I have a dream..... Spotlight 11.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)

Халилова Зарема Казимагомедовна

Презентация к модулю 7а,УМК "Spotlight - 11".


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Слайд 1

Hopes and dreams The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt, American politician) Spotlight 1 1 Module 7a

Слайд 2

What do you think the people in the pictures have in common? Why do you think so?

Слайд 3

So what about you? You may not dream of being a world leader, but perhaps you long to become a lawyer, an astronaut or an inventor, to climb Mount Everest or perhaps simply to do something to help those less fortunate than yourself. At times, achieving these ambitions may seem impossible and, like Abraham Lincoln, you might come up against incredible difficulties. There are some very practical steps you can take to help make your dreams come true …. Believe in yourself Take steps to achieve your dreams BE AROUND PEOPLE WHO INSPIRE YOU NEVER STOP LEARNING Don’t give up So , never say never. Believe you can climb that mountain, swim that ocean or reach that place, and surely one day you will. There would be no Ford cars, Star Wars , light bulbs or Beethoven symphonies if this was not true!

Слайд 4

So what about you? 1.How important are your dreams and goals? 2.What are you doing to make them come true?

Слайд 5

In the lesson you came across the following words and words combinations: Run for- баллотироваться в Insurmountable- непреодолимый Perseverance- упорство, настойчивость Inspiration- вдохновение come up against- сталкиваться с make a difference- изменить что-то к лучшему initially- первоначально defeat- побеждать failings- недостатки banish- выгонять reject- отвергать, не принимать overcome- преодолевать achieve- достигать long to- страстно желать, стремиться к reach one’s goal- достичь цели take things as they come- принимать как есть face- столкнуться move on- продвигаться come true- осуществить, реализовать self-doubt- неуверенность в себе perspiration- потение prove- доказывать

Слайд 6

R ead and choose the best word (A-D) for each gap (1-7 ). Р.121. 1 A accept B pass C get D succeed 2 A take B have C make D find 3 A pull B erase C cut D remove 4 A power B skill C ability D gifts 5 A strong B hard C heavy D tough 6 A idea B way C method D means 7 A years B moments C days D time

Слайд 7

Ex.4 p.120 Fill in: achieve, come up against, overcome, come, long to, make, take, move, face, reach, reject. 1 Ann managed to .... many difficulties and became a successful businesswoman. 2 Keep on trying until you ........ your dream. 3 You may ....... many obstacles but don't give up. 4 Kevin is determined to ..... his goal of becoming a lawyer. 5 We all ... difficulties in life, but we can overcome them if we stay focused on our goals. 6 The job opportunity was a dream .... true for Jane. 7 Don't .... an idea just because you think you are not good enough. Give it a try! 8 Matt wants to help people and ... a difference in their lives. 9 I .... be a professional ballerina. 10 Jack refuses to .... things as they come, he makes things happen. 11 If you reach a dead end, it's time to .... on in a different direction .

Слайд 8

Learn the following set expressions with the word «hope»: dash one’s hopes- разбить чьи-то надежды in the hope that- в надежде, что hope for the best- надеяться на лучшее get one’s hopes up- успокаивать, подбадривать give up hope- потерять надежду, оставить надежду have high hopes of- возлагать большие надежды на pin one’s hopes on somebody - возлагать надежды на кого-либо

Слайд 9

Ex.5p.120 Complete the sentences with the phrases: dash one's hopes, in the hope that, hope for the best, get one's hopes up, give up hope, have high hopes of, pin one's hopes on in the correct form. Use each phrase in another example of your own. 1 We might be able to go away this weekend, but don't ...... - I may have to work. 2 He gave up his job ......... he would find something better. 3 I hadn't changed a tyre before but I decided to have a go and .......... 4 A terrible injury ............. Greg's .......... of reaching the Olympics. 5 Mike..............getting this job. He hasn't applied for anything else. 6 I never ........... that I would become a famous singer one day. 7 Joanne ............. going to university.

Слайд 10

Complete sentences: 1 . I see myself ……. 2.I've always dreamed of …… 3.What I'd really like to …..

Слайд 11

Homework: Ex.6 p. 121 w rite sentences about yourself.

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