Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous 8 класс Проверочная работа
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous 8 класс Проверочная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Complete sentences using Past Perfect and translate them
  1. When I came home,____________.
  2. By the time my mother returned, I ___________.
  3. She started to watch a movie after __________.
  4. By the age of 12, I __________.
  5. We were happy because __________.
  6. When I arrived _________.

  1. Use the verbs in brackets to write sentences. Use Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
  1. He (to play) tennis for an hour before she came.  
  2. Mr. Bush (to work) as a tamer for twenty years before he left his job. 
  3. By 7 o’clock the rain (to stop).
  4. They (to wait) for twenty minutes when the bus arrived.
  5. She was late because she (to miss) the bus.
  6. My friend got a bad mark for his test because he (to make) a lot of mistakes in it.
  7. Jane looked tired because she (to draw) a new picture all day.
  8. We were very hungry because we (to work) all day without lunch.
  9. I (to drive) for five hours when suddenly the car broke down.
  10. I didn’t get a good mark because I (to leave) my exercise-book at home.


  1. Past Perfect had V3
  2. 1. Had been playing

2.had been working

3. had stopped

4. had been waiting

5. had missed

6. had made

7. had been drawing

8. had been working

9. had been driving

10. had left

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