The Secret of a Long Life. Аудирование.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Овчинникова Екатерина Борисовна

Разработанный мной урок, целью которого является развитие навыков аудироваия.


Предварительный просмотр:

CELTA TP Lesson Plan

NAME: Ekaterina Ovchinnikova



DAY: Wednesday

LEVEL: Upper-Intermediate


TP No.:8

TUTOR: Slava

TOPIC/THEME: (e.g. Holidays, Weather, Sport, etc.)

The secret of a long life

LESSON FOCUS: (e.g. Grammar/Speaking, Reading/Vocab, etc.)


AIMS (What do you intend the learners to get out of the lesson?)


  • Enhance students’ listening for gist, listening for specific information and listening for detail skills.


  • To provide Ss with speaking practice in the context of tips on living a longer life.


  • To reduce TTT (To STOP REPEATING instructions, to avoid running commentary, echoing).
  • To provide Ss with CLEAR instructions which sound NATURAL.
  • To try and regroup Ss more purposefully.

GROUP PROFILE: (include number of Ss, gender ratio, nationalities, strong vs. weak Ss, motivation, interests, class dynamics, etc.)

There are nine people in the group (8 women, one man). The group is monolingual, their L1 being Russian. Some of them are learning English for extrinsic reasons (work, the necessity to do IELTS), but most of them are learning English for intrinsic reasons such as travelling, socializing with foreigners, reading unabridged books and watching films. All of them have been to English speaking countries. All the students come across as friendly, motivated and responsive people. They also seem supportive of each other when working in pairs or in groups. My overall idea of the group level is that each person’s level is quite the same, with the exception of Nadia, who sometimes struggles to word her thoughts and makes multiple grammar mistakes.

ASSUMPTIONS: (what language do you expect students to know that you are (not) planning to teach? What language items have students looked at in previous classes that are relevant to your aims? Students' interest/general knowledge in relation to the material/context? etc.)

  • I assume that the Ss will find the topic of the text (living a longer life) quite engaging.
  • I hope the Ss will enjoy the follow-up activity I have designed for the lesson.
  • I will play the recording three times throughout the class and hope that even the weakest Ss will be able to understand quite a lot.

TIMETABLE FIT: (how does your lesson link to/build on other lessons? - consider what your fellow trainees have taught or will teach and how it can be relevant to your lesson in terms of language, skills or topic)

My lesson loosely links to Elena’s TP 7, at the end of which the Ss discussed regrets elderly people might have.

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: (List any potential problems for learners with language/tasks/classroom management issues and show how you plan to deal with these potential problems, see the example below)

  • Problem 1: I always face the problem of regrouping people, especially in groups with the odd number of students, which is exactly the case. Plus some Ss feel bored when talking to each other and quickly run out of conversation.
  • Solution 1: I can use an extra chair and at some point of the lesson ask one student to sit on the extra chair next to a student on the opposite end of the row of desk, which will enable me to have new pairs and a new group of three.  I can also group the Ss PURPOSEFULLY using coloured stickers.
  • Problem 2: There are some vocabulary items in the recording which Ss might be unfamiliar with.
  • Solution 2: I pre-teach the words LONGEVITY, GENE
  • I might get nervous/carried away and mess the instructions up again.
  • I’ve scripted all of my instructions.
  • I’m teaching first tonight. There might be latecomers.
  • The Qs for lead-in will be provided on the wall (PowerPoint presentation). I’ll prepare all the HOs for this student in advance.

SOURCES OF MATERIALS: (What course books, listening materials, texts, internet sites etc. are you going to use?) For the lesson I used  Move Upper-Intermediate SB (p.10), self-designed HO-s plus self-designed Power-Point presentations, for HOs and Power-Point presentations I used pictures from the following websites:,


TP No.:









  • To generate students’ interest.
  • To establish the contest.
  1. Show students a PowerPoint presentation with some photos of Elizabeth II and Churchill and ask them if the Ss recognize them and if they know how old these people are.
  2. Have students discuss the questions on the next slide (about the oldest people they know).
  3. WCF.

6 min

(18.30 – 18.36)




Pre-teaching potentially blocking vocab.

  • To ensure Ss have the vocab needed to complete the tasks.
  1. I pre-teach LONGEVITY, GENES.

2 min

(18.36 – 18.38)



  • To activate the students’ background knowledge.
  1. Ss get a HO with two lists: things which make our life shorter and things which make our life longer.
  2. Ss work individually and choose three things for each category which have the biggest effect on one’s longevity.
  3. Ss compare their answers in pairs.
  4. WCF.

5 min

(18.38 – 18.43)





Listening for gist.

  • To enhance students’ listening for gist skills.

  1. Ss listen to the recording (3 min 20 sec) and tick those things from the prediction task which are mentioned in the track.
  2. Ss discuss their answers in pairs (1 min).
  3. WCF.

5 min






Listening for specific information.

  • To enhance students’ listening for specific information skills.
  1. Ss look at 5 different ages.
  2. Ss listen to the recording again and decide in what way these ages are significant for Maurice. ( I WON’T PLAY THE WHOLE RECORDING THIS TIME, ONLY 2 min 32 sec)
  3. Ss discuss their answers in pairs.
  4. WCF. (PowerPoint presentation)

6 min

(18.48 – 18.54)





Listening for detail.

  • To enhance students’ listening for detail skills.
  1. Ss read the 8 statements on the HO. (30 sec)
  2. Ss listen to the recording again and decide which statements are true and which statements are false (3 min 20 sec)
  3. Ss discuss the statements in pairs. (3 min)
  4. WCF. (3 min)

10 min






  • To Ss with speaking practice in the context of the topic of the lesson.
  • To improve students’ speaking fluency.
  1. Ss look at the 3 questions on the HO and think of their answers. (1 min)
  2. Ss work in groups of three and talk about their answers. (5 min)
  3. WCF: ask the Ss to share about the most interesting pieces of information they’ve learnt about their partners. (2 min)

8 min





Error correction.

  • To deal with the most common mistakes which students made during the lesson.
  • To raise students’ language awareness.
  1. Write some of the most common mistakes on the board and elicit corrections from the students.

3 min


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Self-designed ©

Слайд 2

Self-designed ©

Слайд 3

How old is the oldest person you know? What did he/she do when he/she was younger? What’s his/her life like now? Adapted from Move Upper-Intermediate SB (p.10) ©

Слайд 4

Maurice is 102 now. Maurice started learning English in his eighties . Maurice got his first computer on his 100 th birthday . Maurice gave up smoking when he was 33 . Maurice retired at the age of 65 .

Предварительный просмотр:

Ex.1. In the lists below you have things  which add years to your life and things which take years off your life. Choose three things for each category which have the biggest effect on your longevity.

Image result for happy emoji

  • Good friends
  • Owning a pet
  • High social class
  • Happy marriage
  • Positive personality
  • Good diet

Image result for sad emoji

  • Heavy drinking
  • Unhappy marriage
  • Excessive using of gadgets
  • Being overweight
  • Living in a big city
  • Smoking

Danse de couple senior Banque d'images - 45674364

Ex.2. Look at the different ages below. Listen to the recording again and decide in what way these ages are significant for Maurice.

  1. 102

4) 33

2) In his eighties

3) 100

5) 65

Предварительный просмотр:

Ex.3. Listen to the track again and decide if the statements are True () or False (×). Correct the false statements. Take notes to justify your opinions.Image result for True or false

  1. Maurice owned the first car in his village.
  2. Nowadays Maurice gets his exercise by cycling.
  3. Maurice talks with his friends on the phone to keep his mind active.
  4. Maurice uses the Internet.
  5. Maurice has never drunk alcohol.
  6. Maurice played football for a living.
  7. Maurice's an only child.
  8. Maurice thinks that the secret of his longevity is to do with his inner self.

Ex.4. Think of the answers to the questions below. Then work with your partner and discuss your ideas.Image result for discussion

  1. Maurice talks about every opportunity to do something new. When did you last do something for the first time?
  2. Think of three things you would like to do you have never done before.
  3. Is there anything you would like to change about your lifestyle?

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