Программно-методический материал «Контрольно-измерительные материалы 8 класс»
тест по английскому языку

Ершова Ксения Валерьевна

Проверочная работа к учебнику Spotlight 8 класс, Module 8


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Предварительный просмотр:

Module 2 (Spotlight 8)        ____________________________________________

A    Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B.

Column A                                      Column B

  1. pickled                                      A eggs
  2. poached                                    B rice
  3. steamed                                    C vegetables
  4. mashed                                     D meat
  5. roast                                         E potatoes

B    Fill in the correct word. There are three odd words.

            Scissors     pinch   sprinkle   nourishing      basically        bargain   flea       optician’s

  1. It takes me some time to find a good ……….
  2. Traditional Spanish tortilla, which is ………………… a thick potato omelette, is very popular dish.
  3. You should add another ………….. of pepper to the sauce.
  4. There is only one ……………… market in Russia.
  5. ………………… the salt and herbs over the top.

C    Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

        ( Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous):

  1. Sheila ___________________________(go) to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour.
  2. You look sweaty! ____________________________________(you\work) out ?
  3. How much __________________________( Helen \spend) on her English books?
  4. The house smells wonderful! __________________________(Mum\bake) a cake?
  5. How long ___________________________________( Tom\save) to buy a new PC?
  6. Robin______________________________________________(never\be) abroad.
  7. He_________________________(work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.
  8. We________________________________(not\buy) all our Christmas presents yet.
  9. Joy____________________________(clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you give her a hand?
  10. _______________________________(you\ever\eat) Thai food?

D    Put the correct preposition.

  1.  Mary went …………the flu yesterday and she stayed at home.
  2.  Boys have gone ………..the kitten and caught it.
  3.  Don’t use this cheese! It’s gone ……….
  4.  Dad is so sad. He is going …………..a difficult time.
  5.  The price of oil has gone …………recently.

E     Put the adjectives in  the correct order.

  1.  There’s a/an cotton/English/new/nice cushion on the sofa.


  1.  Can you give me that striped/black and white/small/Chinese tea-pot?


  1.  Bob is a/an American/young/tall/excellent jumper.


  1.  Bring me a/an wooden/traditional/beautiful/Russian matreshka-doll, please.


  1.  I like your  a/an Thai/silk/square/old/blue scarf.

F    Complete the sentences using a lot of, a few, a little, much, many and the words money/minutes/time/sugar/people/days/things. There are some odd words.

  1.  I’d like …………………………..in my tea, please.
  2.  They leave for Italy in ……………………………
  3.  Let’s go now because we don’t have …………………….. before the film starts.
  4.  He’s going to be …………………………..late.
  5.  They found ……………………………….to buy at the eco-bazaar.

G  Fill in the gaps with a/an/the where necessary.

  1. Ann can play ………violin.
  2.  …….Browns left for their annual holiday to ………USA from …………..Heathrow Airport.
  3.  We go to …….Bolshoi Theatre once a year.
  4.  When ……car crashed it was going at 100 miles ………hour.
  5.  In ………. Paris we went on …….boat trip down…………River Seine.

H  Complete the sentences using idioms: spill the beans/crying over spilt milk/one’s cup of tea/a piece of cake/take everything with a pinch of salt

  1.  The test is very easy. It’ ………………………………….
  2.  It’s no use…………………………………… you’ve done it badly.
  3.  Great! Cartoons are really …………………………………….!
  4.  When Liz tells you something you should……………………………….
  5.  Please don’t ……………………… It’s a secret.

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