Презентация ТВ урока. Английский язык 11 класс. Путешествия.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)

Маматова Людмила Салиховна


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Hello students. My name is Ludmila Salikhovna. Welcome to the English lesson. I hope my lesson will be useful for you and please be ready with tablets.  Let’s start our lesson with questions. СЛАЙД 1. Use this QR code to get website. Open the box. You have 10 seconds for each answer.

Good job.

Students, what word does come into your mind after this task? How do you think what are we going to speak about?

You are right the theme of our lesson is ‘’Travellings” . СЛАЙД

СЛАЙД In today’s lesson we will:

1) discuss the means of transport and places for visiting;

2) do the tasks;

3) do revision exercises.

So the aim of our lesson is to sum up your knowledge on the topic ‘Travel’.

СЛАЙД Students, find synonyms to word “travelling”.

What's the difference between these words? "trip, travel, journey, tour, voyage"?

Trip: "A journey or excursion, especially for pleasure".

Travel. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as being "the action of travelling", especially abroad.

Journey. "An act of travelling from one place to another".

Tour. "A journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited".

Voyage. "A long journey involving travel by sea or in space".

Nowadays a lot of people can afford to travel around the world. We are going to name different ways of travelling. You are to answer the question about your favourite ones.

СЛАЙД  How do you travel?

What are your favourite ways of travelling? Example: I prefer travelling by/on

I  prefer travelling by car, because it gives the freedom of movement.

I prefer travelling by train because it’s the most convenient and not expensive.

I prefer travelling by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way of travelling.

I prefer travelling by bus because it's cheap .

I prefer travelling on foot because it is environmentally friendly.

You have 30 seconds to make sentences.Lets check it.

Good job.

As for me I prefer travelling by plane because it is so exciting.

What do you think about travelling by plane? What are the advantages (disadvantages)?

You have 1 minute to answer. Lets check it.

1) It is faster than other means of transport.

2) It is the most comfortable way of travelling.

7) You can get any country that is not always accessible by other means of transport.

3) Turbulence can also spoil the flight.

4) There are usually long queues at the check-in.

5) Airplane tickets can be extremely expensive. 

6) You luggage can be lost.

Good job.

The world is filled with such a wide variety of wonderful destinations and beautiful places to visit. Find out what country is speaking about having only one sentence. You have a few minutes to do this task.

1. There is the biggest carnival in the world with two million people per day on the streets.    Brasil

2. These must-see sites for any visitor include the Colosseum and adjacent Roman Forum.     Italy

3. New Delhi is the capital of this country.        India

4. It is the largest country in the world.            Russia

5. The Great Wall  is the largest monument of architecture.    China

Tick these countries on the map. Use this QR code to get website. You have 30 seconds to do this task.


You know there are certain places around the world that are surrounded by mystery because they contain the remains of lost civilizations. What are they? You should match descriptions with their pictures. You have a few minutes to do this task.


Easter Island

It is an island and special territory of Chile in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. It is most famous for its nearly 1,000 extant monumental statues, called moai, which were created by the early Rapa Nui people.

Kailasa Temple   It is an ancient Shiva temple in  India.

Machu Picchu It is a 15th-century Inca citadel, located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru.

Delphi    It is the ancient town and seat of the most important Greek temple and oracle of Apollo.

Well done.

Students, answer. What should you do before visiting another country?

СЛАЙД  Complete the quest using this QR code to get website. 

You have a few minutes to do this task. Brilliant.

Students, before doing the next exercise, let us revise. СЛАЙД 

What does the word ‘inversion’ mean?

When we can invert the subject and the auxiliary verb in a sentence to give emphasis.

We can go ahead and book the holiday, but only if you agree. Only if  you agree, can we go ahead and book the holiday.

We enjoyed our holiday in Spain so much that we booked again for next year. So enjoyable was ourс holiday in Spain that we booked again for next year.

Good job, students

Students listen to the audio and take statements for speakers. You have 45 seconds to look through sentences. Use one statement for each speaker. You have a few minutes to do this task.

1. The speaker liked the panorama in front of the hotel.

2. The speaker talks about having problems with police on arrival.

3. The speaker had a hard time finding his way to the hotel.

4. The speaker tells how to save money while visiting an expensive place.

5. The speaker gives advice on choosing a place to stay at while travelling.

6. The speaker found the view from his hotel room awful.











Dear students today we have

1) discussed the means of transport and places for visiting;

2) did the tasks;

3) did revision exercises.

Our lesson is coming to the end. What words come into your mind after our lesson. Use this QR code to get website in order to leave your emotions.

Our lesson is over . Good bye students.

Надеюсь, урок вам понравился. Если у вас возникнут вопросы, вы в любое время можете вернуться к презентации, перейдя по этой ссылке.


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