Тест 8 класс модуль 4, Spotlight
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Матэ Дина Алексеевна

Тест 8 класс модуль 4, Spotlight


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Предварительный просмотр:

Модуль 4

8 класс

1. Choose the right answer and translate into Russian.

  1. The music programme (is watched / watched) by millions of people.
  2. The Mona Liza (painted / was painted) by Leonardo da Vinchi.
  3. The new theatre (be built / will be built) next month.
  4. New pop groups (are much spoken / is much spoken) about among young people.
  5. Alexander Pushkin’s first poem (was written / written) when he was fourteen.
  6. The e-mails (be sent / will be sent) by Tom tomorrow.
  7. The exam (was finished / were finished) three hours ago.
  8.  Berlin (visited / is visited) by hundreds of tourists every year.
  9. The dinner (be / will be) ready in half an hour (через пол часа).
  10. The book (wrote/was written) by Tolstoy.
  11. The house (bought/was bought) by my cousin.
  12. Local police (have been arrested/have arrested) the robber.
  13. I (arrived/was arrived) last weekend.
  14. The room (will clean/will be cleaned) tomorrow.
  15. Tom (has lost/has been lost) his pen.

2. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

  1. Mary always (to ask) at the lessons.
  2. I (to ask) at the last English lesson.
  3. My parents house (to finish) next year.
  4. The cat (to find) by my brother yesterday.
  5.  This essay (to do) tomorrow.
  6. The text (to translate) at the previous lesson.
  7. Lots of trees (to plant) by students every autumn.
  8. Many interesting games always (to play) at our lessons.
  9. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow.
  10. We (to invite) to the theatre last Sunday.
  1. Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. (7−8 предложений). 

      — the place

      — the action

  — the person's appearance

      — whether you like the picture or not

      — why

Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

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