Terrifying stories the Bloody Tower
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Evdokimova Natalya Grigorievna

Terrifying stories the Bloody Tower


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Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson plan

Teacher: Natalya Yevdokimova


Topic: Terrifying stories: the “Bloody” Tower

Level and number of learners

Intermediate, 12 learners

Timetable fit

At the previous lessons students read the amazing story “The Canterville Ghost” and discussed it. At this lesson students are going to read  the story “The “Bloody” Tower” and give their suggestions concerning the moral of it.

Main aim

By the end of the lesson students will be able to speak about the events that happened in the British history long ago, make predictions why some people called the Tower of London the “Bloody” tower and share their personal opinions of the  ethics.

Subsidiary aims

To elicit the necessary information from listening and reading texts for further discussion

Personal aims

Students will develop memory, initiative, creativity and imagination, improve their cultural skills.


The students already know some facts about The Tower of London.

Anticipated language problems

Some students may have forgotten the forms of the irregular verbs and the formation of Past Perfect Tense.

Possible solutions

The teacher revises 3 forms of irregular verbs with the students.


Students should find out any exciting story from the British past, draw 1-2 pictures to it and retell it to the class.



Subsidiary aims

Aids and materials

Interactive pattern


1.Warming up



b)while- listening

c)after listening

3. Reading

 a) pre-reading


b) While- reading

c) Post- reading activity

4. Speaking

5. Writing

6. Speaking

7. Homework

1. Students read the poster “When a man is tired of London he’s tired of life” and comment on it.

2.Students look at the map of London and find the places of interest they know.

Students examine the photo of the Tower of London and share their information about it.

Students listen to the text “The Tower of London”

Students complete the diagram with the words from the text

Students read the last sentence “That’s why some people call the Tower the”Bloody” tower”and discuss what is meant by this sentence

Students watch poster presentation and give their opinion concerning the death of EdwardV

Students guess the meaning of the unfamiliar words from the context

Students read the story

Students answer the questions on the text, correct the sentences

Students give reasons why the 2 boys were never seen again

Students write a short essay to summarize the story of the 2 princes

Students give personal reactions to the story and say why some people called the Tower of London the “Bloody” tower

Students should find out any exciting story from the British past, draw 1-2 pictures to it and retell it to the class.

1.to introduce the topic

to prepare students to comprehend the story by activating their background knowledge

to motivate to read, to have a general understanding of its theme

to get a general idea of the text

To anticipate the gist of the story and motivate students to read the story

To expand their vocabulary

To elicit the necessary information

To check the comprehension of the story

To give students confidence in speaking through controlled practice

To give students fluency practice

The poster, the map of London

the photo of the Tower of London

text for listening “The Tower of London”

the story “The Bloody tower”

Poster presentation


Whole class

Pair work

Individual work

Group work

Individual work

Individual work


Individual work


5 min

10 min

10 min

5 min

5 min

7 min

3 min

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