Контрольная работа 6 класс 8-9 модуль
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Глущенко Марина Владимировна

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс, учебник Spotlight Module 8-9


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 6. Unit 8-9. Check.

  1. Match.

  1. kitchen
  2. types of
  3. block of
  4. smoked
  5. ticket
  6. look
  7. out of

  1. flats
  2. appliances
  3. after
  4. salmon
  5. dwelling
  6. counter
  7. order

  1. Match the words in two columns to get expressions with containers and quantities.

  1. A jar of
  1. cereal
  1. A carton of
  1. jam
  1. A box of
  1. potato
  1. A packet of
  1. milk
  1. A bag of
  1. rice
  1. A kilo of
  1. crisps

  1. Circle out the odd word.
  1.  milk    juice   water   oil
  2.  onion    banana    garlic    tomato
  3.  fish    lamb    beef    pork
  4.  apple    orange    carrot   grape   
  5.  stir      waiter     mix       peel

  1. Write the correct comparative.

19.   February is __________month in the year (short)

20.  She is one of ______________ tennis players in the world. (good)

21.   My father is ________ my brother (strong)

22.   A sofa is ___________ a chair (comfortable)

      E.  Choose the correct word.

  1.  I must / have to visit my friend. It is her birthday.
  2.  I can / mustn’t swim very fast.
  3.  My grandmother need to/needs to/ have to ……..take this medicine in the morning.

  1. Choose the correct word.

  1.  Please have some/ few/ much of these chocolates. I know you like them.
  2.  Have you got much/ many/some coffee?
  3.  There isn't some /any /many water in the bottle.
  4.  Have we got some/ any/ a lot of milk?
  5. There was a few/ a little/ much food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
  6. Is there many/ much/ a little cake?
  7. There isn’t a little/ much/ many chicken.
  8. There’re a lot of/ few/ a little carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.
  9. There aren’t much/ many/ some tomatoes.

  1. On Mondays, I _______________ in the swimming-pool with my friends (swim)
  2. Stop singing! I ______________________ my lessons (do)
  3. I _________ Sue at the pub yesterday. (meet)
  4. The children didn`t____________ to school yesterday. (come)
  5. We ___________ at home last night. (be)
  6. He sometimes _________ to the cinema (go)


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