Контрольная работа 6 класс 7 модуль
материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

Глущенко Марина Владимировна

Контрольная работа по 7 модулю. 6 класс Учебник Spotlight


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 6.  Module 7. Check.

  1. Write the adjectives.

  1. ybus
  2. uylg
  3. etdedesr
  4. tuiqe
  5. drwecod
  6. etudolpl

  1. Match the words to form collocations.

  1. sound
  2. fire heat
  3. lost
  4. throughout
  5. tool
  6. rocking

  1. property
  2. film
  3. kit
  4.  vision
  5. horse
  6. the ages

  1. Fill in the correct words.

  1. He made nine films while he was________________.
  2. They are ____________ because they have nothing to do.
  3. The teacher was angry because his students were ________ .
  4. My grandparents` house was __________ after the Second World War.
  5. Don`t _________. We have lots of time.
  6. I didn`t know where to go. I was _______________.
  7. Lots of people from Mineral Park worked in the ____________.
  8. I am ____________ because I worked for a long time.

  1. Rewrite the sentences in the past. Use the words in brackets.
  1. Kieran come home at night (yesterday)
  2. She lives with her mother and one brother in the city.(many years ago)
  3. We are at home (last night).
  4. I meet Sue at the pub. (last week)
  5. We go to school. (in 2012)
  6. I hear a new song on the radio (5 minutes ago).
  7. Susan has a baby (in August.)
  8. I give my mother a CD for her birthday (last year).
  9. She drinks too much coffee (yesterday).
  10. We often visit our parents (on Saturday)

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.


There were a lot of animals at the river and there was a lot of noise. But then the lion came and the animals were quiet. The lion walked slowly to the river. He looked at the water. He saw his face in the water and he smiled. He liked his big, strong face.

The lion put his big strong foot on a mouse’s tail.

“Who’s the boss here?” the lion asked. “You are “the small mouse said nervously.

“Right answer” the lion said.

The lion put his face nose-to-nose with a monkey.

“Who’s the boss here’” the lion asked. “You are” the monkey said quickly.

“Right answer” the lion said.

Then the lion saw an elephant. “You! Big nose!” he said. The elephant did not look at the lion. “Big nose! I’m talking to you!” the lion said angrily. “I don’t have a nose. I have a trunk” the elephant said. “OK Big trunk. Who’s the boss here?” The elephant did not answer, but his big long trunk moved quickly. It picked up the lion and threw him into the river.

“OK. OK “the wet lion said. “You are angry because you do not know the answer”

  1. The animals were quiet because………………

         a. they wanted to drink     b. the lion was there      c. there was a lot of noise

  1.  The mouse ……………………. the right answer.

          a. did not know     b. asked for    c. gave

  1. The mouse gave ……………….. answer

          a. the same       b. a wrong    c. a long

  1. The lion ………………….. the elephant

         a. was friendly to    b. said hello to    c. talked to

  1. The lion was angry because the elephant ……………………..

         a. had a big nose     b. talked       c. did not answer.

  1.   The elephant trunk was …………………

         a. very strong    b. not big     c. short

  1.  The elephant did not ………………………….

  1. know the answer     b. like the question    c. throw the lion into the water

  1. Make the sentences negative.

  1. The lion walked slowly to the river.
  2. He saw his face in the water.
  3. There was a lot of noise.

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