Презентация к уроку на тему "My Future Profession"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Блохина Тамара Самвеловна

Презентация на тему "My Future Profession" предназначена для обучающихся по дисциплине ОУД.03 Иностранный язык

Учебный материал содержит следующий план:

1. Why did I choose this profession?
2. History of the profession
3. The importance of the profession in society
4. Risks of the chosen profession
5. How to get my profession
6. Demand for the profession



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Слайд 1

My future profession

Слайд 2

work plan 1 Why did I choose this profession? 2 History of the profession 3 The importance of the profession in society 4 Risks of the chosen profession 5 How to get my profession 6 Demand for the profession

Слайд 3

why did I choose this profession? I hope to become a lawyer in the future. Before choosing it, I thought for a long time and thought about what profession I should choose . The lawyer is one of the most complex and important professions of our time. It helps to acquit an innocent person, solve many crimes. There is a saying: 'it is Better to release ten guilty than to convict one innocent. In such difficult situations, the lawyer should show all his mind and all his knowledge. I want to choose this profession because it is very popular in the labor market, and I hope , that I can find a good job. I also love justice very much , and I will do my best to make it prevail.

Слайд 4

History of the profession The first professional lawyers were members of the College of pontiffs in Ancient Rome. They laid the Foundation for legal regulation of public life and created an extensive base of precedents. Only a few centuries later, jurisprudence took shape as a science. A particularly significant milestone in its development is considered to be the publication of the first textbook on law — guy's "Institutions"

Слайд 5

history The lawyer is a very respected and very ancient profession. A lawyer from the Latin word "juris"- law. In other words, a lawyer is a profession that unites all the servants of the law and the law. Judges, prosecutors, lawyers, notaries, all of them are lawyers. For the first time, lawyers get the opportunity to develop as a separate profession in Ancient Rome. The high priestly Institute of law, which was called the College of pontiffs, became the first legal organization. All knowledge of sacred law was stored here, legal records were kept, and rules for interpreting this knowledge were developed.However , only a few were initiated into the law. These few were patricians - the upper class of Rome, consisting only of native inhabitants. Later, common people – plebeians-were also admitted to the law. Since then, law has acquired the status of a science and began to develop as a separate direction from religion. Further, the history has many stages of the development of jurisprudence, but it was with the sophists and pontiffs that the birth of such a profession as a Lawyer began.

Слайд 6

Social significance of the profession in society It is simply impossible to imagine modern life without a huge army of lawyers . They help us understand the intricacies of legal procedures. In addition to working in law enforcement agencies , courts, and educational institutions , lawyers are assigned to the field of copyright protection, market analysis for unfair competition, and so on .

Слайд 7

risks of the profession There are many positive aspects in the legal profession. First of all, this is , of course, an opportunity to " transform the world", to make it better and safer. Many specialists find this morally satisfying. However, it should be remembered that the struggle for a "just cause" does not always end in victory. Moreover, every lawyer is closely monitored by higher authorities, public organizations, and journalists. And every mistake can be very expensive.

Слайд 8

where can I get a profession ? Getting a lawyer's profession today is not difficult at all . The main thing is to have a true vocation for this and be ready for long and hard work. In higher education institutions, new specialties become available — justices of the peace, bailiffs, etc.

Слайд 9

demand for the profession New types of work for lawyers arise in the field of consumer protection, real estate, market protection from unfair competition, copyright protection, and construction business. Today, the situation on the labor market is such that the list of jobs and positions that professional lawyers can apply for is expanding every day. Today, there is a sharp shortage of professional lawyers in law enforcement agencies. The growth of crime and changes in social relations in society have led to the fact that law enforcement agencies need to expand investigative and judicial divisions, operational staff and prosecutors.

Слайд 10

result Based on the results of the above, I want to say that the profession attracted me very much. I think it is quite interesting and non- monotonous. In the future, I plan to develop in this area because at the moment this work is very popular and it attracts me. a big plus is helping people.

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