Презентация "Хобби"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Хабибуллина Альмира Семигулловна

К уроку "Мои увлечения"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Almira Semigullovna

Слайд 2

Обобщающий урок « HOBBY AND FAVOURITE ACTIVITY » 6 класс

Слайд 3

Playing football,(basketball) listening to music(the radio,MP3 player) reading books,(e-books) watching TV photography going to the cinema gardening making models travelling collecting magnets( badges, stamps, coins) collecting key rings board games dancing Let`s read the words

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

WRITE the things the people collect Toby collects .… Janet collects …. Paula collects …. Larry collects ….

Слайд 7

Read the sentences and choose the right words Toby buys new key rings on holiday / at Christmas . Janet lives in Bristol / Brighton. Janet has got postcards from all over the country /world . Paula collects teddy bears with her sister / mother . Paula`s favourite teddy bear is called Rupert / Robert. Larry collects badges / postcards. Larry`s aunt /uncle is American .

Слайд 8

Complete the sentences with information about yourself I am interested in …(making models) I like … (taking photos) very much. I think it`s interesting … (to travel) I dislike (board games) and (gardening)

Слайд 9

Finish the sentences, please . The most popular activities in Britain are…. The most popular activities in Russia are….

Слайд 10

Fill in Hobby makes us…. Reading books make us …. Sports and games make us… Travelling makes us …. Colleting stamps (badges, magnets, coins) make you….

Слайд 12

My hobby I would like to tell you about my hobby…

Слайд 13

HW : 1 . Answer the questions. 2 .« My hobby is the best » , write 7-10 sentences . 3. Draw your favorite hobby and tell about it.(5-6 sentences)

Слайд 14

1.Was the lesson interesting for you? 2. Did you get any useful information? 3. How do you think is it boring to live without hobby? 4.Continue the sentence, pupils in my class are interested in….

Слайд 15

Key ring – брелок для ключей Cultivation of flowers – выращивание цветов backpacking– пеший туризм Ice-skating – катание на коньках Canoeing – гребля на каноэ ( лодка )