dance until that rude man cut in.
- Could you try & cut down the amount of time you spend on the phone?
- Some of the mountain villages are extremely cut off, & can only be reached on foot.
- I wish I’d cut down on cigarettes years ago.
- I wish Mary would stop cutting in(to) our conversation all the time.
- The US has cut down aid to Cambodia.
- In winter the town is often cut off by snow.
- After the first 2 months, Jim realised that he wasn’t cut out to be a policeman.
- They had to cut down on their charitable donations.
- Save time for yourself by cutting your shopping down to twice a week.
- I don’t really enjoy being at home with the children – I just wasn’t cut out for it!
- There were pictures of animals cut out of magazines & tacked to the wall.
- They held a gun to his head & threatened to cut off his ears.
- Mrs Travers began a reply, but Mrs Patel cut in again.
Ex. 2.
- Если будет землетрясение, снабжение электричеством будет прекращено.
If there is an earthquake, the electrical supply will be immediately cut off.
- В наше время повышения цен мы все должны сокращать свои расходы.
In these times of rising prices we must all cut down our spending (expense).
- Редакторы книги попросили меня вырезать несколько абзацев.
The editors of the book asked me to cut out several paragraphs.
- Нужно было срубить несколько деревьев прежде чем начать строительные работы.
Several trees had to be cut down before the building work could start.
- Доктор посоветовал отцу меньше курить.
The doctor advised father to cut down on smoking.
- «Вообще-то», прервал Марк, «это не совсем верно».
“Actually,” Mark cut in, “that’s not quite true.
- Целые деревни были отрезаны наводнениями.
Whole villages were cut off by the floods.
- Правительство рассматривает различные предложения для сокращения количества машин на наших дорогах.
The government is looking at various proposals for cutting down the number of cars on our roads.
- Они были отрезаны русской армией и вынуждены были сдаться.
They were cut off by the Russian army & forced to surrender.
- Я не думаю, что ты подходишь для профессии учителя – у тебя недостаточно терпения.
I don’t think you are cut out for teaching – you haven’t enough patience.
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