What can see foreign tourists in London and in Moscow?
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Степанова Анастасия Юрьевна

Открытый урок по страноведению. Урок полезен для изучения Лондона и Москвы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

What can see foreign tourists in London and in Moscow?

Цели урока:


  • Закрепление основных знаний учащихся на основе изученных лексических единиц по теме «Путешествие».
  • Закрепление грамматических структур: Present simple and present continuous, выражения: I would like…


  • развитие навыков чтения и диалогической речи, умение анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы.


  • прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, достопримечательностям англоязычных стран.
  • воспитывать умение работать в группе, паре, самостоятельно


  • систематизировать и обобщить изученный материал по теме.
  • развивать логическое мышление, творческую мыслительную деятельность, наблюдательность, кругозор, память учащихся;

Оборудование урока: УМК 5 класс Биболетова М.З., мультимедиапроектор, карта Великобритании, дидактический раздаточный материал, презентация «What can see foreign tourists in London and in Moscow?»

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий урок-взаимодействие (комплексное применение знаний и умений с доминированием практики обучающегося в речевой деятельности).

Что подготовить:

2 ряда: 1 ряд – команда из России,2 ряд – команда из Великобритании.

У каждой команды командиры. Заранее команды подготавливают знаки отличия (бейджики, ленты), плакат с названием команды.

На доске нарисована таблица, где по ходу урока записываются заработанные командами баллы, в конце урока баллы подсчитываются и победители награждаются оценками.

Ход урока

1. Организационный  момент и приветствие.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, dear guests!  I’m glad to see you today.

Ch: Good morning, good morning!

         Good morning to you!

         Good morning, good morning,

         We are glad to see you!

T: Children, we have guests today. Say “Hello” to our guests.

Ch: Good morning, dear guests. We are glad to see you too!

T: Welcome to our lesson. I hope that you are fine today. How are you?

Ch: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: Fine, Thank you. Sit down, please. Who’s on duty today?

CH: I’m on duty today.

T: Who is absent today?

P: Everybody is here.

T: Well, what’s the date today?

P.: Today is the 9-th of April.

T What’s the day today?

P: It is Monday.

T: Good! Thank you. Who can say, what’s the weather like today?

P1: It is warm today.

P2: It is cloudy.

P3: The sun is shining brightly.

T: Ok, thank you. Do you like this weather?

Ch: Yes, we do.

T: Well, Let’s start our lesson. Today we have 2 teams. One group is from The United Kingdom and another group is from Russia. Today we’ll speak about two capitals – London and Moscow. You should be very attentive and each team will get a point for the correct answers.

Вашим домашним заданием на прошлом уроке было подготовить плакаты с названиями, отличительные знаки своей команды. Пожалуйста, продемонстрируйте их.

Team 1: Good morning, everyone! My name is Andrew, and my team is from The UK. Our team is called…

Team 2: Hello everybody. My name is Nastya, and my team is from Russia. Our team is called…

T: Thank you very much.

2. Фонетическая разминка

 T: But first let’s practice the English sounds. Look at the blackboard. You will repeat these words after the record. Ok, let’s start.

[ju] – beautiful, museum, new, future, usually

[ju:] - during, Europe

[æ]- gallery, fantastic, family, travel, capital

[ei] - say, way, place, famous, favourite, stadium, information

[a:] – park, art, aren't, far,  postcard

[Λ] – London, Londoner, much, lovely, country, blood

[o:] - inform, important, at all. more, of course

[ɒ] - monument, possible, coronation, opera, popular

[əʊ]- old, most, Moscow, composer, so, well-known, boat

[i:] - see, clean, weekend, been, street, meet, leader

[eə] – square, where, there, care

T: Now, listen and repeat after me the poem:


Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?

I’ve been to London to look at the Queen.

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you do there?

I frightened a little mouse under a chair.

T: Well done, thank you.

3. Речевая разминка.

1 конкурс: составь слово из звуков.

Дети получают карточки с транскрипцией. Ребята, глядя на эти транскрипции, записывают слова. 1-2 минуты они думают на месте, потом один человек из каждой команды выходит к доске и записывает эти слова. Затем команды должны прочитать и перевести слова противников.

T: Now the first task. I’ll give you cards with transcriptions of words. You must write down these words on the blackboard…

 ['bildiŋ]                  ['kæpitl]

['mоnjumənt]         ['rivə]        

[mju:'zi:əm]           [brid3]

['pælis]                   ['moskəυ]

['steidiəm]              [temz]

[tauə]                     [skweə]

['lΛndən]               ['tuərist]

T: Well, the time is up. Now teams must read and translate words of opponents.

4. Совершенствование навыков чтения

Дети читают текст. (Биболетова М.З.Unit 4 упр. 16, стр. 65)

Затем им предлагается ответить на вопросы по тексту.

T: Now, open the book on the page 65, please. Find the exercise 16. The next task is reading this text and answering my questions. Who wants to begin reading?

Ученики читают текст.

T: Very well. I’m going to ask you some questions and your task is to answer them. I’m sure you will answer all of them!

  • What is the name of the famous clock in London? (Big Ben)
  • Where does Big Ben stand? (Near the Houses of Parliament)
  • How often can you hear Big Ben? (Every hour)
  • How much does the Big Ben weigh? (13, 720 kg)
  • Where do the Houses of Parliament stand? (Besides the river Thames)
  • What was built by King Edward in 1065? (Westminster Abbey)
  • Who founded Westminster Abbey? (St. Peter)
  • Does the Queen of England live in the Tower? (She doesn’t live in the Tower)
  • Where does the Queen stay when she is in London? (In Buckingham Palace)
  • Where does the coronation of all British Kings and Queens take place? (Westminster Abbey)
  • What is the oldest part of the Tower of London? (The White Tower)
  • What places of London do you like to visit?

Дети отвечают на последний вопрос используя выражение: I would like…

5 Актуализация лексических навыков.

Все смотрят презентацию с достопримечательностями Лондона и Москвы. И выполняют задание.

T: What interesting places in London and Moscow do you know?  Look at the blackboard. You will see sights in London and Moscow.

Ребята смотрят презентацию.

T: Now children you must match the two parts of word-expressions to get the names of the sights in London and Moscow. The team who will be quickly will get 1 point. Ready? Go!



The house





The Tretyakov


The Bolshoi



of London

of parlament







T: Let’s play the game “Agree or Disagree”. Listen to my sentence, please. Repeat my statement if you agree with me and correct it if you disagree with me. You may look at the map of London at page 67.

(Игра «Согласись или не согласись». Ученик повторяет утверждение учителя, если он согласен с ним, и исправляет предложение, если он с ним не согласен.)

1) Moscow is different from London. (I agree with you. Moscow is different from London.)

2) Moscow is the capital of the UK. (I disagree with you. London is the capital of the UK.)

3) Trafalgar Square is in London. (I agree with you. Trafalgar Square is in London.)

4) London is the biggest city of the UK. (I agree with you. London is the biggest city of the UK.)

5) There are a lot of places to visit in London. (I agree with you. There are a lot of places to visit in London.)

6) London is not a beautiful city. (I disagree with you. London is a beautiful city.)

7) Big Ben is far from the Houses of Parliament. (I disagree with you. Big Ben is not far from the Houses of Parliament.)

8) Tower Bridge is next to the Tower of London. (I agree with you. Tower Bridge is next to the Tower of London.)

9) The Tretyakov Gallery is in London. (I disagree with you. The Tretyakov Gallery is in Moscow.)

10) Spasskaya Tower is in the Kremlin. (I agree with you. Spasskaya Tower is in the Kremlin.)

6. Активизация грамматических навыков

 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.

 Учитель раздает по 6 предложений каждой команде. После подготовки командир (или любой член команды) зачитывает правильный вариант.  

T: Now, Children I’ll give you cards with sentences, you should  put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or present simple.

1. He (to work) in the centre of the city.

2. I (to write) an exercise now.

3. You (to go) to school on Saturdays?

4. We (not to dance) every day.

5. They (to play) in the room now?

6. Where he (to live)? – He (to live) in a village.

7. He (to sleep) now?

8. They (to read) many books.

9. The children (to eat) soup now.

10. He (to help) his mother every day.

11. You (to play) the piano well?

12. Look! Kate (to dance) now.

T: Children, let’s check ourselves

1. He works in the centre of the city.

2. I am writing an exercise now.

3. Do you go to school on Saturdays?

4. We do not (=don’t) dance every day.

5. Are they playing in the room now?

6. Where does he live? – He lives in a village.

7. Is he sleeping now?

8. They read many books.

9. The children are eating soup now.

10. He helps his mother every day.

11. Do you play the piano well?

12. Look! Kate is dancing now.

7. Совершенствование навыков грамматики и диалогической речи

 T: And now each team has some cards with sentences on the tables. Your task is – arrange the sentences in a logical order and act out the dialogue. Whose team will be the best?

  1. You are welcome. Have a nice day.
  2. Good. Go along that street it will lead you to Trafalgar Square.
  3. Yes, I can.
  4. Oh, it’s very easy. Can you see that wide street over there?
  5. Thank you very much.
  6. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square.

T: This is the correct variant.

  1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square.
  2. Oh, it’s very easy. Can you see that wide street over there?
  3. Yes, I can.
  4. Good. Go along that street it will lead you to Trafalgar Square.
  5. Thank you very much.
  6. You are welcome. Have a nice day.

8. подведение итогов

Подсчитываются очки. Команда, набравшая большее количество очков получает «5», вторая команда «4».

T : Well, the information was very interesting. We are from different countries today but we are friends, aren’t we?

Ch: Yes, we are.

T: Children, did you enjoy our lesson?

Ch: Yes, we are.

T: I’m very happy. Now, write down your home task. You must write a composition about London or Moscow. Say some words about these cities, about places of interest. Explain why you want to visit them. Your composition will consist of 50-70 words including articles and prepositions.

T : Look at the board. There is an example of the composition. Let’s read it.

As for me, I’d like to visit London. It’s a beautiful city. London is one of the interesting cities in Europe. I want to visit Trafalgar Square. It is a central square. I would also like to see the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London. The Tower of London is not one building.  British Kings and Queens live in this place. (68 words)

T: Everything is clear. Thank you for the lesson. You may be free.

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