Грамматические формы (глагол, существительное, прилагательное, местоимение) для ОГЭ и ЕГЭ,
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)

Овчинникова Екатерина Борисовна

Огромное задание на грамматические формы. Уместно в конце курса, когда пройдены все основные грамматические темы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Use the correct grammar forms of the words in brackets to complete the gaps.

  1. I grew up in a village _______________ (surround) by stunning mountains. There was a castle in the village. Nobody knew when exactly the castle _______________ (build). It _______________ (believe) to be  haunted.
  2. Ann refused _______________ (explain) to us why she _______________ (quit) her job. She's the _______________ (secretive) person I _______________ (ever /  meet) in my entire life.
  3. - I think my English teacher hates me. She _______________ (always / pick) on me, which is rather annoying. - If I _______________ (be) you, I _______________ (talk) with her.
  4. Sometimes _______________ (work) as a primary school teacher can be _______________ (stressful) than working as an FBI agent.
  5. - Why _______________ (you / cry)? - I _______________ (fail) my History exam. - You wouldn't have failed it if you _______________ (revise) for it properly.
  6. - Is this your umbrella? It looks exactly like _______________ (I). - I _______________ (buy) it last week after _______________ (lose) my old  one.
  7. Yoga _______________ (become) very popular recently. More and more people _______________ (take) it up.
  8. - I _______________ (try) to lose weight since the beginning of April. - It's no use _______________ (work) out if you keep _______________ (eat) so much fast food.
  9. Jane _______________ (wake) up in the dead of night. Her _______________ (neighbor) dog _______________ (bark) loudly in the back yard. She _______________ (look) out of the window and _______________ (see) that somebody _______________ (cut) down the old apple tree.
  10. - Where's Tom? I _______________ (not / see) him for days. - He _______________ (leave) for Paris on Sunday. He told me he _______________ (spend) a month there.
  11. The doctor advised me _______________ (take) more exercise. He also said that _______________ (eat) healthily was crucial.
  12. By 2008, my elder brother _______________ (travel) to all the countries in South America. He can't imagine his life without _______________ (take) risks.
  13. Oliver Twist _______________ (write) by Charles Dickens. I  _______________ (read) it twice.
  14. Sarah entered the room _______________ (smile) happily. She said that she _______________ (find) a well-paid job abroad.
  15. I _______________ (not / tell) you the truth unless you _______________ (promise) to keep it secret.
  16. Five valuable paintings _______________ (steal) from the Hermitage. Police  _______________ (still / look) for clues.
  17. I'll never forget _______________ (meet) Tom for the first time in my life. It _______________ (happen) in 2015. I _______________ (walk) home in the evening when a stranger _______________ (smile) at me and suggested _______________ (have) dinner in a fancy restaurant.
  18. I _______________ (not / want) to sleep now. I _______________ (drink) too much coffee.
  19. We _______________ (walk) for a couple of hours when we saw a mountain _______________ (cover) in unusual trees. We decided _______________ (explore) it.
  20. Ann denies _______________ (see) Jack. She insists that she _______________ (sleep)  when Jack _______________ (come) home.
  21. We'd better _______________ (get) a taxi now. My train _______________ (leave) at 5 p.m. I _______________ (be) very upset if I _______________ (miss) it.
  22. I can't do this task _______________ (I). I _______________ (never / do) such difficult tasks before and I'm afraid _______________ (make) stupid mistakes.
  23. I wish I _______________ (not / be) so rude to Jane yesterday. She _______________ (not / talk) with me now.
  24. Tom _______________ (be) depressed since he _______________ (lose) his job in August. I wish I _______________ (can) help him to find a new one.
  25. It's worth _______________ (learn) a foreign language if you're planning _______________ (travel) a lot in the future.
  26. Ann _______________ (garden) while her children _______________ (play) football in the back yard. Suddenly they all _______________ (hear) a strange noise in the street.
  27. - Where's Jack? - He _______________ (question) by a police officer now. An old lady has accused him of _______________ (burgle) her house.
  28. Beware. There're a lot of _______________ (mouse) and _______________ (cockroach) in the basement.
  29. The old factory in my neighborhood _______________ (sell) to a German company 5 years ago. They still _______________ ( not / renovate) the building.
  30. It's a shame my husband works so much. If he _______________ (not / go) to work every day, we _______________ (spend) more time together.
  31. I can't stand _______________ (drive) to work in the morning because traffic is pretty heavy. I wish more people _______________ (use) public transport instead of _______________ (crawl) along the streets in their own cars.
  32. I _______________ (not / eat) anything since 6 a.m. I fancy _______________ (have) something to eat.
  33. Thanks a million, John. You're the  _______________ (kind) person I know. I wouldn't have completed this project if you _______________ (not / help) me.
  34. You _______________ (make) significant progress since the beginning of the term. Your marks _______________ (get) better and better.
  35. The teacher threatened _______________ (call) my parents if I didn't stop _______________ (misbehave).
  36. Ann stopped _______________ (have) a quick coffee on her way to work. While sipping her coffee she decided that she _______________ (find) another job.
  37. Tom is one of the _______________ (good) students in his school and he isn't used to _______________ (tell) off by his teachers.
  38. Mary  _______________ (choose) an outfit for the party when she _______________ (decide) to stay at home. She knew that her decision _______________ (upset) some friends of _______________ (she), but she didn't care.
  39. Look at the girl who _______________ (wear) a beautiful green dress. _______________ (you / ever / meet) her before?
  40. If only my teachers _______________ (not / tell) me off all the time. I'm fed up with _______________ (treat) like a brainless child.

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