Итоговый тест к разделу 2 УМК Starlight 9
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Жарикова Анастасия Андреевна

Итоговый тест к разделу 2 УМК "Starlight" был составлен с учетом возрастных особенностей и возможностей чеников 9 класса гимназии 526 города Санкт-Петербурга.


Предварительный просмотр:

                               UNIT 2 TEST 9th FORM

  1. Fill in a word in each gap:

Upset, replicate, far-fetched, rotten, menaced, sceptical, twisting, flick, abandoned, abundant, limbs, emerge, moisture, humidity, drained, restricting, sweating ,knelt, refugees ,opponent, swirling, fussy eater, laid-back.

  1. Driverless cars have serious limitations, making scientists …… that a fully-functional driverless car was possible.
  2. The human flying suit is designed to …… the feeling of flying.
  3. The electronic headset can read your mind at the …… of  a switch.
  4. Fluffy buds ….. as a sign of spring.
  5. His ancestors were French ….. from Canada.
  6. The authorities give each hunter tags ….. the number of elks they can hunt.
  7. Last year we went fishing in Karelia and my dad used … meat as a bait to catch salmon.
  8. In the wetlands there is a lot of  …. in the air.
  9. They are …. people who enjoy a quiet life on the swamps.
  10. I don’t believe a time machine could work, the idea is very ….
  11. The cave was …. after the mining company closed down.
  12. The heat and ….. in the cave was unbearable.
  13. She ….. on the sand to get a better look at the strange thing in the water.
  14. People can’t even imagine the ….. supply of insects that are edible.
  15. The knight  knocked his ….. off his horse in the first round of the tournament.
  16. Despite their awful reputation, many species of sharks are very …..
  17. African elephants are still …. by poachers.
  18. Mining began there hundreds of years ago and by now it has been absolutely ….
  19. Where water is ….. around, there are dangerous currents.
  20. Too many marshlands …. the balance of ecosystem in the area.

  1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form. 
  1. He…… (complete) his mind control device by the end of the month.
  2. This time next week I….. (take) part in the cross country race.
  3. The scientist ….. ( work) on their invention for over ten years by the of the year.
  4. I hope we….. (travel) through time.
  5. The inventor …… (show) his flying machine tonight.
  6. I promise I …… (insert) a plug into a socket when I come.
  7. Tom is too young …. (try) motocross.
  8. The guide made us….. (wear) protective clothes in the mine.
  9. Jane is considering ….. (participate) in a journalist contest.
  10. He suggested …… (explore) the underwater cave.
  11.  There’s no point …… (queue) for tickets as the show is sold out.
  12. She saw him …. (get) in the car and ….(drive) away.
  13. You’d better …. (leave) now because she seem …(be) out of her mind.
  14. Janet regrets …. (drop) out of college.
  15. He was reluctant ….. (go) on a shark dive.
  16. By the time he ….. (retire), he …. (teach) for over twenty years.
  17. ….. (you/use)  a laptop today. I’d like to borrow it.
  18. Tomorrow I ….. (leave) in the morning. My plane ….(take) off at noon.
  19. Julia can’t get used to …. (live) in the country. She regrets ….. (move) here last year.
  20. Every time I hear this joke, I can’t help…. (laugh)/ It’s hilarious.

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