Презентация «Friendship in my life» 7 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

—Do you know this school?
—Do you know boys or girls from this school?
—Have you got friends from this school?
—Today we’ll speak about friendship, about your friends, your friendship.
—I want you to be active today. These phrases will help us today. Have a look at the slide.
—Sorry, I didn’t understand.
—Repeat the word, please.
—What is the Russian for…..
—What is the English for….


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Слайд 1

« Friendship in my life » План-конспект урока в 7 классе по теме:

Слайд 2

Good morning, pupil. I’m glad to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Elena Leonidovna . I’m teacher of English at school №1.

Слайд 3

Do you know this school? Do you know boys or girls from this school? Have you got friends from this school? Today we’ll speak about friendship, about your friends, your friendship. I want you to be active today. These phrases will help us today. Have a look at the slide. Sorry, I didn’t understand. Repeat the word, please. What is the Russian for ….. What is the English for….

Слайд 4

2.Погружение в проблему. Сообщение целей и задач урока. Let us start. Let introduce the stages of our work at the lesson. Have a look at the slide. 1. Speaking.(What make a friend for you? Group discussion, monologues about friends] 2.Watching activity. [new words on the topic, watching the video, group work, discussion]. 3.Written practice.[Filling in a form. Individual and group work ]. 4.Conclusion . Home task.

Слайд 5

Stage 1 Speaking At the very beginning let us to repeat the words you know on the topic «Friendship». Have a look at the slide. Repeat after me and be ready to answer my questions. ЛЕ Friendly Cheerful Bossy Kind Helpful Reliable Careful Responsible Brainy Fair Shy

Слайд 6

to keep secrets to cheer up to have similar interests to have good time together Now I want you to make a Word Web «What makes a good friend?». You are to work in group and answer particular questions. The 1 st group will find WHO can become our friends. The 2 nd group will find WHAT CHARACTER a friend should have. The 3 rd group will find WHY we are friends. You have 3 minutes to do this task and we’ll discuss. OK What do we have? Read what you have got. (учащиеся рассказывают о своих друзьях)

Слайд 7

Stage 2 Watching activity As I can see all your friends are your classmates, neighbors, relatives. And of course you speak Russian with your friends. Would you like to make friends in other countries, in England, America, for exemple ? Would you like to chat with your friends in English? Let’s discuss where you can make such friends. Have a look at the slide. There are different places where we can make friends. You’re to answer where we can make English speaking friends. Just answer : Yes or No. (работа с картинками -где можно завести англоговорящих друзей) That’s right you can make such friends in the Internet. Have a look at the slide. Do you know this sigh? That’s right it is ICQ. Do you know the translation of this sigh? It is I Seek You- я ищу тебя . Now we’ll discuss some good points of ICQ. But before hand let’s study some new words. Have a look at the slide. (введение новой лексики по теме)

Слайд 8

To seek To chat To send To upload To share Comments To view To stay in touch I will show you a video about ICQ. We are to find disadvantages of making new friends with ICQ. You will work in groups. Each group has its own task on video. Open the envelopes with Task 2. The 1 st group will find Russian equivalents for the English words. The 2 nd group will make up sentences about an ICQ friend. The 3 rd group will put in order the stages of making an ICQ friend. (просмотр видео файла, выполнение заданий в группах, обсуждение)

Слайд 9

Stage 3. Written practice. As you can see making new friends with ICQ is very useful, interesting and popular. Today we’ll make the 1 st and the most important step in making English friends with ICQ – we will register in ICQ. I give you ICQ registration form here. (описываю, что в регистрационной карточке на своем примере). Let’s do the same. ( пошаговое заполнение карточки ) OK our registration form is ready. Unfortunately, we don’t have Internet here, but we can make our own gymnasium web site in this class. On the lessons of English in my school with my students we’ve already done this School №1 web site. Let me show it to you. Let’s do the same web site of your Gymnasium.

Слайд 10

Stage 4. Conclusion. Home task. We’ve worked very well today. You studied new words, learned how to make new friend, made a very beautiful ICQ web site of your class. Let’s put a mark to our work. On your desks you have envelopes with smile. Have a look at the slide. If you give to our work “5”- draw the 1 st smile. If you give mark “4” – draw the 2 nd smile. If you give “3” – draw the 3 rd smile. (учащиеся рисуют и наклеивают смайлики на сайт) Your home task will be the following. You should write a letter to your ICQ friend using the following scheme. Envelopes with home task. (учащиеся записывают домашнее задание)

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