Задание для (само)контроля лексических знании по теме "Family".
тест по английскому языку (8, 9, 10 класс)

Елеусузова Айгерим Тлеубековна

Материал для повторения и обобщения лексических единиц  


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Объясните следующие слова по образцу:

       Grandfather – My grandfather is my mother’s or my father’s father.

                               Uncle                          Mother – in - law

                               Sister – in- law            Cousin

                               Stepfather                    Nephew

                               Aunt                             Niece

                               Second cousin              Godmother

2. Who is s/he? Choose the right word.


              My sister-in-law (2), my cousins, my nieces and nephews, my aunt, my brother –in – law, my uncle, my grandparents, my father – in – law, my grandmother.  

      1. They are my mother’s parents.                          6. She is my brother’s wife.

      2. She is my father’s sister.                                           7. They are my parents’ nephews & nieces.

      3. He is my mother’s brother.                                        8. He is my sister’s husband.

      4. She is my father’s mother.                                 9. He is my husband’s father.

      5. They are my brother’s children.                         10. She is my wife’s sister.

3. Read the text, translate.

             Tom and Helen Brown are married. Helen is Tom’s wife. Tom is Helen’s husband. Helen and Tom are parents of three children. Tom is 22 years old. Tim is Tom and Helen’s son. Sarah and Lisa are Tom and Helen’s daughters. Tim is Lisa and Sarah’s brother. Lisa and Sarah are Tim’s sisters. Tom is their father.     Helen is their mother.

        a) Answer the questions:

   1. Who is the husband?                                                        5. Who are the daughters?

   2. Who is the wife?                                                      6. Who are the children?

   3. Who are the parents?                                               7. Who are Tim’s sisters?

   4. Who is the son?                                                        8. Who is Lisa and Sarah’s brother?

                   b) True or false?

   1. Tom is married to Lisa.                                           5. Tim is the father.

   2. Tom and Helen are the parents                               6. Tom Brown is fifty years old.

     of two children.                                                         7. Tim, Sarah, and Helen are the children.

   3. Sarah and Lisa are brothers.                                    8. Helen and Lisa are sisters.

   4. Tim is Tom and Helen’s daughter.                         9. Sarah is Tim/s wife.

4. Choose the correct variant.

a) My brother’s name         b) My brothers’ name    c)  My brothers name

a) The tree’s leaves            b) The trees’ leaves        c) The leaves of the tree

a) the car of Jane                b) the Jane’s car              c) Jane’s car

a) the Smiths’ house           b) the Smith’s house       c) the house of the Smiths

a) children’s books             b) children’s’ books          c) children books

a) James daughter               b) James’s daughter        c) the James’s daughter

a) the streets’ name             b) the street’s name        c) the name of the street

a) yesterday newspaper        b) yesterday’s newspaper    c) the yesterdays’ newspaper

1) … is Alex.  

2) … are red.  

3) Is this …?

4) I really like …

5) I always buy … for my sister

6) Is it …over there?

7) Do you know …?

8) Where is … ?


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