Полетели в космос!
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

Марчук Юлия Владимировна

Зная об заинтересованности своих учащихся космосом я подготовила серию уроков на английском языке, в рамках которых дети 6 класса узнают\повторят общеизвестную информацию о космосе (структура, планеты, явления) и одновременно продолжат развивать навыков говорения, аудирования и письма на англ. языке.

Познавательные уроки организованы в рамках внеурочной деятельности для учащихся 6 классов ГБОУ гимназии №586 Василеостровского района г. Санкт-Петербург в январе-феврале 2020 г.


  • Поощрить интерес учащихся к изучению ангшлийского языка; 
  • Способствовать развитию интереса к изучению космоса;
  • Выявить заинтересованных детей;
  • Стимулировать углубленное изучение английского языка и познавательные умения детей;
  • Развить интеллектуальную и социальную активности учащихся;
  • Организовать дополнительные мероприятия внеурочной деятельности среди школьников среднего звена;
  • Создать условия для продвижения и самореализации учащихся.

Видео и аудио документы доспутны по запросу.   




Файл space_lesson.pptx531.38 КБ
Файл planetsong_handout.docx14.96 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Read the words, match them with the sounds.

Слайд 2

Read the sentences, choose True or False.

Слайд 3

I am the second hottest (1)_________ and the (2)_________ one to the Sun I am the (3)__________but I am lots of fun Mercury The hottest but the second from the Sun The brightest planet in the (4)_________ system and I am too (5)____for anyone Venus The planet you (6)_______on, the third planer from the (7)_______ The only planet with (8)_______life so take care of me, for I am the only one Earth I am (9)_______in color, the forth planet (10)_______the Sun I have the highest (11)_______- a volcano named Olympus Mons Mars I am covered in (12)_______, the fifth planet from the Sun My (13)_______red spot is a raging storm Jupiter I am brown in(14) _______, the sixth planet from the Sun My outer (15)_______are (16)_______thin, They are made of (17)_______and icy chunks Saturn I am blue in color, I am the (18)_______planet from the Sun (19)_______have named me the (20)_______planet because I am the coldest one Uranus I am (21)_______in color, and the eighth planet from the Sun I have too many storms in my (22)_______ And I am the (23)_______planet from the Sun Neptune

Слайд 4

I am t he second hottest planet and the closest one to the Sun I am the smallest but I am lots of fun Mercury The hottest but the second from the Sun The brightest planet in the solar system and I am too hot for anyone Venus The planet you live on, the third planer from the Sun The only planet with organic life so take care of me, for I am the only one Earth I am red in color, the forth planet from the Sun I have the highest mountain - a volcano named Olympus Mons Mars I am covered in clouds, the fifth planet from the Sun My giant red spot is a raging storm Jupiter I am brown in color, the six planet from the Sun My outer rings are extremely thin, They are made of dust and ice chunks Saturn I am blue in color, I am the seventh planet from the Sun Humans have named me the icy planet because I am the coldest one Uranus I am blue in color, and the eighth planet from the Sun I have too many storms in my atmosphere And I am the farthest planet from the Sun Neptune

Слайд 6

the Earth Saturn Mercury Mars Venus Uranus Jupiter Neptune

Слайд 7

Read the sentences, match them with the planets.

Предварительный просмотр:

I am the second hottest (1)_________ and the (2)_________ one to the Sun

I am the (3)__________but I am lots of fun


The hottest but the second from the Sun

The brightest planet in the (4)_________ system and I am too (5)____for anyone


The planet you (6)_______on, the third planer from the (7)_______

The only planet with (8)_______life so take care of me, for I am the only one


I am (9)_______in color, the forth planet (10)_______the Sun

I have the highest (11)_______- a volcano named Olympus Mons


I am covered in (12)_______, the fifth planet from the Sun

My (13)_______red spot is a raging storm


I am brown in(14) _______, the sixth planet from the Sun

My outer (15)_______are (16)_______thin,

They are made of (17)_______and icy chunks


I am blue in color, I am the (18)_______planet from the Sun

(19)_______have named me the (20)_______planet because I am the coldest one


I am (21)_______in color, and the eighth planet from the Sun

I have too many storms in my (22)_______

And I am the (23)_______planet from the Sun


I am the second hottest (1)_________ and the (2)_________ one to the Sun

I am the (3)__________but I am lots of fun


The hottest but the second from the Sun

The brightest planet in the (4)_________ system and I am too (5)____for anyone


The planet you (6)_______on, the third planer from the (7)_______

The only planet with (8)_______life so take care of me, for I am the only one


I am (9)_______in color, the forth planet (10)_______the Sun

I have the highest (11)_______- a volcano named Olympus Mons


I am covered in (12)_______, the fifth planet from the Sun

My (13)_______red spot is a raging storm


I am brown in(14) _______, the sixth planet from the Sun

My outer (15)_______are (16)_______thin,

They are made of (17)_______and icy chunks


I am blue in color, I am the (18)_______planet from the Sun

(19)_______have named me the (20)_______planet because I am the coldest one


I am (21)_______in color, and the eighth planet from the Sun

I have too many storms in my (22)_______

And I am the (23)_______planet from the Sun


I am the second hottest planet and the closest one to the Sun

I am the smallest but I am lots of fun


The hottest but the second from the Sun

The brightest planet in the solar system and I am  too hot for anyone


The planet you live on, the third planer from the Sun

The only planet with organic life so take care of me, for I am the only one


I am red in color, the forth planet from the Sun

I have the highest mountain - a volcano named Olympus Mons


I am covered in clouds, the fifth planet from the Sun

My giant red spot is a raging storm


I am brown in color, the six planet from the Sun

My outer rings are extremely thin, They are made of dust and ice chunks


I am blue in color, I am the seventh planet from the Sun

Humans have named me the icy planet because I am the coldest one


I am blue in color, and the eighth planet from the Sun

I have too many storms in my atmosphere

And I am the farthest planet from the Sun


I am the second hottest planet and the closest one to the Sun

I am the smallest but I am lots of fun


The hottest but the second from the Sun

The brightest planet in the solar system and I am  too hot for anyone


The planet you live on, the third planer from the Sun

The only planet with organic life so take care of me, for I am the only one


I am red in color, the forth planet from the Sun

I have the highest mountain - a volcano named Olympus Mons


I am covered in clouds, the fifth planet from the Sun

My giant red spot is a raging storm


I am brown in color, the six planet from the Sun

My outer rings are extremely thin, They are made of dust and ice chunks


I am blue in color, I am the seventh planet from the Sun

Humans have named me the icy planet because I am the coldest one


I am blue in color, and the eighth planet from the Sun

I have too many storms in my atmosphere

And I am the farthest planet from the Sun


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