Cценарий внеурочного мероприятия по английскому языку по теме "Summer's over! Back to school!"
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (7 класс)

Николаева Елена Владимировна

Сценарий внеурочного мероприятия по английскому языку. Может быть использован на внеурочных занятиях,  для проведения мероприятий на английском языке и предметных недель. 



Предварительный просмотр:

Клуб любителей английского языка «Успех»

Сценарий по теме «Summer’s over! Back to school!» 

Сценарий разработан учителем английского языка

МАОУ г. Хабаровска «Лицей инновационных технологий»

Е.В. Николаевой


  1. Lead-in

The Teacher 1:

1: So finally here we are!

The Student 2:

2:  Good afternoon to the respected teachers…

1:                             ...  and all lovely students! 

2: Hello everybody and welcome to our first meeting at our favorite club Success!!!

1: We are glad to see all of you today and we do hope that this year you’ll be active participants of our club!

2: And as usually we are holding our meeting today to remember the wonderful summer time, the holidays that we spent in joy and excitement!

  1. Summer is over, autumn has come to our home town. We are back to school. Do you like summer? What was this summer like? Were you holidays great?

(the student's answers)

    Oh, summer! Summertime is always the best of what might be! Summer is associated with bright, sunny days, so be sure not to let these days slip away.

2:  It’s a great pleasure to have a rest after a whole year of study.

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, 

listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is byno means a waste of time.

1: Summer is the only time of the year where we have uninterrupted time to travel and explore. The memories that you make and take back with you are priceless, and the stories that you’ll have once returning to school are worth telling.

  1. Students’ summer stories

2: And today two students of senior classes are going to tell us about their unforgettable summer holidays! We are giving the floor to ……….!

(the student's presentation)

2. Thank you, …..! That was great! Now let’s greet ……….! She’ll share her impressions about visiting…..

(the student's presentation)

  1. The Game

(the teacher is holding the game with students)

Thank you very much, ……! Your summer was fantastic! Dear students! I am sure that you also had a good time in summer!

We are really a little bit sorry that summer is over. Soon the days of swimming and playing in the sun will be a memory, but don’t worry. The new school year will bring a chance to get new experience and meet new friends! Wishing you a great year!

So guys, you like summer very much, don’t you?  (the student's answers)

Now let’s see how much you really like  it! To get to know this let’s play a little!

We need three teams for our game. So……

Let's do it like this: the first row is team number one, this row – team two, and you are the third team.

There will be three tasks in our game. The team gets one point for each task provided your answers are correct! Whichever team wins … it’s chocolate!!! This tasty present is waiting for you! I can't hear your applause (your wow-wow!)

Let me introduce the jury … Ruslan … He’s fair (you can trust me).

  • The first task is called “Nursery rhyme”

You have some words written on the cards you’ve got. All words in each line are jumbled. Each team has to arrange them so to make a rhyme.

You have a minute to complete the task!

Ready, set, go!!!

Stop now, guys! It’s time to prove that you are skilled enough to make a rhyme!

Each team should read just two lines. The first team starts.

Terrific! Great! Perfect! Good job! Let's see what results we have!

(Each team gets one point!!!)

  • The second task is called “Try to spell it”

Now we need one representative from each team. Which of you - you should decide it yourselves. Come up to the board, please!

You can see a picture on the board. You have to spell the word after I’ve pronounced it. Only one person can speak out loud. Don’t prompt! The team wins a point if all letters are correct. If not, next team will have a chance to complete the task and get an extra point.


Our respected jury! What are the results? What’s total score?

  • The third task is called “Guess the word”

You really like the summertime! And this last task is for you! Its called “Guess the word”

Listen to the word’s explanation and try to guess it. If there is no answer, you skip the turn and the next team can answer then.


Now the jury is going to announce the results of the game!


As promised these sweet presents are for you!!!

(awarding the sweet prizes)

Good job, guys!

There is no summer without a funny song.

In our club we like singing. Let’s sing together this wonderful song about summer!

(singing the Summer song)


  1. 16 October - Juliet’s Birthday

1: Well done, guys! Now I’m giving the floor to my co-host, to Daniil!

2: September is not only the month to celebrate the beginning of the new school year. And, may be, you’ve never heard that every September in the ancient city of the Verona a celebration is held to mark the birthday of the city’s most famous daughter Juliet Capulet! Hope you know this main character of the famous Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”. The students of the 7th class will remind us of that infamous story!  

(the students’ presentation)

There is no trip more romantic than a trip to Verona - the homeland of Romeo and Juliet. It is in autumn, in September, that Juliet's birthday is celebrated in Verona. But why is it worth going here in autumn? September 16 is a special day for the residents of Verona, Italy. On this day, the city celebrates the birthday of perhaps its most famous resident - Juliet Capulet.

She is known to all of us as the heroine of William Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". Lovers all over the world consider her their guardian angel. The fact is that on September 16, on Juliet's birthday, a real holiday is organized in the museum - they hold the most beautiful wedding ceremonies and reward the authors who sent the most touching congratulations to the girl.  

Juliet's home for Verona - like the Eiffel Tower for Paris or the Brandenburg Gate for Berlin - is a must-see. Inside the house itself is a museum. On the walls of rooms hang photographs of scenes from different films, costumes. And a bed and the room with the same balcony is entirely inspired by the famous painting by Francesco Ayets (Йейтс) “Romeo's Farewell to Juliet”. A balcony opens into the patio, on which the imagination itself draws Juliet. There is also a shield with the family coat of arms and a bronze statue of a girl.

Although at the time of the events described in the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" the main character was not yet 14 years old, letters from all lovers, addressed to Juliet, still come to Verona, asking for advice or parting words in a difficult love situation. The girls from Club di Giulietta, founded in 1972, are answering letters. Every year, the club receives about 5,000 letters, including e-mails. Not a single message remains unanswered.

The celebration takes place not only in the museum - the whole city has fun at festivals, fairs, theater performances and film screenings in honor of Juliet.

Here in the house-museum there is a special mailbox where you can drop a letter addressed to the Shakespearean heroine. And they will answer you!

Hundreds of years ago, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet made Verona famous. Nowadays in early September lots of people roam the streets of this town dressed in romantic period costumes to celebrate the young love-struck heroine’s birthday. Festivities include parades of the infamous Courts of the Montagues and Capulets, dancing, street actors, musicians and lots of food.

If you are fortunate enough to be in Verona during the festival, there will be plenty of photo ops and a chance to go back in time for what promises to be a day filled with romance and magic.

(performing the tragedy's scene)


O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear;
Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!
So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows,
As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows.
The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand,
And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand.
Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight!
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.


O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;--

Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.

What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

What's in a name? that which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title:--Romeo, doff thy name;

And for that name, which is no part of thee,

Take all myself.

(watching the video snippet)


Romeo and Juliet

Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished;

For never was a story of more woe

Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

  1. Final part

1: Dear friends! Our meeting has come to the end. In conclusion, we’d like to say again…

2: ….going back to school is also a reason for celebration because it means a new step towards a wonderful trip to something new: new friends, new achievements, new knowledge!

1: This year, may you have terrific teachers, fabulous friends and a super school year in every way possible!

2: Thank you for being with us today! And, now our traditional final song “The lemon tree”. Sing with us!

(the final song)


See next time! Good-bye! And, let’s take a shared photo!  


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