контрольная работа 11 класс
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

11 класс тест


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Unit 8 “Crime and Punishment” (11th grade)



1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the word accident or incident

1) In her story she remembers many humorous _____ from her life in the country.

2) I am really sorry about your camera: it was an _____.

3) John’s had an _____ at work and he’s had to go to hospital.

4) Apart from the _____ in the travel agency our vacation was completely trouble-free.

5) After the criminal had been found nobody mentioned the _____ again.

6) Five people have been killed in a car _____ this morning.

7) A serious _____ is blocking the southbound side of the M1.

8) We met them by _____.

2. Match the items in column A with the items in column B in order to make correct sentences



1) The thief looked at the policemen’s faces

2) He never spent much time with his friends

3) The house was searched several times

4) The burglar didn’t admit breaking into the house

5) He couldn’t pay the fine

6) It was his first criminal offence

a) but no clues were found.

b) and was sentenced to 50 hours of community service.

c) but they didn’t give away their thoughts.

d) and the judge let him off with a caution.

e) until he was confronted with the evidence.

f) because he was afraid of getting too attached to them.

3. Match words and expressions from list  A with words and expressions from list B that have the opposite meaning



1. victim

2. minor crime

3. innocent

4. soft measures

a) major crime

b) harsh treatment

c) offender

d) guilty

4. Fill in the gaps in these sentences with a suitable word from Ex. 3

1) In the past a _____ would inevitably lead to a barbaric punishment, nowadays the laws seem to have become less harsh.

2) After being found _____, the murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment.

3) Some people believe that sending a young criminal to warm countries to relax will encourage the _____ to return as a law-abiding citizen.

4) Street vandalism is an example of a _____ that may lead to more serious abuse of the law.

5) Many people consider capital punishment to be exceptionally _____, which is unacceptable in a civilized country.

6) The terrorist gang that killed thousands of _____ people on 11 September 2001 in New York deserves very severe punishment.

7) The Juvenile Crime Committee decided to work out a series of further _____ that would ensure that they didn’t re-offend in the future.

8) The Independent reports that nearly 1 person in 3 was a _____ of a crime in 1999.

5. Choose the best alternative to fill in the gaps in each of the following sentences

1) When the police confronted her _____ the evidence, she admitted everything.

a) of

b) with

c) to

2) John looked at the policeman’s face but it didn’t give _____ his thoughts.

a) in

b) away

c) up

3) The teacher accused a student _____ cheating during the exam.

a) in

b) of

c) with

4) He was _____ heavily for breaking the speed limit.

a) cautioned

b) warned

c) fined

5) “I’ll let you off with a _____ this time”, the policeman said to the driver.

a) notice

b) remark

c) caution

6) We had to repair our old car after the accident – my father is deeply attached _____it.

a) in

b) with

c) to

7) They gave Monica a final _____, and told her that if she was late again she would lose her job.

a) statement

b) warning

c) sentence

8) After the burglary detectives _____ the yard for clues.

a) searched

b) looked

c) found


Read the article about different crimes and say which text mentions the following:

1. A criminal who attacked his victim with a home appliance.

2. A victim who couldn’t defend himself.

3. Two retired women who injured a young criminal.

4. A former sportsman who protected himself.

5. A victim’s father who tried to catch the criminals.

6. The criminal was caught by the police soon after the incident.

7. A victim who acted so effectively that a criminal couldn’t move for some time.

A. A 15-stone robber has been beaten up by a pair of elderly widows, reports the Daily Mail. When Matthew Frape, 28 tried to mug Vera Hull and Sheila Hastings, the ladies – both in their seventies – fought back, thrashing him with their sticks until he ran off with a broken ankle. On being arrested by the police, Frape tried to explain his injuries by saying that he had been attacked by youths armed with iron bars.

The Week, 10 June 2000

B. Former Olympic athlete Derec Ibbotson proved he still has the appetite for a chase when he pursued two thieves.

          The 67-year-old, who beat Roger Bannister’s four-minute mile record by 2.2 seconds in 1957, sprinted into action when his daughter’s car was stolen in Huddersfield.

          He blocked the men’s escape with his Toyota and grabbed the keys.

          As they ran off the 5,000-metre bronze medallist in the 1956 Olympics gave chase but lost them. “If it had happened 40 years ago I would have run the distance three times quicker,” he said.

Daily Mail, 16 July 1999

C. A mugger wielding an electric toaster robbed a man of cash and ripped off his gold chain.

          The 21-year-old victim was walking down the street when the robber pounced (внезапно атаковал) demanding cash.

          When he refused, the attacker threw him into the bush and threatened to hit him with the toaster.

          He bit his victim’s hand after he would not cooperate. The mugger then fled with £12 and a £50 chain after the attack in Wood End, Coventry.

Daily Mail, 16 July 1999

D. A thug who tried to rob wheelchair-bound Graham Knights got a sudden, short, sharp shock.

          For his victim, a former boxer, aimed a crisp right-hander into the place it would hurt the youth the most. It allowed Mr Knights to power off in his two-wheeler, leaving the failed mugger bent double in agony.

          Mr Knights was attacked near Doncaster’s Southern bus station by the youth who first tried to grab a bag tied to the wheelchair. Mr Knights, 26, lives in Cross Street, Rossington, with his wife Anne and children Hedley and Heather. He said: “I told him there was no way he was taking anything of mine and then I punched him. He let go and I did a wheelie turn and shot off, calling in to the police station on my way to a friend’s house in Hyde Park.”

The Sheffield Star, 10 February 1994


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