Презентация на тему "Present Continuous"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Макарова Венера Гаязовна

Данная презентация содержит объяснение упражнения на отработку по теме "Настоящее продолженное время".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Present С ontinuous (Progressive) tense

Слайд 3

Present С ontinuous Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола TO BE и основного глагола с окончанием ING am/is/are + V ing

Слайд 5

I (to dance) now He (to eat) an apple at the moment Natalia (to write) a letter now You (to have) breakfast at the moment They (to go) at work now They (to listen) to music now She (to sit) on a sofa now Tom (to play) football at the moment Look! The cats (to drink) milk She (to read) a book now Anna (to work) on the project this month Listen! Children (to sing) a song

Слайд 6

Составь отрицание и общий вопрос She is doing housework Jim is having a shower Boys are playing football Dog is barking Masha is reading magazines Marina is wearing skirts They are visiting their parents Kris is working I am sitting on a sofa

Слайд 8

Present Continuous or Present Simple? I __________English exercises twice a week. (to write) My friend ________ his homework in the afternoon as a rule. (to do) My sister __________ her homework now. (to do) Don’t shout! The baby _________ . (to sleep) The baby always___________ after dinner. (to sleep) What_______ you _________ now? (to read) What books_______ you_______for your literature lessons? (to read) What _________your mother usually________ for lunch? (to cook) ________ she __________a cake now? (to cook) — _____________ (You, to see ) that man over there? — Which man? The man in the brown jacket? — No, I___________ (to talk) about the man who __________ (to wear) the blue shirt. — Oh, that man!— ____________ (You, to know) him? — No, I _____________ ( not to think) so. — I ___________ (to know, not) him either.

Слайд 9

My wife normally __________ (work) at home, but she __________ (spend) this month in Italy. Most days, Tom usually__________ (cycle) to work. When________ the lesson __________ (start) today? What’s your brother doing? He __________ (do) the crossword in the newspaper He __________ (do) it every day. I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. I__________ (play) very badly. I usually ______much better (play). What’s she doing? — She __________ (mend) her husband’s socks. She always__________ them. (mend) Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I __________ (use) it a lot, but I __________ (not / use) it now. We __________ (not travel) by train very often. She ______________ (be) particularly generous this week. It _____________ (snow) right now. It’s beautiful! I ____________ (like) this weather.

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