Personal Essay Writing Guide: “Future Career”\ ”My Dream Job”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Агафонова Вера Александровна

Personal Essay

Writing Guide: “Future Career”\

”My Dream Job”


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Personal Essay

Writing Guide: “Future Career”\

”My Dream Job”

You don’t need to be absolutely certain about your career choice. You’re going to write about your dream job and there’s no limit to what this could be. Answer these questions to help you decide what to put in your essay:

1. What is your dream job? ___________________________________________________________

2. What attracts you to this job? ____________________________________________________________


3. How did you first get interested in this type of work? Did someone in this career inspire you? How? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. What do you hope to accomplish in this career? ___________________________________________________________



5. Have you prepared yourself for this career in any way? (e.g., talked to someone in the field, read a book about what it’s like to have such a career, or tried out a workshop or class?) ________________________________


6. What will you do at school to help prepare you for this career? (You might list a major, classes or activities you’ll pursue.) ________________________________________________________


7. Have you had any experiences that have helped you learn about this career? (e.g., summer job, internship, job shadowing, etc.) ____________________________________________________________
