Подборка упражнений по Spotlight (4 классы)
тест по английскому языку

Асфендиярова Танеш Абдулсаметовна

Тесты, карточки по модулям


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Файл spotlight-4_test_5.docx102.49 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-4. Module 4. Reading task.


Что делать: Прочитай текст и утверждения после текста. Согласись, или не согласись с этими утверждениями, исходя из содержания текста. Подчеркни True, если ты согласен с утверждением, и False, если не согласен.

Pandas are mammals (млекопитающие). They look like small bears. Their bodies are black and white. They have got black ears, black arms, legs, and black spots on their eyes. They live in central part of China.                                                              

Pandas spend most of their time eating. They are herbivores. Their favourite food is bamboo leaves. They also eat fruit and vegetables. Pandas can’t see very well that is why they move very slowly. A big panda can be up to 150 kilos. They live for 15 years.  

  1. Pandas are not reptiles.                                                        


  1. They are two-coloured animals.


  1. Pandas live all over China.


  1. Most of the time pandas sleep.


  1. They eat only bamboo leaves.


  1. They move very slowly because they are fat.


  1. Pandas are omnivores.


  1. Pandas can weigh more (весить больше) than 100 kg.



Spotlight-4. Module 4. Reading task.


Что делать: Прочитай текст и утверждения после текста. Согласись, или не согласись с этими утверждениями, исходя из содержания текста. Подчеркни True, если ты согласен с утверждением, и False, если не согласен.

Pandas are mammals (млекопитающие). They look like small bears. Their bodies are black and white. They have got black ears, black arms, legs, and black spots on their eyes. They live in central part of China.                                                              

Pandas spend most of their time eating. They are herbivores. Their favourite food is bamboo leaves. They also eat fruit and vegetables. Pandas can’t see very well that is why they move very slowly. A big panda can be up to 150 kilos. They live for 15 years.  

  1. Pandas are not reptiles.                                                        


  1. They are two-coloured animals.


  1. Pandas live all over China.


  1. Most of the time pandas sleep.


  1. They eat only bamboo leaves.


  1. They move very slowly because they are fat.


  1. Pandas are omnivores.


  1. Pandas can weigh more (весить больше) than 100 kg.


Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-4.Test 3

Variant 1

 1. Listening task.

2. Complete the words.

3. Translate into Russian.

  1. l _ mon
  1. банка мёда;
  1. b _ _ ns
  1. килограмм помидоров;
  1. c _ c _ n _ t
  1. пакет апельсинового сока;
  1. _ ugar
  1. батон хлеба;
  1. fl _ _ r

  1. бутылка лимонада.

4. Read and choose.

5. Mark the nouns C (countable) or U (uncountable). Write the plurals if possible.

e.g. apple (C) – apples

water (U)

1. There is _____ milk in the glass

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

2.  Are there any apples? – Yes, but not _____.

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

3. There isn’t _____ salt left.

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. mango

4. How _____ bread it there?

  1. butter

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. pineapple

5. Is there any pepper in the cupboard? – Yes, _____.

  1. salt

a) a lot

b) much

c) many

  1. pepper

6. Correct the mistakes.

  1. How many oranges are there are in the salad?
  2. There isn’t much of olive oil in the bottle.
  3. We’ve got a lot of much jam.
  4. Can I have a bar of a chocolate, please?
  5. This is a tin jar of beans.

7. Read and match.

  1. May I have a cup of tea?
  1. May I go to the cinema?
  1. May I come in?
  1. May I eat some ice cream?
  1. May I use your phone?

  1. Yes, you may. But don’t be late next time!
  1. Of course, not! It’s cold!
  1. Sure, here you are.
  1. Sorry, no, I need it now.
  1. Yes, you may. What’s the name of the film?

Spotlight-4.Test 3

Variant 2

 1. Listening task.

2. Complete the words.

3. Translate into Russian.

  1. m _ ngo
  1. пакет молока;
  1. b _ t_ er
  1. бутылка воды;
  1. p _ n _ app _ e
  1. плитка шоколада;
  1. s _ lt
  1. килограмм картошки;
  1. pe _ _ er

  1. банка яблочного варенья.

4. Read and choose.

5. Mark the nouns C (countable) or U (uncountable). Write the plurals if possible.

e.g. apple (C) – apples

water (U)

1. There are _____ oranges in the fridge.

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

2. Are there any biscuits on the shelf? – Yes, _____.

a) a lot

b) much

c) many

3. Is there any butter? – Yes, but not _____.

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. lemon

4. There isn’t _____ water left.

  1. beans

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. coconut

5. How _____ bananas are there?

  1. sugar

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. flour

6. Correct the mistakes.

  1. This is a loaf bar of bread.
  2. There aren’t many of tomatoes in the box.
  3. How much sugar is there is in the tea?
  4. Can I have a packet of a crisps, please?
  5. They’ve got a lot of many lemons.

7. Read and match.

  1. May I use your pencil?
  1. May I have some cake?
  1. May I go swimming?
  1. May I go out?
  1. May I read in my room?

  1. Yes, you may. But don’t be long!
  1. Of course, not! It’s cold!
  1. Sure, here you are.
  1. Sorry, no, I need it now.
  1. Yes, you may. What’s the name of the book?

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 4

1. Look and label the animals.

e.g. 1) ostrich

1) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/c/7/9/1/clipart-ostrich-c791.png

2) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/7/1/0/f/clipart-seal-710f.png

3) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/2/a/5/7/clipart-giraffe-2a57.png


5) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/7/1/e/7/clipart-gecko-71e7.png

6) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/b/5/0/d/clipart-grey-elephant-b50d.png

7) http://www.illustrationsof.com/royalty-free-whale-clipart-illustration-38078.jpg

8) http://thumbs.gograph.com/gg4467234.jpg


10) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/f/4/9/7/clipart-hippo-f497.png

2. Read and complete. Then put the months in the right order.

Jan _ _ _ _, J _ _y, N_ _ e _ _ _ _, Ap _ _ _, Fe _ _ _ _ _ _, M _ _, M _r _ _, J _ _ _, Au _ _ _ _, D _ c _ _ _ _ _, Oc _ _ _ _ _, Sep _ _ _ _ _ _.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous.

1) What _____ (you/do)? – I _____ (watch) TV at the moment.

2) Look! It _____ (rain) now.

3) She _____ (cook) lunch at the moment.

4) They _____ (eat) sweets right now.

5) Listen! My brother _____ (play) the piano.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple.

1) I usually _____ (walk) the dog in the morning.

2) My sister never _____ (go) to school alone (одна).

3) When do they have lunch? – They usually _____ (have) lunch at 2 pm.

4) We sometimes _____ (play) computer games after school.

5) She always _____ (clean) her room on Saturdays.

5. Read and choose.

1) Look! She is feeding/feeds the lions.

2) John never is waking/wakes up late.

3) Monkeys can climb/are climbing trees.

4) Bab and Kelly have/are having a piano lesson every Saturday.

6. Read and complete.

1) Helen is _____ (smart) than Billy.

2) Elephants are _____ (big) than lions.

3) This picture is _____ (small) than that.

4) Today I am _____ (happy) than yesterday (вчера).

5) Tigers are _____ (fast) than dogs.

7. School rules. Read and choose.

1) You must/mustn’t be late (опаздывать) for the lessons.

2) You must/mustn’t be quiet in the library.

3) You must/mustn’t do your homework every day.

4) You must/mustn’t wear a uniform at school.

5) You must/mustn’t eat in the canteen (столовая).


8. Read and complete.

Giraffes are very tall animals. They can be from 4 to 5.5 metres tall. They live in Africa. Giraffes have their babies during (в течение) dry (засушливые) months of July and August. They eat tree leaves and live for about 10-15 years.

Name: e.g. giraffe

lives in: 1) _____

has babies in: 2) _____ and 3) _____

eats: 4) _____

lives for: 5) _____ years

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight -4. Test 5

1. Look and write.

Картинки по запросу hungry emoji

Картинки по запросу scared emoji

Картинки по запросу tired emoji

Картинки по запросу sad emoji

Похожее изображение

2. Find the odd one out.

1) am – is – were – are

2) sad – tired – happy – bored

3) Happy birthday! – Goodbye! – Congratulations! – Bon voyage!

4) sixth – tenth – seven – eleventh

5) always – yesterday – usually – every day

3. Complete the numbers.

1) My birthday is on the (20) of May.

2) Lena’s grandma lives in the (4) house.

3) Did you see the (1) star tonight?

4) It’s my (13) birthday today!

5) She wasn’t at school on the (12) of February.

6) My brother won the (2) prize.

7) Friday is the (5) day of the week.

8) What is on the (8) of March?

9) This cake is for Robbie’s (48) birthday.

10) Mark is the (3) student in the class.

4. Fill in: was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1. ___ you at school yesterday? – No, I ___.

2. Where ___ your little sister last night? – She ___ at home with me.

3. My friends ___ at the café yesterday. – And where ___ you?

4. ___ there a theatre in our town 10 years ago? – Yes, there ___.

5. We ____ at school yesterday. We were at home,

5. Fill in: yesterday, ago, last.

1. We were in London ___ April.

2. What was on TV ___?

3. I wasn’t at school ___ week.

4. There was a test in English two days ___.

5. Dave was at the shops ___.

6. Read and correct.

1. Were the shops open yesterday ago?

2. My parents was in France five months ago.

3. She wasn’t not happy yesterday.

4. Was you in Moscow last year?

5. He wasn’t American, he were English.

7. Read and complete.

I was at the petshop 1) ___ days ago. There were a lot of 2) ___ there. There 3) ___ a cat. It was 4) ___. There were parrots, 5) ___! They 6) ___ green, yellow and blue. I saw 7) ___ goldfish, a hamster and three little 8) ___ on the shelf. They were very 9) ___!

I like animals very 8) ___!

  1. a) for

b) four

c) yesterday

  1. a) books

b) shops

c) animals

  1. a) wasn’t

b) were

c) was

  1. a) red

b) rat

c) bad

  1. a) two

b) too

c) second

  1. a) were

b) are

c) was

  1. a) an

b) a

c) am

  1. a) mice

b) mouse

c) a mouse

  1. a) big

b) funny

c) cold

  1. a) many

b) more

c) much

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