олимпиада 5 класс
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс)

Фазлахметова Елена Дмитриевна

Олимпиадные задания для 5 класса с аудированием


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Предварительный просмотр:

5 класс


Прослушай небольшой текст на английском языке. Выбери правильный вариант ответа

  1. The Red Cow lived ____________.
  1. in the city                        b) in the field        

c) in front of the zoo                d) in the forest

  1. In the morning and in the afternoon she ____________.
  1. slept in her green bed             b) read books to her daughter

        c) gave lessons to her daughter        d) listened to music

  1. One night the Red Cow began ___________________.
  1. to dance                                   b) to sing                

c) to play hide-and-seek                  d) to jump

  1. The Red Cow went dancing _____________________.
  1. all the month                        b) all the week

c) all the day                        d) all the night

  1. At the end of the week dancing she was _____________.
  1. happy                                b) angry                

c) worried                                d) beautiful


Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски в предложениях, используя одно или два слова из текста.

Sindbad the Sailor

Sindbad is a young handsome boy. He lives in the city of Baghdad. He is very poor. He always thinks about his fortune.

He decides to travel. For some days everything is all right but then a furious storm begins and breaks his ship. But Sindbad finds a plank of wood floating nearby and at last he reaches a wonderful island. Sindbad is very hungry. He climbs up a palm-tree and sees an egg. The egg is very big. It belongs to a bird called Roc.

“Oh, how to get this egg? I’m so hungry,” thinks Sindbad.

Suddenly a big bird of the East appears and catches Sindbad. She carries him over a distance and then let him go down.

Sindbad falls down into a big heap of precious stones.

“Oh, my God! Where am I?” shouts Sindbad.

A huge snake guards the stones. The snake wants to eat Sindbad up but he is too clever for this snake. He tricks the snake and fills his pockets with precious stones and runs away.

Luckily a whale happens to pass by. Sindbad jumps on his back. The whale carries him to Baghdad.

Sindbad gives out all his precious stones to the poor.

  1. Sindbad wants to reach a wonderful island by ship, but a ________   _________ changes his plans.
  2. The bird called Roc keeps its _________ in a palm-tree.
  3. After a dangerous flight Sindbad falls into many _________   _________.
  4. Sindbad plays a trick on the snake and puts jewels into his _______.


Выберите правильный вариант и обведите его.

  1. My sister…very clever.
  1. does         b) is                 c) has

  1. Mary … not like cooking.
  1. do                b) does         c) has

  1. This is … teacher.
  1. we         b) our         c) ours

  1. This is the … bag.
  1. lady`s         b) ladies`s         c) ladys

  1. My father … than my mother.
  1. old         b) older         c) the oldest

  1. She starts her work … nine o`clock.
  1. on         b) in                 c) at

  1. Mary usually … with her friends in the yard.
  1. plays         b) is playing     c) play

  1. We haven’t got … money.
  1. many        b) few        c) much

  1. Too much … is bad for you.
  1. son        b) sun                c) sung

  1.  I can’t … anything without my glasses.
  1. sea        b) see                c) seen

  1.  She painted a beautiful … rose.
  1. read        b) bread        c) red

  1.  Her eyes were as …as the sky.
  1. blue        b) blew        c) blow

  1.  You can’t … jeans to the opera.
  1. where        b) wore        c) wear

  1.  We agreed to … in front of the theatre.
  1. meat        b) neat        c) meet

  1.  I go to the swimming pool twice a …
  1. weak        b) week        c) weeks

Прочитайте и закончите диалог.

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to join the club.

A: Certainly. 1)……………………………………………………?

B: Billy Brown.

A: Sorry? Can you repeat your surname, please?

B: Yes, it’s Brown.

A: And 2)………………………………………………………….?

B: My address is 8, State Street, Leeds.

A: Right. 3)………………………………………………………..?

B: I’m nineteen.

A: Fine. Here’s your card.

B: Thank you.

Предварительный просмотр:


1. b

2. c

3. a

4. d

5. c


1. furious storm

2. egg

3. precious stones

4. pockets


  1. is                1. b
  2. does                2. b
  3. our                3. b
  4. lady’s                4. a
  5. older                5. b
  6. at                6. c
  7. plays                7. a
  8. much                8. c
  9. sun                9. b
  10.  see                10. b
  11. red                11. c
  12.  blue                12. a
  13.  wear                13. c
  14.  meet                14. c
  15. week                15. b


  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your address?
  3. How old are you?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Олимпиада 10 класса. Олимпиада 8 класс.

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