Тексты для чтения
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Уроки чтения в 5 классе


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Билет № 1.

1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.

My parents and I are fond of travelling. We like to travel in all the four seasons: in spring and autumn, in summer and in winter. We like to travel in spring because in spring nature awakens from her long winter sleep. There is fresh green grass in the fields and in the forests, in the gardens and in the parks. The leaves on the trees are fresh and green too. The sky is blue. It gets warmer and warmer every day. The birds sing their spring songs.

We like to travel in summer when the weather gets still warmer. Sometimes it is very hot in summer. Then you can swim in the river, in the lake or in the sea. The field sand the forests are full of different flowers. Summer is a wonderful season.

Autumn is beautiful, too. The forests and the gardens get yellow, red and brown. Autumn is a “tasty” season: there are a lot of fruit and vegetables in the gardens and a lot of berries and mushrooms in the forests.

And, of course, we like to travel in winter, when everything is white with snow. Then we like to ski down the mountains and hills. And skate in the parks. The air is so fresh in winter.

So when you go travelling you can see that nature is full of wonders in all the seasons.

  1. Does the family like to travel?
  2. Why do they like to travel in summer?
  3. Why do they like to travel in autumn?
  4. Why do they like to travel in winter?
  5. Why do they like to travel in spring?

Билет № 2.

1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.

My name is Pete. I live in Moscow. I am a schoolboy. I am not eight, I am ten now. In Russia school begins on the first of September. Today is the first of September. So I am at school again. But I am not in the fourth form; I am in the fifth form. My school friends are in the fifth form, too. I am very glad to see my friends and teachers again. Today is Monday. We have five lessons: Russian, English, Maths, Literature and PT. I like Russian and English lessons. In the English lessons we speak English, learn poems, write English words, read English texts and play games. I like my school very much.

  1. Where does the boy live?
  2. How old is the boy?
  3. What form is the boy in?
  4. How many lessons has Pete on Monday?
  5. What subjects does Pete like?

  1. Билет № 10.
  2. 1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.
  3. Tom’s Dream.
  4. Tom Brown was 6 years old. He lived at 27, Green Square in a little town in the South of England. Tom’s mother was a secretary. She was a typist too. Tom was a nice little boy. He was dark-haired, with a funny round face and a kind smile. He wasn’t short and he wasn’t tall. He was very sweet.
  5. His mother was about 30. She was a tall, slim woman, fair-haired with large brown eyes and a kind smile. She loved her little son very much. One morning When Tom finished breakfast his mother suggested him to go to the zoo. Tom was very happy. He loved animals and was fond of going to the zoo.
  6. He said to his mummy, that he dreamed about the zoo last night.
  7. His mother smiled and asked him what did he do in the zoo in his dream.
  8. Tom laughed and said that his mummy was in his dream too”.
  9. 1. How old was Tom Brown?
  10. 2. What boy was Tom?
  11. 3. What was his mother?
  12. 4. Why did Tom like to go to the zoo?
  13. 5. What did Tom dream about last night?
  14. Билет № 3.
  15. 1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.
  16. A Good Friend.
  17. The dog and her four little puppies live in a dog-house. There is a box near the dog-house. The cat and her two little kittens live in this box.
  18. One day the cat goes for a walk and does not come back. The kittens looked for it everywhere. They asked everybody about it, but nobody knows where it was.
  19. The dog was sorry for them and I wanted to help. The dog invited to live in its house. It has four children – four little puppies. Now kittens became its children too, it became their mother. Its puppies are their brothers and sisters.
  20. Now the two kittens live in the dog-house. They are very glad. They have nice brothers and sisters and a very kind mother.
  21. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  22. 1. Where does the dog live?
  23. 2. How many puppies does the dog have?
  24. 3. Where does the cat live?
  25. 4. How many kittens does the cat have?
  26. 5. Where do the kittens live now?
  27. Билет № 4.
  28. 1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.
  29. Harry’s Birthday.
  30. Yesterday it was the twenty-sixth of October. It was Harry’s birthday. Early in the morning Mummy and Daddy came into his room and сongratulated him with his birthday. There are three little presents for him in the kitchen.
  31. So, Harry got up quickly and ran to the living-room. He opened the door and saw the presents on the table. Mummy gave him a book. Daddy gave him a new toy-car. His sister gave him a box of sweets.
  32. In the afternoon there was a birthday party. At three o’clock Harry’s friends came. They brought him a lot of presents.
  33. They played games in Harry’s room. At half past four Harry’s mother asked them to come to the living-room. On the table there was a big birthday cake with ten candles in it. Mother gave children tea, cakes, sweets, fruit and a lot of other tasty things.
  34. Harry liked his birthday very much.
  35. 1. When did Harry have his birthday?
  36. 2. What did his mother give him?
  37. 3. What did his father give him?
  38. 4. What did his sister give him?
  39. 5. What was there in the afternoon?
  40. Билет № 5.
  41. 1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.
  42. Halloween.
  43. There is a nice holiday for children in Great Britain and in America Halloween. It’s on the thirty – first of October.
  44. In the evening boys and girls put on different old and funny clothes.
  45. People put pumpkins on the window-sills. They draw eyes, noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them. So the pumpkin looks like a face.
  46. The children go from house to house and knock at the doors. They say, “Trick or treat”. People ask them to come into their houses and give them sweets, fruit, cakes and other tasty things.
  47. This is a nice, gay and tasty holiday.
  48. 1. What holiday do children in Great Britain and America have on the 31st of October?
  49. 2. What do boys and girls put on in the evening?
  50. 3. What do people put on the window – sills?
  51. 4. What do children say on this holiday?
  52. 5. What do people give children?

Билет № 6.

1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.

The Petrov Family.

The Petrov family is large. They are a family of seven. The mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. The father is an engineer. He works in a plant. They have two sons and two daughters. The elder son is a worker. He likes his work very much. The younger son studies at school. He is a very good pupil. He is fond of playing chess and reading books. The elder daughter is a pupil too. She likes to play the piano and to draw. The youngest girl is only six. She is not a pupil. She is a lively beautiful child. She likes to dance.

In the evening the Petrovs like to sit together in the living-room. The Petrovs are a happy, friendly family.

1. Is the Petrov family big or small?

2. How many are they?

3. What are the parents?

4. What does the family like to do in the evening?

5. What family is the Petrovs?

Билет № 7.

1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.

Dear pen – friend,

My name is Natasha. I am in the fifth form. I think I am a good pupil. I like English, Art and History. This year we have a school uniform. It’s quite nice. Blue skirts and coats, with white blouses for girls. My hobbies are foreign languages and tennis.

I live in Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities and towns in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It’s a big city. The streets are wide and long in Moscow. In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses. Some people like to live in the country. In the country you can see green fields and hills, long rivers and green gardens with apple trees. Our country is beautiful!

Come and see us. Best wishes,


1. What subjects does Natasha like?

2. Does Natasha like her school uniform?

3. What country is Russia?

4. What is the capital of Russia?

5. What can you see in Moscow?

Билет № 8.

1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.

The hedgehog. (ёжик)

Jane was a girl of seven. She had a brother, Tom by name. They lived in a village. There was a large garden round their house.

One day in summer, when the school was over, the children found a small hedgehog in their garden. They took him home and called him Prickles. They liked Prickles very much and were very kind to him. They played with him in the garden and he became their pet.

At first Prickles was afraid of people and hid in dark parts of the house, but as he grew older, he grew braver. The children taught him to drink milk and to eat meat and bread. Soon Prickles learned to answer to his name and ran to the children when they called him.

Autumn came. Tom and Jane went to school. They had very little free time now, but they were always happy to play a little with their pet after school.

1. Who lived in the village?

2. What was there round their house?

3. What did the children find one summer day?

4. How did they call him?

5. What did the children do with their pet?

Билет № 9.

1. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы к нему.

In the Circus.

One day a circus comes to town. Many people go to see the show. It is very interesting. The people like the show. They like the acrobats and the clown. They like the lions and their tamer. (укротитель)

Every evening an old gentleman comes to the show. He comes to see only the lions and then goes away. The tamer wants to know why the old gentleman comes to see only the lions. One day he comes up to him and asks:

- I see you at the show every evening. Do you like circus very much?

- No, I don’t, - answer the old gentleman.

- Then I think you like lions and my work with them, don’t you?

- No, it is not interesting. It’s dull.

- Then why do you come to the circus every day? – asks the tamer.

- I want to see when the lions will eat you up, - answers the old gentleman.

1. What comes to town one day?

2. Why do people go to the show?

3. Who comes to the show every evening?

4. What does he come to see?

5. Why does he come to see only the lions?

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