Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 класса
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Садыкова Резеда Фаритовна

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 класса содержит вопросы и задания по пройденному материалуУМК "New Millenium"


Файл test_11t_form.docx16.04 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


1..Tenses(Active voice).

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct past forms.

Two years ago Kate and Jenifer decided to buy  a  house. They (1) (save up) for ages , and by the end of April they (2) (put by) enough for the deposit on a house. They (3) (live) in a tiny flat at that time and Joanna (4) (insist) that she  wanted a house with a big backyard. They (5) (search) for only a few days when they found exactly what they (6) (look for)-a two-bed –roomed house in a nearly an acre of garden .Unfortunately the owner (7) (ask) much more then they (8) (be) willing to pay, and when they (9) (look) more  closely  at the interior, they (10) (see) that whoever (11) (live) there before, he (12) (make) an absolute mess of the walls and floors. Still Joanna (13) (like) the garden and the location so much  that she (14) (manage) to convince Sam that , despite the price, it (15) (be) the perfect house for them.

2.Modal verbs( may, can, must, could).

Fill in  the gaps , using these modal verbs.

1.…..I give you a lift?

2. Everyone ….have a passport to go abroad.

3.   We ….drive for a year in Britain with an international license.

4.     Good morning, ….I phone  to my mum once again, please?

5.  … I borrow  your camera?

6. …..I close the door?

7.    ….I lend you some money?

8.   You ….tell anyone  what I said.

9.    She….smoke if she likes.

10. If you are 17, you …..drive a car in Britain.

3.Reported Speech.

Special introductory verbs.

Rewrite the sentences in reported Speech, using the verbs in the list.

( Deny       insist        suggest     promise    refuse     admit )

  1. “No, I’ve never seen him before “, she said.
  2. “Let’s come back home, shall we?”, he said.
  3. “I’ll never do such a stupid thing again “, he said.
  4. “She’s not going to let him into  her house”, they said.
  5. “ You must believe that I didn’t know it was stolen”, he said.
  6. “No , I didn’t steal  the money”, he said.


Fill in each gap with a preposition.

The  Rio carnival in Brazil.

This festival is the largest (1)….the world. Hundreds (2) ….thousands (3) …visitors come every year (4)….for celebrations(5)….the start (6)…Lent. The  carnival takes place (7)…the Sambadrome, a huge new stadium. . There samba  schools compete (8)…each other (9)….the best costumes and dancing. They spend a lot (10) ….time and money (11) ….carnival preparations making fantastic costumes, masks, decorations, mobile floats and teaching the samba. (12) …the past , the carnival procession was held (13)….the streets (14) ….Rio, where beautifully clothed people  threw streamers and confetti and danced(15)…for days.
Nowadays , the world’s biggest street party has became a pleasure only (16)…those who can afford the entrance fee.


Complete the table.





















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