Контрольная работа по теме "Употребление прилагательных" 9 кл. (английский язык)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Поречная Виктория Игоревна

Материал предназначен для обучающихся по УМК "Spotlight 9"


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Предварительный просмотр:

E true /false/not stated

1. He followed the manner of Picasso.

  1. not stated B) true  C) false

2. Sebastian earned his living selling his pictures.

  1. not stated B) true  C) false

3. Sebastian’s dream was to change his life.

  1. not stated B) true  C) false

4. His work quite satisfied him.

A) not stated B) true  C) false

5. One of Sebastian’s clients was a great expert in modern art.

A) not stated B) true  C) false

6. Sebastian often used to talk about his paintings.

  1. not stated B) true  C) false

7. The visitor was fascinated by Sebastian’s pictures.

  1. not stated B) true  C) false

8. The visitor was glad to buy one of Sebastian’s pictures.

  1. not stated B) true  C) false


F Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

  Eugeni Alexandrov is one of the most famous film directors _1_ all time. He is especially popular _2_ fans of action cinema. He is well-known _3_ his film Artist, released in 2000. Valentin Gavrilov starring _4_ the film plays a stranger trying to find himself in the world. Alexandrov creates a sort_5_ dreamlike fantasy world in the film, similar to some films _6_ Andrei Nikolaev. Certainly, Alexandrov is one of the best film makers of our time.

G Fill in the correct preposition.

  1. – I believe they should run __ scene one more time.

‒ Yes, I agree.

  1. – Have you seen Nick ?

‒ Yes. I ran __ him yesterday at the shop.

  1. ‒ Is it true that you ran__ from home in the childhood.

‒ That’s not true.

  1. ‒ Have you drunk coffee ?

‒ No, we ran __ of sugar.

  1. ‒ Why are you so late?

‒ I nearly ran __ a dog on my way, so I stopped to check if it was all right.

H Complete the sentences with the correct idiom (in the spotlight, face the music, run the show, it takes to tango)

  1. Lena says that only Tim is responsible for the situation but______________________________.
  2. To be a popular celebrity you have to love being _____________________________________ .
  3. Why do you always want to _______________? It’s not fair that you are always the one telling everyone else what to do.
  4. He thinks Eva should just admit that he is the one who caused the problem, and______________

I choose the correct answer.

  1. The original Monet painting is_______ expensive than all the others here.
  1. a lot  B) by far C) much more
  1. Helen doesn’t believe pottery is as _______ as sculpture.
  1. exciting  B) most exciting C) more exciting
  1. The Lianasa is Lekov’s _________ famous work.
  1. most  B)  very  C) little
  1. Tom was _____ furious when he found out someone had stolen his camera.
  1. absolutely B) rather  C) slightly
  1. The new painter is becoming _____popular with young audience.

A) the most B) more and more  C) the more and more

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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