Презентация The Queen of Great Britain
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Слайд 1

The Queen of Great Britain

Слайд 2

Queen Elizabeth II was the head of the British royal family in 1952.

Слайд 3

Elizabeth II was born in 1926. The ruling queen of Great Britain and Kingdoms of the Commonwealth of Windsor dynasty.

Слайд 5

Her favorite the the pets it Royal Korgi .

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She is a record among all the monarchs to stay on the throne. Since 13 October 2016 after the death of the king is the oldest of the now existing of heads of state of the world.

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The reign period of Elizabeth II had a very wide period of British and world history. The process of decolonization was completed, which was marked by the final collapse of the British Empire and its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations. Under Elizabeth II Great Britain joined the European Union and is leaving it. Other events of this period include the long-running ethnopolitical conflict in Northern Ireland, the Falklands war, and Britain’s participation in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In these circumstances, Elizabeth II was able to maintain the prestige and popularity of the British monarchy.

Слайд 8

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